Choose Your Own Adventure( Homo Perfectus 2) (DEAD)

Choice Chosen: Go check out the captain’s chair…

Captain’s Chair

This main chair is clearly where the captain of the ship would sit. It has a view out to space and has only one small computer monitor below the windows that is currently blank. You can see part of the ship below where the chair sits in the control tower.

In the arm of the captain’s chair, you can see a small touch-screen control panel. There are three lines of text that appear on the touch screen panel: 22136, 22137, and 22138.

  • Touch the screen at 22136…
  • Touch the screen at 22137…
  • Touch the screen at 22138…
  • Leave the captain’s chair…

0 voters

Choice Chosen:Touch the screen at 22136…

Captain’s Log (22136)

When you touch the screen, a deep male voice begins speaking:

“Captain’s log, star-date 22136.”

“It has been a very long trip, but I believe my part in it will be over soon. There are just the two of us left now, myself and Cindel. We debated for a long, long time what could have gone wrong. Out here there are no answers that we can know for sure. We can only know that we have been out here for so much longer than we had ever considered. We all knew that this was going to be a one-way trip, but we all thought that we would at least make it all the way to our destination. We had talked about how our retirement might go, and what the passengers on the ship would think of us. I think most of all we longed to meet our passengers and learn about them. But alas, we know now that day will never come.”

The voice stops and you hear an intake of breath followed by a cough before it continues, “Sorry about that. To back up a little bit- our best guess is that there were some errors in the calculations used to determine our trip. Sure, the best scientific minds on earth worked together to build this ship and send us on our way, but no one had ever traveled at NLS speed for such a long time. The general consensus among the crew is that when the scientists made their calculations, they simply made an error. There was a theory that the closer we traveled to the speed of light, the less time would pass. This was used to determine how long the entire journey would take. Obviously the trip is taking a lot longer than those calculations could have guessed.”

“We all held out as long as we could, but no matter what we intend, the human body can only last so long. At last check, all the passengers were completely safe, as far as we could tell. The fuel and supplies level seem perfectly okay as well, so perhaps the calculations related to those items were all correct, but only the relative life spans, or the affect on travel and time were wrong. It appears that the ship and the passengers will arrive on schedule, as long as nothing else goes wrong.”

The voice stops speaking rather suddenly and you are left alone in the quiet of the ship once again.

Captain’s Log (22137)

When you touch the screen, a deep male voice begins speaking:

“Captain’s log, star-date 22137.”

There is a pause for a few seconds before the voice continues, “Cindel didn’t make it through the night. I’m not surprised. Actually, I’ve really suspected for over a week that she wasn’t going to last much longer. I went and checked on her this morning, and she didn’t get up. I think she went peacefully…at least I hope she did. She was the youngest, but in some ways the strongest of all of us. I really didn’t expect that anyone would outlast her, much less me. But as we have said from the start of this trip, ‘What will be will be.’”

“I am now the only one left. With no one left to talk to, I don’t know how things will go. Physically, according to the crew monitors, I’m still fine. But while my body might last for some time, I do not know what might happen to my mind. Over the years we tried to keep things normal. Well, as normal as you can expect from a fifty-year long journey in a closed space.” There is a brief laugh as the voice continues, “You know, I think we stopped counting when we reached 100,000 card games. Yes, we really did play that many card games. I don’t think anyone kept track of who won them all, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone did!”

“Anyway, I will do my best to fulfill my mission and get this ship to the destination. I do not think I will live to see New Earth, but hopefully the ship will follow the instructions and make it to the destination. The pods should be able to self-deploy to re-animate all the passengers. I just hope the fuel and supplies last until that time. If not, well, I’m not sure anyone will ever even know since we are so far out here, truly in the middle of nowhere.”

The voice stops speaking and silence again surrounds you.

Captain’s Log (22138)

When you touch the screen, a deep male voice begins speaking:

"Captain’s log, star-date 22138.

“Ahem. I fear that this will be my last communication. My time is near. Strangely, I have no idea if anyone will ever even hear this… or is the being that hears this voice next will even be human or understand what I am saying here. Actually, that could be quite interesting, couldn’t it? What if some different civilization plays this message and doesn’t understand English? What if I talk wrong? May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?”

The speakers are filled with the sound of giggling. Then the voice continues, “But what if this is heard by the scientists who sent us on this mission? Well, I would certainly have some choice words for them. Maybe I shouldn’t say what I think of them here. Who would think that humans could go for literally decades in a ship and not go insane? I’m not saying I’m insane, mind you, but it has been a long time now that I’ve been alone. And I was supposed to be able to retire on New Earth! But wait, what if the passengers of this ship arrive at New Earth and THEY are the first to hear this message? Oh, it will be a message from beyond the grave! ooOOoooo! Creepy!”

Once again there is a giggling, but then the voice speaks again, “So. Well. I guess that’s it, then. I mean, I don’t have anything else to add. I think I’m supposed to say, ‘Tell my wife I love her,’ but I don’t have a wife! And no kids. Well, at least none that I know of! Oh yeah, that one never gets old.” The voice erupts into laughter once again, and then the speaker turns off suddenly.

The Bridge

You are standing on the bridge of the space ship. There are computers running all around you, flashing various lights, but everything is still completely silent. There are six empty seats around the circular room and large windows looking out in all directions into nothing but blank space.

There is one chair that seems to be centered around a number of screens. This looks like the captain’s chair, and it has some controls on the armrests of the chair. There is another chair that sits next to a screen marked “Navigation” and another chair next to a screen marked “Research.” None of the other screens are labeled. There is also a ladder headed up into the ceiling.

  • Go check out the captain’s chair…
  • Look at the navigation console…
  • View the research console…
  • Head up the next ladder…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Head up the next ladder…

Crew Quarters

As you head up the next ladder, you can see light coming from the hole above you. When your head clears the portal, you simply cannot believe your eyes: it looks like you have stepped right out of the ship and onto a planet of some kind!

Above you is a bright light. Squinting as you examine it, it appears to be a sun. In fact, you can even feel a bit of heat coming from it. But you know you haven’t walked outside. You can hear a gentle sound of crickets chirping and looking around, you can see various types of plant life. You are quite sure that you can even smell some fresh rain in the space, and you simply cannot understand how you can be outside. You look back down the ladder, and you can see the bridge below, but you still stand in what looks like a planet, just with a hole in the ground.

Looking a bit closer at the ground, you can see that there is indeed a metal spaceship floor here. Moving away from the hole, there is dirt and sand covering the floor of the ship. As you look even more carefully, you can see the most of the plants are actually in pots, carefully placed around the space. You can start to make out the edges of the ship in other places, and you can even see pipes and lines running around above the plants, apparently the source of the water. When you look very carefully you can see ridges in the “sky” above you: clearly this is actually a projection of the sky back on earth. You finally come to the realization that this is a very complex, very detailed simulation of the planet earth – in fact you are still on the space ship.

There are plants, trees, and bushes all around. There are a few different sounds around: you can hear softly running water and there are a few insect noises coming from different places in the brush. You don’t see anything moving anywhere. The ceiling appears to be a large dome, and it is painted mostly as sky. Off to one side, however, there appear to be quite lifelike hills and mountains in the distance. It is quite a nice view. As you as staring at the hills and mountains, you see what appear to almost be entrances to caves off in that direction. When you walk over and look more closely, you can see that the “caves” are actually two doors that apparently lead to other areas of the ship/landscape.

  • Go and search out the source of the water noise…
  • Head into the “cave” that leads under a hill…
  • Head into the “cave” the leads under some meadows and fields…

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Go and search out the source of the water noise…

Water Feature

You head around some tree and plants and around a small rise with more clumps of plants and grasses. As you walk, you can hear the sound of water getting louder. There is a bit more moisture in the air and you can smell fresh water and plants, almost like a greenhouse. Then you hear a light sucking sound and look down, realizing that your feet are sticking a little bit in some mud on the ground. Yes, you look at your footsteps and can see little bits of water flowing and filling in the steps you have just taken.

Around the turn you look up and see a larger hill of some kind. You are sure that you are now outside! Flowing over the top of the hill is a small waterfall! The cool, clear water rolls off the top of the rock and crashes over some rocks and into a pool of water. The water hits hard enough to throw up a good bit of mist and the mist flows all around this grotto. Occasionally a light breeze blows some of the mist to you and around you and you get a whiff of fresh, cool water.

The water in the pool looks fresh and clear. Between wisps of the mist, you can see the bottom of the pool covered with rocks and with a few small plants. Along the edges of the water there are many more plants including ferns and a couple lily pads of some sort. While the rocks sit on one side of the pool, the left and the right sides of the pool are filled with large, thick trees, preventing you from going past the water in any direction. The only way to go is back the way you came.

Before you walk away, you reach out and check out one of the trees. It certainly feels solid and feels like a tree. Looking closely between the thick trees, you cannot see far through or past them, but you think that perhaps you can see something dark and grey through the trees. You would guess that must be the walls of the ship, but they are hidden so well you just can’t be sure…

Crew Quarters

As you head up the next ladder, you can see light coming from the hole above you. When your head clears the portal, you simply cannot believe your eyes: it looks like you have stepped right out of the ship and onto a planet of some kind!

Above you is a bright light. Squinting as you examine it, it appears to be a sun. In fact, you can even feel a bit of heat coming from it. But you know you haven’t walked outside. You can hear a gentle sound of crickets chirping and looking around, you can see various types of plant life. You are quite sure that you can even smell some fresh rain in the space, and you simply cannot understand how you can be outside. You look back down the ladder, and you can see the bridge below, but you still stand in what looks like a planet, just with a hole in the ground.

Looking a bit closer at the ground, you can see that there is indeed a metal spaceship floor here. Moving away from the hole, there is dirt and sand covering the floor of the ship. As you look even more carefully, you can see the most of the plants are actually in pots, carefully placed around the space. You can start to make out the edges of the ship in other places, and you can even see pipes and lines running around above the plants, apparently the source of the water. When you look very carefully you can see ridges in the “sky” above you: clearly this is actually a projection of the sky back on earth. You finally come to the realization that this is a very complex, very detailed simulation of the planet earth – in fact you are still on the space ship.

There are plants, trees, and bushes all around. There are a few different sounds around: you can hear softly running water and there are a few insect noises coming from different places in the brush. You don’t see anything moving anywhere. The ceiling appears to be a large dome, and it is painted mostly as sky. Off to one side, however, there appear to be quite lifelike hills and mountains in the distance. It is quite a nice view. As you as staring at the hills and mountains, you see what appear to almost be entrances to caves off in that direction. When you walk over and look more closely, you can see that the “caves” are actually two doors that apparently lead to other areas of the ship/landscape.

  • Go and search out the source of the water noise…
  • Head into the “cave” that leads under a hill…
  • Head into the “cave” the leads under some meadows and fields…

0 voters

Choice Chosen:Head into the “cave” that leads under a hill…(Random!)

Hotel Area

The door leads into an area that looks like the lobby of a luxurious hotel. The place is quite well-lit and has a couple comfy, overstuffed chairs. There are a couple plants in large planters sitting on what looks like an expensive marble floor. The walls are covered with extensive reddish brown wood paneling. There is even something that looks a bit like a hotel desk on the left side.

Stepping into the room, you can see there are about six different doors leading away from the main lobby. All the doors are wide open and are lighted from the inside. Walking over to take a look, your footsteps echo off the wood walls. Listening carefully you can hear the gentle hiss of what must be an air conditioner of some sort: the room is just the right temperature and humidity for you.

Looking in the doorway to the first room, you see what can only be described as a perfect hotel room. It is large and long. There is an area to hang up your coat next to the doorway. Along the left wall is a large screen video screen sitting atop a dresser with a few shelves. On the right is an open door to a simple bathroom, but beyond that is a large bed that looks like it could easily sleep three. At the far end of the room are thick, heavy curtains that have a little light peeking around the edges, as if they were closed over a window.

Your eyes are drawn to the bed. It has a large, detailed wooden headboard and foot-board. The comforter lying across the bed looks thick, soft, and warm. You can see the outlines of a number of different pillows under the blanket and there are still more pillow piled up on the top of the bed. You glance in another room and see the same setup, but you quickly move back towards the very, very comfortable bed.

Taking a Quick Nap

Oh, that bed sure looks nice. How can you be so tired, after just a short time outside of that tube? Well, that doesn’t really matter, does it? When your body is tired, it’s tired, and there’s not much you can do about it except get some sleep…oh, and that bed looks so comfortable…surely just a short nap won’t hurt. After all, who knows how many years you have been waiting, what’s a few more hours?

You reach out to the bed and realize the sheets are very soft and very silky. Turning down the bed, it looks like the sheets were put here just for you. You slip off your shoes and slide right into the bed between the sheets. You sigh as you pull the sheets up over you. When you let your head rest on the pillow, you sink into the soft pillow and your eyes close quickly as your entire body relaxes.

Ending #2

Ah, the dreams have returned! There is the smooth, silky chocolate river, and there you are, floating along in the river. Occasionally a fluffy bit of cotton candy cloud drifts down from the red sky into your reach and you pop a bit into your mouth. It is so fresh it just melts in your mouth as you continue to drift along…

The dream continues on… or is it a dream? You’re not sure any more as you float along between the grassy fields with large lollipops growing near the banks. You can see the giant gumdrop mountains in the distance, and you wonder if your travels down the chocolate river will take you closer to those mountains of further away. You continue to drift along, lightly bouncing off the edges of the stream. Occasionally you reach down and grab a handful of smooth chocolate and pour it into your mouth. It is just the right temperature and goes down so smoothly…

You look over to the shores and see someone running and playing in the grass. The flash of blonde hair reminds you of someone. Could that be Julie? Yes, yes it is. She waves to you as her hair billows around her head and you continue down the chocolate stream.

As you continue to float, you wonder about the red sky, and then realize that the red sky is starting to get a darker red. You look around and realize the shorelines are getting a bit darker, too. You look around for the run, but realize there is no sun here. You’re not quite sure how it is getting darker when there is no sun, but it doesn’t bother you. Perhaps you will take a short nap, since things are getting darker here.

There are no stars here, so as it gets darker, it really gets dark. You feel at peace as you watch the light disappear. In a short time, you realize that it is so dark you cannot even tell if your eyes are open or closed. But when it gets that dark you realize that you don’t even care. You just drift off to sleep and peace in total darkness…

  • Try Again…
  • New Game…

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Choice Chosen: New Game
Game Name:Escape


You open your eyes to find yourself in a large room. Where are you? How did you get here? And most importantly, why are you here? You must find whoever is behind this! But first, you must find a way out.

You scope the room. You find a small door, which may be locked. You don’t see any clues or items that can give you information. However, on the ground beneath your feet is a line of numbers. You think for a moment.

  • What do they mean?
  • What about the door?

0 voters

Choice Chosen:What do they mean?

What do they mean?

The line of numbers read:

18 - 5 - 13 - 5 - 13 - 2 - 5 - 18

25 - 15 - 21 - 18

1 - 14 - 19 - 23 - 5 - 18 - 19 !

20 - 8 - 5 - 25

1 - 18 - 5

9 - 14

2 - 17 - 12 - 4

What could this mean? Quite a code…

What about the door?

You go to the small door to your left, and then realize that there are actually two doors.

But which one should you take?

  • The left door, which you were originally going to use
  • The right door, which is all of a sudden more intriguing

0 voters

Poll Automatically Ends At:
May 8, 2018 12:15 AM (Europe: Paris), May 7, 2018 3:15 PM (America: Los Angeles)

Choice Chosen:The right door, which is all of a sudden more intriguing

The right door, which is all of a sudden more intriguing

You enter to another room. On the wall, there is a large shape with words that read:

This is a 90 degree triangle. Is it acute, obtuse, or right? If the triangle is an acute or an obtuse triangle, enter door one. If this triangle is a right triangle, enter door two.

  • Enter door one, to your left
  • Enter door two, to your right

0 voters

Choice Chosen:Enter door two, to your right

Go to door two

You open the door. You are now in a small room, with a long hallway a few feet away, one intriguing door to your right, and some numbers before you across the wall.

The numbers read:

(105 - 80) x 2 - 9 x 5 =

What does that mean?

  • Enter the door for more
  • Enter the hallway

0 voters

Choice Chosen:Enter the door for more

(It Was A Repeat Of THe Last Post)

Enter the hallway

You go down the hallway to discover another code spread along the floor. It reads:

8 - 1 - 22 - 5

25 - 15 - 21

2 - 5 - 5 - 14

18 - 5 - 13 - 5 - 13 - 2 - 5 - 18 - 9 - 14 - 7

25 - 15 - 21 - 18

1 - 14 - 19 - 23 - 5 - 18 - 19 ?

20 - 8 - 5 - 18 - 5

1 - 18 - 5

20 - 23 - 15

15 - 6

20 - 8 - 5 - 13

19 - 15

6 - 1 - 18 !

What does that mean?

Aren’t you in a hurry? You see a small door, with a note that says, “Locked. Find the key.”

Now there’s another strange code below you. It reads:

The key is in the follow location: R-D-N-E-U-T-E-H-N-L-A-K-B-A-E-P-R-P

With this information, you must find the key and get through. Now there is a purple mat, a clump of pearls, and two pieces of paper - one which is labeled with the letter A, and one which is blank.

  • Look under the mat
  • Look under the pearls
  • Look under the paper that is labelled A
  • Look under the unlabelled paper

0 voters

Choice Chosen: Look under the paper that is labelled A(Random!)

Look under the paper that is labelled A

You lift the paper, and nothing is there!

Look under the unlabelled paper

Under the paper, you see the key. You can now enter through the door, to a tiny room.

You are faced with a riddle, drawn in ink on the wall. It reads:

If Run=Ron and Ben=Ban, then Lift=what?

After you view the riddle, a door appears.

Enter the door

Now you are in a broad hallway once again. Before you are two doors, a left one and a right one, and another code. It reads:


Now, what could that mean?

  • Enter the door on the left
  • Enter the door on the right

0 voters

Choice Chosen:Enter the door on the right

Enter the door on the right

You walk in, and immediately being to fall as you realized you’ve reached an abrupt cliff. You now face your death.

  • Try Again
  • New Game

0 voters

Choice Chosen: New Game
Game Name: Homo Perfectus


I wake up, early as usual. I have always liked the mornings, the minutes before Teacher takes me to father and I have time to think for myself. Father often keeps a tight schedule so there usually isn’t much time for me to let my mind ponder. There are so many things to think about, what is behind the door? What do Homo Sapiens look like? Why does Teacher have to connect himself to a power source every now and then? As curious I am about the outside world, father has explained how dangerous the Homo Sapiens can be, so I am glad the door keeps them away. Father says me and Eve are special, I wonder what he means by that. He said he’d explain more today, I hope he does.

Teacher enters the room and says “Adam, Professor Meckard would like to see you.”

“Wonderful. Father will hopefully answer some of our questions.” I say and leave with Teacher.

Teacher is made of metal, just like the walls. I think father made Teacher, just like he made our home, along with me and Eve. Teacher signals me to wait as he goes into Eve’s room to wake her up. Father often calls me and Eve the last hope for a good future, but I really don’t see anything bad with the present. He has talked about something he calls Project Eden, but again, just another unanswered question

HEALTH is 100.


Soon Eve comes out of her room. We look at one another, smile and say “good morning”. Teacher takes us to father’s office. It is strange that Teacher calls him Meckard and not father, he created him as well, so he is his father just as he is ours. We enter father’s room and sit down in front of the desk. As usual, father has his gaze completely set on some paper he has in front of him. I see the title of the page “Pandora’s Box”, but then father puts it away and looks at us.

“Adam, Eve, do you know what day it is today?”

“No.” We both say.

“Today is exactly ten years since you came into this world. That is what is called a birthday. It is a human tradition, one of the few that actually deserve to live on. It is where an individuals existence is celebrated every day that is exactly a year from the last birthday, starting with the day he is created.”

“We are celebrating today?”

“Well, I am afraid Teacher won’t be baking a cake, but I hope to make today a special day for you.”

It was going to be special alright, but not in the manner any of us were hoping for.
HEALTH is 100.

Playing 20 questions.

“But yesterday, I promised to answer some of your questions. So please, ask anything you want.”

HEALTH is 100.

  • What is behind the door?
  • What is Pandora’s Box?
  • What is Project Eden?
  • What makes us special?
  • What is the Teacher?
  • What are Homo Sapiens?

0 voters

Choice Chosen: What makes us special?

What makes us special?

“Aaah. Right to the point as usual Adam. That is exactly what I wanted to talk to you two about. When I made you, I made some modifications. I have made your DNA tangible.”


“Yes. You can actually manually manipulate your own DNA, altering your genetic structure at any given moment. I had intended to teach you more of this matter. Let’s go to the training hall.”
HEALTH is 100.

  • Not yet, I want to ask more questions.
  • Yes. Let’s see what we can do.

0 voters

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Choice Chosen:Not yet, I want to ask more questions.

Playing 20 questions.

“What else would you like to ask me?”

HEALTH is 100.

  • What is behind the door?
  • What is Pandora’s Box?
  • What is Project Eden?
  • What makes us special?
  • What is the Teacher?
  • What are Homo Sapiens?
  • I would like to go to the training hall now.

0 voters

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Choice Chosen: What is the Teacher?

What is the Teacher?

“Well, Teacher is actually not a person, he is an android, and a rather advanced one at that. I made him to help me take care of you, not that that there is much to take care of. You two have always been such angels.”

HEALTH is 100.

Playing 20 questions.

“What else would you like to ask me?”

HEALTH is 100.

  • What is behind the door?
  • What is Pandora’s Box?
  • What is Project Eden?
  • What makes us special?
  • What is the Teacher?
  • What are Homo Sapiens?
  • I would like to go to the training hall now.

0 voters

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Choice Chosen:What is Pandora’s Box?

What is Pandora’s Box?

“Where did you hear that? No matter. Wherever you heard that name from, it does not concern you. You are a child and this is a grown up matter.”

HEALTH is 100.

Playing 20 questions.

“What else would you like to ask me?”

HEALTH is 100.

  • What is behind the door?
  • What is Pandora’s Box?
  • What is Project Eden?
  • What makes us special?
  • What is the Teacher?
  • What are Homo Sapiens?
  • I would like to go to the training hall now.

0 voters

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Choice Chosen:What is Project Eden?

“You are, Adam. You and Eve. Project Eden will end the reign of the Homo Sapiens and replace them with you, the perfect human beings. The Homo Perfectuses.”
HEALTH is 100.

Playing 20 questions.

“What else would you like to ask me?”

HEALTH is 100.

  • What is behind the door?
  • What is Pandora’s Box?
  • What is Project Eden?
  • What makes us special?
  • What is the Teacher?
  • What are Homo Sapiens?
  • I would like to go to the training hall now.

0 voters

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Choice Chosen:What is behind the door?

What is behind the door?

“The outside world. As it is right now, it is a dangerous forest of selfish monsters. You don’t want to go out there until Project Eden has commenced.”
HEALTH is 100.

Playing 20 questions.

“What else would you like to ask me?”

HEALTH is 100.

  • What is behind the door?
  • What is Pandora’s Box?
  • What is Project Eden?
  • What makes us special?
  • What is the Teacher?
  • What are Homo Sapiens?
  • I would like to go to the training hall now.

0 voters

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Choice Chosen:I would like to go to the training hall now.

To the training hall.

We accompany father and Teacher to the training hall.

“I was forced to include some limitations as tampering with DNA is quite dangerous, and could even prove lethal. You can alter various different things, but none of them have any actual affect on your anatomy. From changing your body temperature, to increasing your strength to making yourselves smarter. However, you can only change your DNA in one direction at a time, for if you cause to much stress, you will die. Just like a rubber-band, it can be stretched, but stretch it too far and it breaks.”

We enter the training hall and father asks me and Eve to go into the center of the room.

HEALTH is 100.

New Powers!:
Increase body temperature.
Decrease body temperature.
Increase strength
Increases reflexes
Increase speed
Increase brain capacity.

Let’s try heat.

Father turns to me first.

“Adam, try to increase your body temperature.”

“How do I do that father?”

“Bend your DNA. You are in control. Use it and change yourself.”

HEALTH is 100.

HEALTH is 100.
(Powers Come Before Choices)


  • Increase body temperature.
  • Decrease body temperature.
  • Increase strength
  • Increases reflexes
  • Increase speed
  • Increase brain capacity.
  • Increase vision.
  • Increase hearing.
  • Increase smelling systems.

0 voters

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