Exotic Life

I doubt sulfur could replace oxygen there. I’m not a biochemist, though. Also, I’m pretty sure that’s way too cold to sustain life…

there are sulfur respiring bacteria on earth and photosynthesis does not use the oxygen in water so photosynthesizers would still make glucose if they were carbon based and as long as there were lipids and RNA being made on that planet(most likely in the hydrothermal vents where the H2S can be a liquid and much warmer) life could still form and all it would take is one blob to form and in a few million years the planet would have prokaryotes like the ones before eukaryotes existed but much different and H2S is a polar molecule

if that is not what you meant then please say what you meant

Oxygen is a part of nearly every biological molecule. Though you do make a pretty good point, I agree that if they still have a source of oxygen (maybe metal oxides) that life could form.

they would likely get it from food or eating ice

I heard what some bacteria live on power lines and feed on electricity

Source? That seems quite implausible as being on a single power line means current is not running through you at all (which is why birds are safe sitting on power lines).

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i’m pretty sure that they are actually talking about power line bacteria which are bacteria that conduct electricity over a long distance. they do not actually live on power lines

I suppose I didn’t understood it wright

Electric bacteria - Wikipedia.

It’s a bit suspicious that that Wikipedia page lists just two news articles as sources and no scientific papers at all.
Also it sounds like it is a variant of iron eating " Instead, electric bacteria “breathe” metals instead of oxygen, which effectively results in both an intake of and excretion of electrical charges" at least kind of.

That just basically says that the bacteria due to lack of oxygen can’t use oxygen byproducts to emit their “respiration” instead they eject small electric charges.

I fail to see how this is relevant for generating large electric currents that could zap other things under water or how the emitted charges (which presumably are like waste to the bacteria) could get used / amplified by other bacteria.

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with large amounts of energy generated through the electrotrophic organelles you could have wires connecting several cells to generate as much electricity as an electric eel with fewer cells dedicated to the task and likely opening up several more playstyles (examples include: eating gold and using your waste electricity to attack predators, eating silver and using the electricity from it to attack your prey that you eat for it’s nutrients and not it’s energy, etc)

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Explain. This is starting to get to underwater civs level of bad argumentation where you just bring up one point after another without any sources to back them up.

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the cells require an object to discharge the electricity so they have nanowires allowing the electrons to exit them and the organism has cells to bundle up these nanowires and can either discharge electricity into it’s environment or another organism


If your next post doesn’t contain sources, I’m going to give you a warning because this is Science! not Future Game category.


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Okay, fine, you live for now. But I’ll exit the conversation as I don’t have enough mental energy left to read that.

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