For the sake of my creative abilities please open this thread

I love it! They look like alien pokémon. So cute!


The third one looks like an Emperor Sea Strider from Expedition.

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yo anything new @Magic8Ball04?

I have somewhat of a drawing, I’m not very proud of it, but once I drive home I’ll take a picture and make a summary.

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Haze Beast

Haze Beasts, or Corpus Caligo, are a large and, in most senses, docile member of the Caloratidactylum phylum. Previously thought to have been extinct, Haze Beasts live on and around small islands near Gev’s equator. It is believed that they were caught in a large volcanic event or continental drift.

Reaching sizes of around 50 meters, Haze Beasts tower over most other organisms. Four thick and muscular legs support this creature. It’s head ends in multiple long tubers that spray a thick gas that consists of an acidic and wet organic compound that coats its sperm. This organic compound is created and stored in multiple chambered pustules on the Haze Beast’s head. A long and muscular neck connects the rest of the Haze Beast to its head. It’s mouth is a vertical gaping crevice that begins close to its pectorals and ends near its abdomen. Multiple muscled tendrils keep food from escaping its cavernous maw. A downside to such a large orifice is that Haze Beasts are extremely vulnerable to infections.

The behavior of the Haze Beast is peculiar and ethereal to watch, and it is for this reason that the Gev regard it as a dangerous but beautiful presence. Haze beast’s diet consist primarily of large coral like structures that reach the Haze Beast’s hips. These structures are home to a nocturnal worm-like organism that retreat down through the earth during the day. This double meal is too much to resist for most organisms, and the haze beast is no exception. The only problem exists in the worm’s sense of its environment as soon as it senses anything in its immediate vicinity it retracts down through the coral. Many organisms get around this problem by being quick or stealthy, however the Haze Beast uses neither of these options, and instead uses its organic compound to clog and hinder respiratory organs. This is  ingenious for multiple reasons. One, due to their large size, Haze Beast’s mouth and respiratory systems will not be clogged. Two, because this gas shares the purpose of reproduction, newborn Haze Beasts will be born in a field of decaying coral and worms; a perfect meal. And three, this organic compound is light enough to be caught by the wind, and can spread the Haze Beast population much farther than it would without this method.

During daylight hours, Haze Beasts remain quite dormant, part of the island scenery. It is not uncommon for Gev children and more unintelligent organisms to clamber into a Haze Beast’s mouth or tubers and get stuck and suffocate.

Early Gev depictions of the Haze Beast resemble a large foot shrouded in mist. Industrial Gev use its compound in small quantities to place other Gev in a state of sleep, thankfully sperm is removed in most cases.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors. Also, because I really don’t like the picture I’m going to make another.


so how’s the new pic going?

Uh. That’s a fantastic question. To be honest I kind of stopped drawing aliens for a hot second, but I’ll start sometime this week I suppose.

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