Examples of code and personal projects

Godot 4.0 has been collecting more and more features, with also most of the bug fixes going exclusively there, so… I think in 3.3 we are going to get one physics index related bugfix, but all of our other problems so far (the ones that have been addressed) are only coming out in 4.0. So their bugfix release cycle is definitely a bit disappointing, then again it would be even worse if each version had major regressions. But overall as you can see how Thrive is doing that Godot is definitely usable, but if you are making a 3D game you are much closer to be the first project to run into some really specific problems.

So I’ve been making a fake hacking software (as my comments in the code say, “uses fancy modules to print fancy text”), however I have ran into a problem (I believe it’s a logic error):

When the user chooses 3, nothing is printed and the code closes (or asks the user to hit enter to close).
I’ve tried changing the numbers to the name of the ‘hack’ printed in the panel above to no avail.
Any ideas on what is causing DDoS to not print?

Link to code (and source code in text file): Filebin :: bin 9ne9u9wfgoal67a0

Edit: The code is slightly outdated on the link, I removed a comment after uploading

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Probably because, according to the docs, IntPrompt returns an int, "3" not being equal to 3.


some code for delay if your game engine doesn’t have wait() function or something similiar in c#

this one is loop which triggers function each 1 second in Godot mono

float Remaining = 1f;
public override void _Process(float delta)
    Remaining -= delta;
    if (Remaining <= 0)
        Remaining = 1f;
        //do stuff here

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Yep, this is nice and simple but powerful. In fact this is used in many places already in the Thrive code.