0.4.5 Binding Movement

When binding your movement is almost randomized.
It’s tough to move the way you want…

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This is a known issue:

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I wanted to post a bug report on the binding problems but noticed that the past few reports were on this very problem. To give a little info on the problem, any time i bind cells together movement completely breaks. I always move directly away from the cursor. Any time i try to move with the wasd it gets really wonky and i just kinda shake around. Also, the cells will randomly fall off of the cluster (which i can never get over 3 or 4 because of this very issue). This seems to have something to do with collision, but it still happens when im in the clear. Any cells that fall off remain stationary and still activate binding and engulf mode (untested for engulf) when pressed. Keep up the great work and i hope we can get this bug sorted out soon so i can build a super colony :+1:

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There’s an open pull request where this issue is trying to be fixed: