My exobiology project: The Yagarian System

if you’re asking which program i’m using (correct me if i’m wrong!) i’m using Krita, pretty good free open source drawing program, with a humble huion graphic tablet.


I can say that the drawings look pretty good!

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Parvurae Remastered™

Some descendants of Bivoridae parvulii, also known as Minipole, which emerged during the Torsian Explosion. They are characterized by their rapid reproduction, herbivorous habits and small size, which made them easy prey for Yagari’s first predators.

Figure 1: Tesamichis are the species most similar to their ancestors, however, they have some key differences. His vision became more detailed, developing a larger iris that allowed him to receive more light in more detail. Tesamichis are most common in the archepalagos west of the equator, but are present throughout almost the entire globe.

Figure 2: The Tuichasaka can be, in a certain way, considered a bigger cousin of the Tesamichis. Both developed eyes that were able to interpret the environment more adequately, and at first glance, both maintain an anatomy similar to their ancestors. However, a more careful analysis reveals that they have a few more key differences. Over time, some of the Tuichasaka’s proto-fins moved to its center and grew, which directly resulted in a better ability to move and more agility. Additionally, they are in the middle of the proccess of developing a jaw, something that helps them tear off and eat pieces of harder, more nutritious algae.

Figure 3: Hoytaso are, without a shadow of a doubt, the species that has undergone the most adaptations to their environment, which in this case, are the polar oceans of Yagari, where food is scarce and the cold is extreme.
Its comically elongated body may seem like a waste of energy, but it is extremely useful for carrying out as much photosynthesis as possible during its rest periods. In addition, they also have a concentration of larger photosynthetic cells in their tentacles, whose primary function is movement.
Oh, and I almost forgot the weirdest part about the Hoytaso. See that little hole on the back, near the tentacles? It is essential for locomotion. You see, the Minipole had a “+” shaped mouth, however, over time, this shape degraded to a ⸭. These extra four holes became either part of the respiratory system or simply useless evolutionary vestiges in most of species. however, in the Hoytaso, they were adapted to function as a jet propulsion, sucking water from one side and pumping it from the other, propelling it frontwards. This was surprisingly more economical than the traditional movement and has become predominant in the species.


I bet that this lineage will produce “live jets” at some point in future.

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These look pretty cool! However, regarding Tesamichis, the eye’s iris simply regulates the amount of light entering the eye; for detailed vision, species need larger eyes (or at least, that’s how Earth species achieve detailed vision)


so i’ve been thinking on some things lately. extreme rambling warning.

First of all, i think it’s a little weird that Yagari has only 4 planets. Suuure, one of them is a binary system and there is big waterworld moon too, but, if the sun is bigger than Yagari and it formed 8 (or 11 depending on how much you’re cool) planets, and Yagari being smaller give the opportunity to more protoplanetary disk material, 4 planets… isn’t enough.
In fact, i only made 4 planets because it didn’t had any more space on the sheet i made the first version of the Yagarian system, that was supposed to be an test to see if i can give planets more original names.
I’ve been thinking on adding more two, at least. One is a ice giant with alot of moons and the other is a dwarf planet, but the concept is very rough yet.

Another thing that is bothering me is Ceatrus atmosphere. Since i started taking a deep look at the cambrian and other time periods, i noticied how most of Earth extinctions happened because the atmosphere changed a little due to vulcanoes. So, i’m wondering what is the exact composition of Ceatrus atmosphere. First of all, i think y’all noticied that i’m making a great majority of Ceatrus life make oxygen. However, who is gonna to make CO2 levels stable? (Genuine question here, i don’t have idea how it would stabilize in this case, vulcanoes can’t do all of the work, right?) Also, what about other elements? I know that nitrogen will be important, but i don’t want Ceatrus to be an exact ctrl c ctrl v of Earth, but smaller and cooler.

Oh, and finally, sexual reproduction. My plan originally was that Ceatruan life would be hemaphrodite (because heheh cute non-binary aliens) but I remembered how it’s incredibly important for genetic variability, and it could general cool stuff (sexual dimorphism and gender stuff) but… I don’t want to An obvious separation of male and female would be kind of boring, to be honest. I’m thinking of something more exotic, like for example three genders, or like the avians from Runaway to the Stars, who carry their eggs in a pouch like a marsupial. I’m going to study a little more about sexual reproduction because, I have to admit, I know little about how it works in other species.

if y’all could give me a hand on any of theses things i just yapped about, i would be very happy


As far as I am concerned, smaller star systems generally have smaller planets which are closer to each other and their sun, whilst larger stars like sol have larger planets which are further apart from each other and their star. The amount of planets themselves however doesn’t seem to change that much in relation to star size tho, with the important thing to note being that smaller stars should generally have less ice/gas giants than larger stars.


You can do plot twist where Ceatrus (planet with life) gets close to the ice giant and becomes its moon + sharing with it some life that was on it, of course if it’s possible.


good news: my school break has finally started, three weeks work on my project yayyyyyyyy

bad news: I’m very busy drawing wholesome ksp yuri so it’ll be a while before I release more stuff.



(Filler text)



this what i’m doing instead of drawing alien sea cucumbers.