Ideas for the Multicellular Stage [Put your ideas in this thread]

Why have many things when few do trick?

My idea is that to specify joints, we can go with a very simple system of allowing the player to click on a metaball and say that this is a joint that rotates around that metaball’s parent metaball. No need to have 2 overlapping systems where you’d first need to build a skeleton from sticks and then place metaballs all over it to define the visible shape.


Yeah but I still don’t know will you design more hardly defined bodyparts. If the meatballs will be other shapes the just a ball and have the merge Slider like in elysian eclipse I can see that working. But what about jaws, eyes and other delicate organs?

The metaballs just define the surface, the spheres aren’t literally the surface. Due to the convolution surface code not being ready the metaballs are currently only visualized as spheres.

You should re-read the info topic on convolution surfaces and how they are generated based on the metaballs:

It says “alternative to metaballs” but convolution surface algorithm can eat a list of metaballs to work off of as long as each metaball has a defined parent (i.e. the metaballs form a graph).


I would like to see it put into practice in the macroscopic editor.

I have a idea- to add penicillin!
The word, “Penicillin”, is just a name of a type of matters which can effect the cell walls to composite

Sounds like a type of toxin that could be implemented, but it would not be called “Penicillin”, probably.

it should also only affect you if you have a certain membrane and not enough mass and(like in real life) be named after the species that evolved it first if possible

Maybe in multicellular stage, you can turn your toxin vacuoles be a “penicillin organ”(idk how to name it).

A problem here: the colors are not enough to show many different kinds of penicillins.

well they kill bacteria by stopping them from building a new cell wall so if you just don’t have a bacterial cell wall you are immune to all of them but if you have a bacterial cell wall you should only need to differentiate between penicillins you are immune to and ones you are weak to so one color for penicillins that don’t affect you and a different color for ones that do

In the version 0.6.0, we can change the kind of cell walls. So the color will change, too?

you can change those separately

Why is there no version of this for Microscopic Stage?
Should i make one?

it already exists

Oops. Why isn’t it linked at the top, then?

Because that thread doesn’t link back to here in its first post like all the other ideas thread in the series do. Probably has something to do with the fact that that thread has a different author than the other ones.

For reference and easy clicking this is that microbe variant of this thread:

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I love the idea that luciferin was named after the first creature that evolved it. :rofl:

Anyway, the multicellular editor should have stats for the entire creature. I’m assuming that’s already intended, though.

I also think that there should be a simpler set of graphics for the organelles in multicell, when zoomed out (and dependant on graphics settings). I mean, does it really make any difference to have 3d models for all the organelles, when they are barely visible on screen? If they were replaced by 2d images, a lot of people would notice no difference. An LOD system could probably make a huge difference to performance for low-end machines.

Also, I think it should be possible to zoom out the view in multicell quite a bit further. I made a creature from large cells (size 90+ in the editor), and I struggled to see anything when going up- or down-screen. Here’s a pic:

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Actually disabling all of the organelle graphics doesn’t help in low performance situations.

Here’s my profiling results:

Feel free to prove me wrong but I’ll only accept actual profiling numbers.

There’s been an open issue about this since 2021:

We need way more volunteer programmers to have any chance of implementing all of our issue backlog before the heat death of the universe (especially considering as the open issue count keeps ballooning up and up).

external gills should allow breathing on land as long as they stay hydrated like with axolotls

an effect of this would be a few more playstyles opening up like amphibians with pores on their external gills to release water onto them to keep them hydrated at the cost of water in the creature’s body and likely using them as pseudoleaves due to high surface area making mixothrophic axolotls in some playthroughs that can survive in anoxic environments as long as they have CO2 to intake

Explosive cells.

This may sound stupid, mainly because it is, but here me out. There would be cells that would combust, propelling the organism forward. This would also damage other organisms, allowing use from both predator and prey.

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