Ancestors that stick around

I had already fixed it, but there hadn’t been a new discourse update so the new censor plugin version wasn’t in use yet.

I just updated it. Let’s see about the accuracy of my changes…

The accuracy of the changes you’ve made seems very accurate! Thanks!

(Sorry I had originally replied in the wrong thread. I will edit to my opinions on this topic:)

Ancestors should stick around because the goal of sucessful life is to diversify. LUCA isn’t sucessful as a single species but as the ancestor of all possible life.

The cell editor already allows to lose organelles, and the AI already has double mutation rate.

So, even your ancestors can look very dissimilar from you.

The most unrealistic part of the game is how you add chloroplast to light gathering on the surface, and your cousins in the abyss and hydrothermal vents automagically get chloroplasts too… and die.

Yeah, this is not very “established facts”.

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I ALWAYS have to evolve to become a plant because if I don’t auto-evo won’t do it for me. Then I’m stuck as a plant because everything obviously is eating my species, and if I change to become a predator, there’s nothing producing glucose at all and we all die simultaneously. I don’t know why auto-evo never produces plants for me but it just doesn’t, so I have to take the fall and then I can’t even go back on it and become a predator because then EVERYTHING is a predator.

The exception is when I become a predatory plant. Then there’s still producers. But then because I’m predatory I need to eat a lot to survive… and so then I become too good at killing everything… so then nothing is able to eat my cells… and then it’s back to being unable to be a predator, because now I myself, despite being a plant, am starving to death. Nothing is eating me so nothing is getting glucose so I’m not getting the energy I need to live unless I make myself able to fully depend on photosynthesis, in which case there’s no reason for me to be predatory. :confused:


what settings do you typically play on?

Since the player is LUCA, can all species be considered as player species? So is it more meaningful to consider the biomass of the entire ecosystem than considering the number of a specific species? For early games, creating a complete and diverse ecosystem may be more meaningful. This way, players will no longer be troubled by the number of specific species.

Alternatively, before the Awakening Stage, players should not be fixed to a specific species. According to Thrive’s classification, plants have been stuck in the Multicellar Stage without developing a nervous system (or even without a system). The differentiation of animals, fungi and plants is far earlier than the birth of Multicellular organism. If a player attempts to evolve plants, their species will no longer be able to enter the Aware/Awakening Stage (Plant civilization seems to have been vetoed), perhaps allowing for species replacement?

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i know how to work around not being able to become aware as a plant

what is it?

You can have normal plants, except they have brains, and grow animals that get energy directly from them. The animals could be pretty stupid and simply obey the plants. This could evolve by starting with normal fruit trees, except animal population in the area is declining, so there isn’t anything to transport the tree seeds, although some trees end up evolving airborne, wind blown seeds, another type evolves so the fruits have a simple leg, and have leaves to sustain themselves for longer, this allows the fruits to travel until they die or get stuck, which lets seeds travel further than the airborne ones, so that species spreads quite quickly, but since the fruits can easily get stuck, they evolve a proper brain, eyes, and 3 more legs, the trees themselves evolve to have a brain connecting to their fruit, to tell them where to go, the fruits then evolve to have manipulatory appendages, although they aren’t used for that much manipulation, mostly climbing, and then the trees finally evolve sapience, but even with all this it still is kinda inefficient, so the trees would evolve to reconnect to the fruits, and give them more energy to survive, and new orders.

Yeah, I know this is a really wierd way, and there are definitely better ways to go about this, but whatever.


I’m sorry if this is a little unrelated, but your description of the plant species reminds me of The Gord from Humanity Lost. Both your description and the Gord are really fascinating to think about!

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what i was thinking is basically just a tree that grows insectoid seeds with brains and all the machinery of an animal with active breathing and the seeds can eat on their own and when the seed succumbs to clinical death for long enough for the muscles to die or when the muscles stop moving for long enough the spore of the plant inside the seed exits cryptobiosis and starts growing into a new tree, that’s specifically for if only having solid membranes in a life stage makes you unable to make neurons in it though


Transforming reproductive organs into individuals? Jellyfish actually do something similar. The polymorphism of Lnidaria.

These discussions are off topic.

The key to preserving ancestors is that new species may not necessarily completely eliminate their ancestors. Especially for Prokaryote with Asexual reproduction, gene diffusion is too violent.

The biggest issue at present is the contradiction between players’ pursuit of the number of their own species and the destruction of ecological diversity caused by a large number of single player species. This often leads to the collapse of the entire ecosystem and the extinction of player species, or players being stuck on producers.


i had a playthrough where a cell autoevoed off of me and because of that it had a nucleus

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Yes, that’s to be expected. Eukaryotes evolve just the same as other cells. Eventually, Thrive will have multicelled lifeforms evolving from the player’s species.