Choose Your Own Adventure( Homo Perfectus 2) (DEAD)

I’m Going to Play A Choose Your Own Adventure Game And You Going To Decide My Fate,Vote for the Option you want to choose.This Story We Are Going To Play Is Call Spy Mission.

Walking Home

“Another day, another dollar,” you think as you trudge out the door from your job. You really don’t like working there, but at least they pay you…a little. Finally you’ve made it to the weekend, so you at least get to look forward to a couple days off from work.

You get in your car and drive out of the parking lot at work only to come to an almost immediate stop as you hit the traffic. It is like this every day, but Fridays are always the worst. You reach to turn the radio on, but then remember that you still haven’t had time (or money) to get that fixed. You look out the window and just see the line of cars moving slowly…

Finally you get home, and you’re hungry. You should have stopped for something on the way home, but you just wanted to get out of that traffic and out of the car. When you arrive at the apartment parking lot, you sigh when you realize that you’re late, so everyone else will be parked in the good spots. You circle the building once before you give up and park in the “remote” lot. Hey, at least you’re home and work is over.

As you trudge towards your apartment building, you see a small brown box sitting on the edge of the sidewalk, right near where you parked. Looking around, you don’t see anyone else at the moment. You can’t tell if the box was left there on purpose, or if someone accidentally left it behind.

  • Ignore it and head home…
  • Pick it up and keep walking home…
  • Open up the box and look inside it…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Ignore it and head home…

At Your Apartment

You walk across the sidewalks and towards your apartment. You can feel the heat coming off all the cars that got to park closer to the building than you did because of that traffic. Most of the cars here are older cars, some with dents and cracked windows, just like yours. You’ll earn enough one day to get a better car, you’re sure of it, just not any time soon.

You start up the stairs to your apartment. When you rented this place, the $200 discount for taking the fourth floor apartment seemed like a good idea. Of course, that was before you found out the apartment above you had kids, and you still had to walk up all these stairs because the elevator was at the other end of the building. Maybe you would win the lottery, then you could build your own house where you wanted it to be: and you weren’t going to have any stairs in the entire house!

You unlock your apartment and step inside. The air is pretty stale, since the management makes you pay if you leave the A/C on all day. You know without looking that the refrigerator has nothing but some old catchup. But hey, you did get paid today, so you’re going to order some take-out! Just before you get to the phone to place an order, the phone starts ringing.

  • Ignore the phone…
  • Answer the phone…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Answer the phone…

A Voice on the Phone

You trudge over to the phone and pick it up. You say, “Road-kill grill: You kill 'em we grill 'em” (like you usually do). There is a moment of silence, then you hear a clearly computerized voice:

“Now is the time. The location is 841 South Dergible Road. Do you copy?”

You pause for a moment and wonder what this could be about. Finally you stutter, “I’m sorry, I think you have the wrong number.”

The computerize voice replies, “No. This is a direct line. The message is clear: now is the time. The location is 841 Dergible Road. Again, do you copy?”

“I… I… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Repeating for the final time: now is the time. The location is 841 Dergible Road. Out.”

The line immediately goes dead. You are standing in your living room, staring at a dead phone. You try to get the last number off the phone, but it doesn’t show having received any call in the last two days. The address that was mentioned is only a few blocks from your apartment…

  • Go to the Address…
  • Ignore It…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Go to the Address…

Mailboxes, etc.

You find yourself inside the lobby of a 24-hour Mailboxes Etc. store. At the moment, there appears to be no one here. There is a counter with a number of ads and hand-written papers advertising discounts for various types of mailboxes and terms. There is even a scale for weighing mail. On the side wall is a slot labelled “Outgoing mail.”

The floor here is, well, old. It looks like the linoleum floor was once white, but it is a strange grey-brown at the moment, and near one corner is a pile of something that, well, you don’t even want to think about what it might be.

On all the other walls of the room are various mailboxes from very tiny boxes that appear to only hold a letter or two; up to boxes that look so large that you think you might be able to climb inside.

Choice Chosen: Go back home…


You head back home and wonder what could be going on. Was this a joke? Were some of your friends from work trying to put one over on you? Bah, you didn’t want to deal with that now, you’re off work, and you don’t have to go back for another day.

When you get home, it is late, and you just climb into bed with the TV still on…

Choice Chosen: The next morning…

The Next Morning

Your eyes blink open and you look at the ceiling. It is a boring white, like all these apartments, but you’re pretty sure it hasn’t been painted in 10 or more years. You blink and sit up. At least you don’t have to go to work today. Instead, today is relaxation day. First you need to head to the store to stock up on some food, then all bets are off!

You open the door to head downstairs. The day does not match your mood: it is cloudy, cool, and windy outside. In fact, the clouds are getting darker and rolling across the sky as you watch them. You better hurry and get your supplies and get back, or you’re sure this storm will catch you. You trot down the stairs and head into the back lot to your car.

You start to pull out and slam on your brakes when another car starts to back out in front of you. That was close. This is a big apartment building, but you recognize that giant car as that of the old lady who lives on the first floor and does everything slow. You slowly follow her out of the parking lot and are glad when she turns the other way.

You are headed towards the grocery store, but when you take a right in the middle of town, you hear a loud “pop” and feel the car slide underneath you. You limp the car over to the sidewalk and get out to see that yes, you now have a flat tire. That’s the second one this year, and you just remembered that you didn’t replace your spare since the last time.

Fortunately, you have AAA, and you can call them to help you. The overly nice AAA guy on the phone tells you that it will take about an hour, but they’ll be there. You sigh and lean against the hood, thinking about all the food you were going to buy, but will now have to wait.

As you’re sitting there, a black four-door car slams it’s brakes on next to you in a squeal of tires. The back door pops open and you can see a skinny man inside in a dark suit and dark glasses on the far side. He calls out to you, “Get in.”

  • Get in the car…
  • Wait for the tow truck…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Wait for the tow truck…

Standing in Town

You are standing in town next to your car with a flat tire. A car drives past every now and then, but there’s not a lot of activity going on right now. The clouds have started to break up, but it would be a stretch to call it a sunny day yet. At least it’s not hot.

There are two store fronts here where you are standing, a Mailboxes, etc., and a local coffee shop. There is no one in the Mailboxes store, but there are a few different people wandering in and out of the coffee shop, like any other day in any other town.

  • Go into Mailboxes, etc…
  • Go into the coffee shop…

0 voters

Choice Chosen:Go into the coffee shop…

Coffee Shop

As soon as you walk inside the coffee shop, the aroma of fresh coffee assaults your senses. There is a long counter along the left side of the small shop and a few small tables to the right. There are a few round tables along the right side of the room, not all of them empty. There is a small man with a thin beard typing at an old laptop computer, ignoring the room around him.

Before the door shuts, you hear the squeal of tires. A taxi has pulled up outside and the passenger door swings open. The driver is gesturing at you to get inside. You look around to see if he is talking to someone else, but there is no one else looking at him, he is clearly trying to get you to go in the taxi with him.

  • Get in the taxi…
  • Stay where you are…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Stay where you are…

Inside the Coffee Shop

You take a seat inside the coffee shop and the taxi drives away. You wonder what it could have wanted, and why you are suddenly seeing so much attention. As you look around the shop, a fellow typing on his old laptop looks up at you and glares at you before putting his nose back in the machine, the old keys clicking away as he types.

There is little traffic in and out of the coffee shop today, and you wonder when that tow truck will show up. Sometimes you think those tow truck drivers are on their own times and really don’t want to help you out. Then you start to think about how much the tow is going to cost and you realize you really need to buy two tires now: one to replace the flat and another to replace the spare that you haven’t had time to replace. This is really going to cost you.

Choice Chosen: Continue…

Ending #1: Sitting in the Coffee Shop

The barista at the coffee shop glares at you since you have been there for some time and have not ordered any coffee. Yes, there are plenty of empty seats around, but that barista clearly doesn’t want any freeloaders in the shop.

Fortunately for you, about that time the tow truck shows up. The diesel engine clatters and clanks as the bright orange lights spin on the top of the truck. The middle-aged man with the stained white t-shirt steps around to your car and quickly hooks it up to the flatbed of the truck. You head over towards him, but he gestures you back without a word. You ask if you can at least ride in the truck, but he spits on the ground near you and says, “Company Policy.” He climbs back into the truck and drives away, your car sitting firmly on his truck.

You look around the sudden silence and realize that now you’re stuck in town with no car and no life. Then you realize that you’re not even quite sure where the tow truck took your car. Just then there is a sudden boom of thunder and it starts raining. The rain is cold, so you turn up your collar and start walking home. At least you get to go to work again in a couple days…

  • Try Again
  • Try A Different Game

0 voters

NEW GAME: Cryogenic Failure

Waking from a dream

Dreaming… Ice cream. Rivers of chocolate. Sweet smelling candy.

It was so long ago when you entered the space ship. Or wait, was it just yesterday? How long had you been dreaming? This was insanity! You needed to wake up! Or did you? No, perhaps you could just drift off to sleep and dream about sunny days…would you ever see the sun again? No, probably not. But you should see A sun someday, right? Why? …

No, wait, it all was starting to come back to you. You had volunteered. You were one of the very first real space pioneers! “The Program,” as everyone started calling it, was to take you and 249 other people to a distant planet. The astronomers kept calling it MR-2413B, but everyone else called it “New Earth.” It was many hundreds of light-years away from earth, but you were going there. The scientists had assured everyone that the planet had an environment just like earth and that you would be able to settle there. Sure, that solar system had two suns, but New Earth was supposed to be warm and have plenty of oxygen. And you were going there!

It was going to take decades for the ship to arrive at New Earth, so all the people going there (except the ship’s crew) were in cryogenic tubes, frozen to keep them alive, but still young enough to settle when you arrived. When you stepped into the tube, you felt a momentary pain, but then nothing. It has been dark and you have been dreaming, but you have no idea how long it has been. But now you started to feel some pain again! That wasn’t right. You were supposed to remain completely frozen until the ship landed on New Earth. Maybe you were actually there! Perhaps now it was time to start your new life on a truly new planet!

The last thing you remember seeing before your “sleep” was a scientist who was monitoring your vital signs in the tube. He smiled at you as the door to the tube shut and he turned on the cryo-freeze. They told you that when the ship arrived at the new planet that the tubes would be opened and everyone could walk right out of the ship and into the new world. As you started to wake up, you felt some pain from your blood flow expanding across your body.

As you open your eyes, the first thing you notice is that it is not as light as you expected. In fact, things are almost dark. You blink a couple times and try and focus. You can see that you are still inside the ship. That doesn’t seem right, somehow. There is some light, but it is the dim lighting of the ship, and nothing else. You can hear a low hum, something running in the ship, but that is all. You see no other people. You hear nothing else going on. This is not what you expected at all!

You feel pins and needles all over your body, but you force yourself to start using your muscles. With an effort, you reach a hand forward and contact the glass door of the tube. Strangely, the glass moves. You push a little harder and realize that the door of your tube is open. It swings on it’s hinges without a sound and stands open. You take a step forward and your leg holds your weight precariously. Looking around, you can see that you are in the main tube setup room – the room where people went to get placed in their tubes. There is machinery here to move the tubes around. Yours is the only tube here for some reason. You remember that the other tubes were placed in containers to fit as many as possible in the space of the small ship.

There are no windows in the room. You pause and listen carefully, but still cannot hear anyone or anything else. Something is definitely wrong. There should be others here. There should be medical people here to check on you. You should be on the surface of New Earth! But instead you are somewhere in the ship, apparently all alone. At least the crew should be here to check on you – but no, no one and nothing. You have to decide what to do first. Should you head up the ladder and try and find out why the crew isn’t here with you? Off to the right is the long storage area for cryogenic containers. Should you go check to see what happened to all the other people? When you arrived, you really didn’t see much of the ship. Maybe things are really okay now, and you should just take a look around the ship to see what you can find…

  • Head up the ladder to search for the crew…
  • Search the other cryogenic containers…
  • Explore the ship…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Search the other cryogenic containers…

Cryogenics Chambers

As you head around the corner from “your” tube, you are amazed at the size and length of the large area. You can see a very long line of tubes, much like yours, stacked two-high along the length of this very long room. They are all vertical, and they all appear green. Each tube is held in place with some sort of clamp around the tube at about the halfway point of each tube.

Looking closer, you can see that each tube is filled with some sort of opaque green liquid with a person floating inside. You can not see much detail on each person, just a glimpse of some long hair floating in the tube, or a forehead. Occasionally a bubble slow slides up through the tube through the thick liquid.

Above each tube is another tube, suspended in the air in much the same way as the lower tube. You can see various other lines running to top of the tubes, and you can see these lines run for what looks like miles as they lead from one tube to the next down the line. On the ceiling and the wall you can see various arms and girders that appear to be for the equipment that was used to move your own tube from its place and to the unloading area where you first arrived.

Choice Chosen: Continue walking through the cryogenic chamber room…

Cryogenics Room: Middle

Heading further into the main cryogenics room, you now find yourself in about the middle of the huge space. The large green tubes continue to fill the space, but you see a couple places with some green fluid on the floor: it looks like some of the tubes may have started leaking!

You look at the tubes closer, and do notice that there are a few tubes that look like they are not completely full, like the tubes at the end of the hall. There are none that are empty, or even low enough on fluid that you can see the people inside them, but you can certainly tell that they are not full.

There are still tubes, wires, pipes, and steel lines that appear all around the place. You think you hear a skittering sound, but looking around you don’t see anything moving at all, and the place is still completely quiet except for your own footsteps.

Cryogenics Room: Far End

You have reached the far end of the cryogenic tube area. At the end of the room there is a large steel wall with a small door. You can hear some sort of light humming coming from the door or the wall, you’re not quite sure of the source. The door does not have a handle like you would expect, but it has some sort of lever that looks like it might open the door.

As you look at the wall, you notice that the floor has suddenly gotten sticky: your shoes are sticking to the ground. Looking down, you see that the floor is covered with some green, sticky substance. It does not pull your shoes off, but as you look around, you see the entire area is really covered with this green goo.

When you look over to the massive cryotubes, you see that there is one tube that is not completely full of green fluid. It looks like there might be something else in the tube, but you cannot really tell for sure. The other tubes all appear to be completely full of green liquid, like most of the tubes in the room.

  • Examine the tube…
  • Go through the small door…

0 voters

Choice: Examine the tube…

Examining the Tube

Heading over to the cryogenic tube, you see that indeed it is cracked. The tube sits at a different angle than all the others, and the top appears to be leaning up against the wall a little. The crack starts at the top of the tube and you can see a line continuing all the way to the bottom.

At the bottom of the tube, the crack leads to a small hole. You get a whiff of a strange smell as you notice that the green liquid in the tube is currently leaking out the bottom of the tube. It is a very slow leak, just a tiny bit of dripping, but you obviously have no idea how long it has been leaking.

As you look closer into the tube itself, you can see that the green liquid that fills every other tube only fills this tube 3/4 of the way. There you can start to see the outline of something round near the top of the green liquid. Looking even closer, it appears to be the top of someone’s head! There is a bit of what looks like blonde hair floating in the goo. It doesn’t move, but the liquid is clearly still continuing to drain.

You think back and try to remember what they told you about the tubes and the green goop before you were sealed in your own tube, but you really can’t remember if they told you anything about it. Along a conduit attached to the tube, there is a blinking yellow light that also looks like it is a button. Glancing over at the other tubes, you see that other tubes have the same button/light, but those are all dark green.

  • Go back to the end of the cryogenics room…
  • Press the blinking yellow button…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Press the yellow button

Another Person

You press the yellow button and the button turns solid red. Then there is a screech as metal grinds against metal. The sound of machinery and gears echoes across the room. You take a step back and can see large gears turning near the ceiling and large cables start moving and whining.

It takes a moment or two, and then you see a large claw coming down the hallway on the ceiling. The wires stop when they get to you and the tube, then start moving sideways. The claw lowers from the ceiling and heads for you! You take another step back and see the claw stop when it gets to the point where the tube would have been if it were not tilted. A bright yellow light starts flashing on the claw and laser lights start scanning the area.

In a moment, the flashing yellow light stops and the claw starts moving again. The gears kick in again and move the claw sideways and it slowly lowers to reach the top of the tube. The claw closes around the tube and bars appear, stabilizing the tube. The claw slowly raises and the tube straightens and lifts off the ground. The cables move as the tube is lifted and moved to the center of the area.

With a whirring noise, the tube starts moving away from you very quickly, back towards where you started. You head after it, but you cannot keep up with the fast-moving tube. You break into a run to see where the tube is going and dodge the few drops of green goo that drop as it moves. The tube disappears out of your sight as you try to keep up with it.

You run back around the corner to the place where you exited your own tube. You can see the cracked tube on the same equipment as your tube. The tube is completely empty and open. You step around the machinery and see a person on their knees on the ground, looking around in confusion. It is a young woman, maybe 20 years old, with long blonde hair. She looks around and then spots you. She gets to her feet and says, “Who are you? Does this mean that we are here?”

Talking with Julie

The woman looks around and says, “oh. Well, my name is Julie. If you didn’t release me from the cryo state, what is going on? These tubes were not supposed to release us until we were on the planet.”

You explain that you saw a crack in her tube, and you pressed the button to release her.

“Oh. Well I suppose that makes sense. I guess I should thank you. Thank you.” She looks around and then walks over to the machinery. She looks at a dial and flips a switch.

“They told me some of the basics here. Since my tube was broken,” she presses a button and the machinery starts to move. A new tube drops into place as she continues, “I suppose I’ll just get another one.”

“Now, we have just a moment or two from the time I press the ‘Start’ button until the tube closes, so you can join me, and we can get back in the tube to wait until we arrive at the planet. It will be a little cramped, but I know these tubes have the capability to handle two people.”

She presses a button and quickly steps into the tube. She leans back as far as she can in the tube and says, “Well, come on!”

  • Climb in the tube with her…
  • Stay where you are…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Climb in the tube with her…

Ending #3

You move quickly and jump towards Julie. She slides to the side and you manage to get your feet in the tube with her. Since you don’t know her, you are trying to keep at least a little distance between you. All that ends when you feel the pressure of the tube on your shoulders – the tube pushes shut with a hiss, and you find yourself completely pressed up against Julie, from head to toe.

You try to speak, but before you can get a word out, Julie says, “It’s okay. We only have a moment before this thing freezes us. We’ll be fine, I assure you. I’ll see you when we wake up.”

You feel a bit of the goo starting to pile up around your legs and then suddenly there is goo everywhere. There is some kind of beeping noise you can hear, even with goo starting to fill your ears. You open your mouth, to speak or to scream, you’re not sure, and your mouth fills up with the green goo. There is goo everywhere. Then there is a zap and everything goes dark.

It was so long ago when you entered the space ship. Or wait, was it just yesterday? How long had you been dreaming? This was insanity! You needed to wake up! Or did you? No, perhaps you could just drift off to sleep and dream about sunny days…would you ever see the sun again? No, probably not. But you should see A sun someday, right? Why? …

Wait. There was another person. What was her name? Was it a her? Was it all a dream? Oh look, there’s another chocolate river…

  • Try Again…
  • Try A Different Game

0 voters

Choice Chosen:Try Again

Choice Chosen:Stay Where You Are

Waking from a dream

The door to the tube closes with a gentle hiss. You watch Julie as the goo fills the tube. She smiles at you as the green liquid continues to fill up past her neck. She does not struggle as there is a sudden zap and the tube is filled. You can just barely make out her figure in the goo as the hook comes and picks up the tube, taking it back around the corner and down the hall. It is only now that you realize that you are really the only person here, and you are back where you started.

  • Head up the ladder to search for the crew…
  • Search the other cryogenic containers…
  • Explore the ship…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Head up the ladder to search for the crew…

The Bridge

You walk towards the ladder and your footsteps echo against the bare metal walls. As you climb the ladder, your muscles protest a little from not being used in, well, you have no idea how long. You carefully pull and push yourself up the ladder and through a hole in the deck.

As you rise through the hole in the floor, you are amazed by the number of computers and lights you see in view all around you. At the same time, you are nearly overwhelmed by the view – there are windows here in all directions! You can see space and lots of stars all around you. This must be some sort of tower, because you can see in every direction: and every direction looks exactly the same. After a moment, you wonder why you don’t see any planets at all…this is not what you expected.

There are six seats spaced around the room in front of various consoles and computers. While there are some flashing lights and various computer screens, there is still no noise at all. There is no one in the seats. You finally realize that while you met the captain of the crew before your trip, you really don’t know anything about the crew. You wonder why there is absolutely no one here. Did they leave? Where could they have gone? But wait, if the journey was so long, how in the world was this supposed to work?

As you continue to wonder about so many things, you look around the space a bit more carefully. There is one chair that seems to be centered around a number of screens. This looks like the captain’s chair, and it has some controls on the armrests of the chair. There is another chair that sits next to a screen marked “Navigation” and another chair next to a screen marked “Research.” None of the other screens are labeled. There is also another ladder headed up into the ceiling.

  • Go check out the captain’s chair…
  • Look at the navigation console…
  • View the research console…
  • Head up the next ladder…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: View the research console…

Research Console

Looking at the console labeled “Research,” you see what appears to be a touch-screen monitor with a few buttons on the screen:

The Santa Maria

Mission Information

When you reach out and touch the screen for mission information, the button on the screen flashes just a moment, but then the screen goes completely blank. Before you can figure out what happened, there is a crackling sound from a speaker above the console, as you hear a voice speaking:

“Mission Information. The mission of the Santa Maria is to take 250 people, all volunteers, from a planet known as ‘earth’ in a solar system in the Milky Way galaxy to a planet known as MR-2413B in solar system 2711-A in the red dwarf galaxy. Once these former residents of earth arrive at planet MR-2413B they are to settle the planet and populate the plant in the name of earth.”

The voice pauses a moment, then drones on in a monotone, “The ship is intended to travel at NLS, or near-light speeds, through the various galaxies. It is estimated that the ship will take approximately 50 earth-years to arrive at the destination planet. Because the average life-span of an earth human is currently 80 years, it was decided to place all the volunteers for the journey in suspended animation, in a cryogenic freeze, for the duration of the trip. Only upon arrival at planet MR-2413B, the residents are to be taken out of their suspended animation.”

“The mission is intended to be a peaceful mission. Authorities on planet earth do not know of any other species that may exist outside their own solar system. If any hostile life forms are detected, a communications probe will be automatically sent from the ship to return to planet earth. At the same time, planet MR-2413B is hereby claimed and will be defended by the planet earth in all ways possible from the day of this ship’s arrival on planet MR-2413B.”

The voice stops and the area is completely quiet once again.

Crew Information

A single speaker crackles to life above the console and a computer-generated monotone voice can be heard:

“The crew of the ship will consist of a captain and five crew members. As the ship’s journey is anticipated to take approximately 50 earth-years, the maximum age of any individual crew member shall be 25 years. The crew members will not be placed into suspended animation and instead will maintain and manage the ship during the 50-year journey. Upon arrival at planet MR-2413B, the crew will retire and be taken care of by the 250-member planetary expedition crew throughout their retirement years.”

After a pause, the voice continues, "Captain Malinza Torfen. Age at start of mission: 25. First Officer Pelin Lorthorian. Age at start of mission: 24. Navigator Tarquin Julent. Age at start of mission: 21. Research Officer Lentarkin Solavarious. Age at start of mission: 21. Chief Medical Officer Eris Toofa. Age at start of mission: 24. Medical Assistant Cindel Bi. Age at start of mission: 18.

Silence fills the air as the voice stops speaking.

Santa Maria Information

Touching the screen for Santa Maria information results in the screen going blank. A voice sounds from a hidden speaker above the console:

“The Santa Maria is a unique, one-of-a-kind class starship. It is an experimental ship that is designed for NLS, or near-light-speed travel. In test voyages, it has reached 94.5% of the speed of light successfully. The first true voyage of the ship is the maiden voyage to planet MR-2413B.”

“The Santa Maria is fueled by a form of Uranium 235 that will degrade during the voyage to planet MR-2413B. Based on the estimated half-life of the fuel, the Santa Maria should have enough fuel to make the trip to planet MR-2413B, and still have a slight bit of remaining fuel. It is not expected to make the return trip to planet earth.”

“Upon arrival on planet MR-2413B, the Santa Maria will land at the pre-arranged coordinates. When the ship lands, the automated landing system will dig the ship into the surface of the planet, burying the bottom portion of the ship, containing the fuel and engine portions. The engines will remain functional as the ship serves as a base location for the new colony. After some period of time, the engines will expire, but by that time the new colony should be well-established on the planet’s surface.”

When the voice stops speaking, silence again fills the large, circular room.

  • Go check out the captain’s chair…
  • Look at the navigation console…
  • View the research console…
  • Head up the next ladder…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Look at the navigation console…

Navigation Console

The navigation console has three different screens that all face the navigational chair. Under each screen is a series of lights, mostly green lights, but a couple blue lights as well. The center navigation screen is mostly black, but with a few dots on it, looking something like the sky from earth at night: lots of black space with some stars, perhaps. In the center of the screen is a slightly larger blue circle, lightly glowing. Nothing else appears to be moving on the screen.

The screen to the right appears to be some sort of map. On the far right of the wide screen is a model of a sun and planets circling that sun. Looking closer, you can see that there are eight or nine planets in that list, and you think it looks much like the solar system where earth lives. On the far left of the screen is another apparent solar system, this one with just five planets, but two suns. The third planet is labelled MR-2413B. There is a long, thin line that winds through a number of other star systems, that connects earth and MR-2413B. There is a blinking blue dot about two-thirds of the way along that line, closer to MR-2413B than earth.

The screen to the left has a number of bars and numbers. One labelled “engine speed” is next to a bar that shows STOP above the bar. One is labelled “fuel” and it shows “45%” in the bar. A blinking yellow light appears above a label marked “auto pilot.” The screen looks like a standard touch screen interface.

  • Touch the screen on the autopilot light…
  • Press the “engine speed” slider upwards…
  • Leave the navigation console…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Press the “engine speed” slider upwards…

Engine Speed Slider

The ship makes a groaning noise and it lurches. The stars outside appear to start moving around you!

Navigation Console

The navigation console has three different screens that all face the navigational chair. Under each screen is a series of lights, mostly green lights, but a couple blue lights as well. The center navigation screen is mostly black, but with a few dots on it, looking something like the sky from earth at night: lots of black space with some stars, perhaps. In the center of the screen is a slightly larger blue circle, lightly glowing. Nothing else appears to be moving on the screen.

The screen to the right appears to be some sort of map. On the far right of the wide screen is a model of a sun and planets circling that sun. Looking closer, you can see that there are eight or nine planets in that list, and you think it looks much like the solar system where earth lives. On the far left of the screen is another apparent solar system, this one with just five planets, but two suns. The third planet is labelled MR-2413B. There is a long, thin line that winds through a number of other star systems, that connects earth and MR-2413B. There is a blinking blue dot about two-thirds of the way along that line, closer to MR-2413B than earth.

The screen to the left has a number of bars and numbers. One labelled “engine speed” is next to a bar that shows FULL in the bar. One is labelled “fuel” and it shows “45%” in the bar. A blinking yellow light appears above a label marked “auto pilot.” The screen looks like a standard touch screen interface.

  • Touch the screen on the autopilot light…
  • Press the “engine speed” slider downwards…
  • Leave the navigation console…

0 voters

Choice Chosen:Press the “engine speed” slider downwards…(Random)

Engine Speed Slider

The ship makes a groaning noise and it lurches. The stars outside appear to stop moving around you!

Navigation Console

The navigation console has three different screens that all face the navigational chair. Under each screen is a series of lights, mostly green lights, but a couple blue lights as well. The center navigation screen is mostly black, but with a few dots on it, looking something like the sky from earth at night: lots of black space with some stars, perhaps. In the center of the screen is a slightly larger blue circle, lightly glowing. Nothing else appears to be moving on the screen.

The screen to the right appears to be some sort of map. On the far right of the wide screen is a model of a sun and planets circling that sun. Looking closer, you can see that there are eight or nine planets in that list, and you think it looks much like the solar system where earth lives. On the far left of the screen is another apparent solar system, this one with just five planets, but two suns. The third planet is labelled MR-2413B. There is a long, thin line that winds through a number of other star systems, that connects earth and MR-2413B. There is a blinking blue dot about two-thirds of the way along that line, closer to MR-2413B than earth.

The screen to the left has a number of bars and numbers. One labelled “engine speed” is next to a bar that shows STOP above the bar. One is labelled “fuel” and it shows “45%” in the bar. A blinking yellow light appears above a label marked “auto pilot.” The screen looks like a standard touch screen interface.

  • Touch the screen on the autopilot light…
  • Press the “engine speed” slider upwards…
  • Leave the navigation console…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Engine Speed Slider

Engine Speed Slider

The ship makes a groaning noise and it lurches. The stars outside appear to stop moving around you!

Navigation Console

The navigation console has three different screens that all face the navigational chair. Under each screen is a series of lights, mostly green lights, but a couple blue lights as well. The center navigation screen is mostly black, but with a few dots on it, looking something like the sky from earth at night: lots of black space with some stars, perhaps. In the center of the screen is a slightly larger blue circle, lightly glowing. Nothing else appears to be moving on the screen.

The screen to the right appears to be some sort of map. On the far right of the wide screen is a model of a sun and planets circling that sun. Looking closer, you can see that there are eight or nine planets in that list, and you think it looks much like the solar system where earth lives. On the far left of the screen is another apparent solar system, this one with just five planets, but two suns. The third planet is labelled MR-2413B. There is a long, thin line that winds through a number of other star systems, that connects earth and MR-2413B. There is a blinking blue dot about two-thirds of the way along that line, closer to MR-2413B than earth.

The screen to the left has a number of bars and numbers. One labelled “engine speed” is next to a bar that shows STOP above the bar. One is labelled “fuel” and it shows “45%” in the bar. A blinking yellow light appears above a label marked “auto pilot.” The screen looks like a standard touch screen interface.

  • Touch the screen on the autopilot light…
  • Press the “engine speed” slider upwards…
  • Leave the navigation console…

0 voters

It Seem The Game Has Broken…

Choice Chosen: Touch the screen on the autopilot light…(Was A Tie)

Autopilot Button

The entire ship lurches a little and you nearly lose your footing! Looking back down at the display, you see that the light next to the autopilot display is now green.

The Bridge

You are standing on the bridge of the space ship. There are computers running all around you, flashing various lights, but everything is still completely silent. There are six empty seats around the circular room and large windows looking out in all directions into nothing but blank space.

There is one chair that seems to be centered around a number of screens. This looks like the captain’s chair, and it has some controls on the armrests of the chair. There is another chair that sits next to a screen marked “Navigation” and another chair next to a screen marked “Research.” None of the other screens are labeled. There is also a ladder headed up into the ceiling.

  • Go check out the captain’s chair…
  • Look at the navigation console…
  • View the research console…
  • Head up the next ladder…

0 voters