Alien ants

isnt that just mole rats?

Mole rats are useless, they don’t work together as well as a eusocial species should, the queens brithrate is too low, and they don’t do anything that a dozen sociable ferrets couldn’t do better.

Counter point: Mole rats are immune to cancer

Exactly, why waste epicness on a power that benefits the individual when you are eusocial, massive waste,

Because you don’t care what humans think

Humans aren’t eusocial, it’d be great if we could avoid cancer, like, out special ability is sorta accumulating knowledge over our lifetimes, lengthening them would be great. Same for most birds or apex predators. But eusocial creatures run on pure teamwork and there is no I in team. They’d be much better off with quick replacement of workers.

That’s what a human thinks

I think alien ants are a requirement for any sci-fi setting

this while be like a collony tycoon thing but ants i feel like il be playing empire of the undergrouth in space now