Natural Disasters

Thing is that many natural disasters with broad ecological impact would essentially be death sentences that organisms in the immediate vicinity would have basically no chance of avoiding. Things like a catastrophic asteroid impact or a humongous volcanic eruption would essentially be a giant explosion and a giant wall or flash of death. The more interesting evolutionary aspects of a disaster event is how the environment is effected and how organisms react to this new environment, which we ideally will simulate pretty robustly; extinction events and the such are very important in any evolutionary story.

Now, there are concepts for earthquakes in the Microbe stage for example, where currents will randomly switch up, and potentially for things like the flow of magma and such. So I won’t say a player wont ever play through an environmental event, but I will say that from a gameplay design perspective, the more important thing is to represent the aftermath of a disaster event rather than the event itself in creating a dynamic evolution simulator.