Nick’s Auto-Evo Algorithm Forum Game


After billions of years of dramatic physical and chemical changes to the planet, including intense meteor swarms and severe volcanism, conditions on the planet Artemis V finally calmed to the point that life could emerge. And emerge it did, for microbial life began soon after and dominated the planet for several billion years more. But now a new age is starting, the age of multicellularity.

A species of microbes has evolved the ability to coagulate into a bind into a single colony and work in unison. This primitive multicellular species, Primum Thrivium, is the first of its kind on the planet. But now that its lineage has evolved, there is nothing to stop the gears of evolution from spawning a whole host of new multicellular species from this pioneer species.

Round 0

Primum Thrivium has the following stats:

Primum Thrivium is spherical in size and very small, only 1cm in radius. It is a very simple species. It survives by feeding off of free floating clouds of glucose that wash into the tidepool from the ocean. Primum Thrivium randomly swims back and forth through the tidepool, and detects the glucose using simple touch receptor cells on its skin. The receptors can sense the change in viscosity of the water when passing through a cloud of dissolved glucose, at which point Primum Thrivium absorbs the surrounding sugars. Then, once fully satiated or once all the available food is gone, Primum Thrivium will spend the remainder of its time replicating its cells until it can reproduce.

Primum Thrivium inhabits a tidepool with the following stats:


Primum Thrivium has a relatively simple evolutionary history. However, it will expand as the years pass.

Primum Thrivium lives in a series of tidepools off the coast of one of the major continents. Their population has been relatively stable at around 100 members for the past 100,000 years, with birth rates almost always exactly matching death rates.

It is now up to you to control the evolution of multicellular life past Primum Thrivium and create a species that thrives and prospers!

The first two people to post will get to be the first two species that branch off of Primum Thrivium. All remaining players who sign up will be waitlisted and will have a chance to join on each following round. For the first two people, please post the name that you want your species to have, and how you want to spend your 100 MP evolving your species from Primum Thrivium.