Path of the Wild (Forum Game)

Action : Diverge from the current and try to follow the decline of the ocean floor, gravity must have left some food in the lower parts

Mutation 1) Arm-stub things
Mutation 2) Improve eyesight in whatever way possible
Mutation 3) Improve intelligence

Forgot about point roulette.
A +1 forā€¦
Boring, but itā€™ll have to do.
Behaviour 1) Remain near eggs until they hatch upon laying
Behaviour 2) Vigilance
Behaviour 3) Knowing not to attack each other

Action: Hide somewhere.

time to rest

Thanks for the round Stealth. Though it seems the dice gods hate me. :laughing:

Action: Get out of the trench at the next opportunity and find some food to stabilize my energy levels if I can.

Action: Find shallower waters

Round 87 - Part One


Official Game Soundtrack (Nice to have as a soundtrack whilst reading a round):
Chat Server (Anyone could join, players would benefit from joining):
Eztan Extant Ecosystems (The Current World):
Book of the Dead (Prehistoric History):

~21.75 million years into the Atroxian~
Fressian Stage
Season: Northern Spring, Southern Autumn
Time of Day: Afternoon (W), Dawn (E)
Event - Major Event

State of the World: The vast majority of the atmosphere, about 78% is composed of nitrogen. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are at their average amounts of 21% and 0.04% respectively. The rest of the atmosphere is a variety of gases in small percentages. The overall climate of the planet is quite temperate, seasonal and moderate. The average global temperature is at 15c. There are no ice caps. Much of the Uteeno interior is covered in desert, as it is too far from the sea to receive rain. There is one ocean, called Uteenessa, surrounding the lonely supercontinent of Uteeno. However, the continent is almost in two parts, as two shallow seas cut through to a relatively narrow land bridge that connects the north-west with the south-east. Very small moss-like plants exist on land, and create soil where they grow. Long mountain ranges trail across the desolate continent. Surrounding sea levels are fairly low.

Just underneath the ocean floor, the pressure of one magma chamber is close to bursting, as it bulges against the surface. It starts to rumble and release noxious materials.

Thanostoma stalloni (EN)
You decide to rest on the flat plain below the beach and settle down. Your rest is reasonably restful as you are uninterrupted, but you did lose some energy because you did not eat. Also, as you rest the tide starts to move back up the beach and you are a little moved by the tide, being so small. After your rest, you notice the sun has moved across the sky and start to set again. The water temperature also starts to drop. (4)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 4/8 (55%)
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 1.5cm

Thanostoma stalloni

Status: NT
Timespan: R.77 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Southern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 157
Size: 31cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma rex
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Bigger, Swim Bladder
Info: Once again, this species continues this lines habit of being the biggest on the planet, now at a relatively impressive half a meter. It has also extended its swimming capabilities and range, being able to conquer the open ocean thanks to its swim bladder. However, there is not a lot of prey large enough for it.
Description: With a long, blue tapering body ending in a spiked whip-like tail, this Thanostoma has the typical shape of a Caudarid. It has a cartilage jaw and two venomous canines surrounded by rather primitive teeth. Each side of its head has a swivelling pinhole eye. It also has three gill slits, and a line of electroreceptors running down its body. Internally, a gut leads to a stomach containing carnivorous digestive bacteria and cartilage vertebrae runs down the spine. Connected to the gut by a duct is a swim bladder.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes (L), Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Cartilage Jaw, Bigger

Archaiapasaria westenrai (LC) - Male
Since your brush with the new predators, you have been looking for somewhere to hide. Crossing to the other side of the lake, you find a very shallow section that leads onto a kind of shore, with a narrow inlet cutting through it. Fortunately, you are small enough to cross this shallow inlet, into the pool beyond, but larger predators will be unable to fit. It seems lots of nutrients have been deposited into this pond, for it is full of moss, and you have some food. You are the largest animal here, with a few small hatchling Archaiapasaria already here. The sun has crossed the sky by now, and is on its way to setting. The temperature starts to increase. (5 + 1)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 20/34 (60%)
Maturity: 40% (Juvenile)
Current Size: 4.8cm

Archaiapasaria westenrai

Status: LC
Timespan: R.71 - Present
Habitat: Rivers, Lakes
Distribution: Temperate Northern Hemisphere
Niche: Herbivore
Nutritional Value: 84.6
Size: 12cm
Predecessor: Petrocoilius rivieri
Classification: Archaiapasaridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Lobe Fins = 3, Tail Fins = 4, Fish Shape = 5, Swim Bladder = 4
Info: This Eztan animal is the first to be recognisable as being similar to a fish; the only thing that is really preventing this distinction is that it lacks pectoral fins. It is much more suited to swimming about than its relatives, which had to return to the seafloor to rest, and itā€™s efficient shape and tail fins make it much faster too. It is very common in the temperate rivers and lakes of the northern hemisphere. It feeds by sieving surface algae from the water as a filter-feeder, but it can also eat local seamosses growing below the surface. In the loss of itā€™s long tail, this species has become shorter than its predecessors but it is has a similar overall mass owing to its broader shape. Furthermore, the stiffer, albeit more powerful, bodily movements of the tail that propel the animal through the water, reduce the effectiveness of wielding tail spikes.
Description: It has a stout, orange and red, stream-lined body, like the shape of a fish and a short tail with a tail fin above and below the tail. These are shaped like horizontal semi-circles and together make a circle; they are supported by rays of cartilage. Two poisonous spikes protrude to the side of the tail. The front of the body has a cartilage jaw, and within in it several square teeth. It retains two venomous fangs in the roof of the mouth. On each side of the head is a lens-covered pinhole eye, with muscle that allows them to swivel. Three gills mark the body, which is also lined with unseeable electroreceptors. The mouth leads to a primitive gut and stomach, with weak herbivorous bacteria. The food is ground up in a gizzard first. Centrally located is a sac of gas called a swim bladder, and supporting the body are vertebrae made of bone. Also supporting the body are muscles with special vacuoles and an open circulatory system.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail (L), Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae (L), Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria (L), Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Jaw, Two Swiveling Pinhole Eyes (1 on each side of head), Weak Digestive Enzymes, Square Teeth, Bone Vertebrae, Gizzard, Genders, Freshwater Tolerance

Icthyotelus sinspica (LC)
The tide seems to move agonisingly slowly when you are this hungry, and it is slowly lapping higher over the ground, reaching towards your isolated pool. However, it still doesnā€™t reach far enough at this time of day, and you starve to death. (1 + 1 = Sadly, the end of your life has resulted in your death. Luckily, your species still goes on. It is a time for rebirth.)
Health: Dead
Fitness: 0%
Maturity: 15% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 1cm

Icthyotelus sinspica

Status: LC
Timespan: R.65 - Present
Habitat: Estuaries
Distribution: Northern Temperate Estuaries
Niche: Pelagic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 35
Size: 7cm
Predecessor: Charitomenchelus etalas
Classification: Icthyotelusidae, Tyrannidea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Tail Fins = 2, Fix Pectoral Fins = 5, Freshwater Tolerance = 3
Info: Unlike all itā€™s living relatives and some of its ancestors, the long tail has no spikes. It probably lost them as there was a lack of predators in their range; they live only in temperate estuaries, where the brackish water is just the right balance to suit their rather limited salt intake abilities. Overall, this is a relatively small area to live, but it is the only animal that lives here. The pectoral fins have become smaller, and more streamlined like a ray-finned fish; they are held against the body and composed of a cartilage limb branching off the vertebrae and three supports covered in skin. Muscles in the limb make it move, so this animal is faster than its ancestors.
Description: It has a tapering body, lined with electroreceptors and three gills on each side. It has two pectoral ray-fins and a pair of forward-facing cup eyes on the head. An oily liver helps to maintain buoyancy. An open circulatory system bathes the organs in hemacoel, and the body is controlled by ganglia. Down the back are cartilage vertebrae. In the gut, is a primitive stomach with the ability to digest multicellular matter.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail (L)

Soundwavia vorei (LC)
You try to swim towards shallower water, but find yourself being carried by an ocean current; being planktonic you are powerless against it as it continues to move you. Eventually, you lose sight of the bottom completely, the only source of orientation the nearby surface. The waters become desolate, except for other plankton also drifting helplessly in the ocean current. The sun has moved across the sky and is almost setting now. The temperature starts to increase. (1 + 1)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 4/6 (70%)
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 0.95cm

Soundwavia vorei

Status: LC
Timespan: R.76 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Northern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 132
Size: 19cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma aquaprinceps
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Swim Bladder = 4, Increase Size = 3, Flippers = 5
Info: Although it tends to live around shallow seas where prey is larger, this relatively efficient swimmer can also hunt at the surface of the open ocean. It is quicker, more agile and can control its buoyancy, being able to hunt down the most fleeting of prey. It has become the dominant predator in the entire northern hemisphere, driving Thanostoma aquaprinceps into extinction. It requires air at the surface to inflate its swim bladder.
Description: It has a blue, tapering body, lined with electroreceptors and three gills on each side, ending in a long whip-tail complete with venomous spikes. Two large pinhole eyes, that the animal is able to swivel slightly for increased range of sight, sit on the side of the head and itā€™s mouth is full of small teeth, with a pair of venomous fangs embedded in its cartilage jaw. Supported by rays of cartilage, it has a pair of pectoral flippers, as well as a dorsal fin on the back. An open circulatory system bathes the organs in hemacoel, and the body is controlled by ganglia. Down the back are cartilage vertebrae. In the gut, was a primitive stomach with the ability to digest multicellular matter. It has a swim bladder connected to the gut.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord, Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord, Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes, Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Jaw

Asteridermus mutatiogenus (EN) - Male
You stop letting the current move you, and swim under your own power. You search across the ocean floor for scraps, and hug the bottom. You do not find any declines as this section of the abyssal plain is relatively flat. It also seems to be getting warmer. However, you do manage to smell out some falling marine snow and consume it. You have reached maturity. Suddenly, you can smell some noxious materials in the water. (4)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 104/65 (180%)
Maturity: 100% - 1/8 (Young Adult)
Current Size: 10cm

Asteridermus mutatiogenus

Status: EN
Timespan: R.83 - Present
Habitat: Deep Ocean, Continental Slope (Mid Ocean)
Distribution: Under Temperate and Tropical Uteenessa Ocean
Niche: Minor Predator
Nutritional Value: 68
Size: 10.5cm
Predecessor: Asteridermus luminaria
Classification: Achmachelusidae, Tyrannidea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Bigger = 4, Genders = 5, Oily Liver = 3
Info: This was not the first animal to evolve separate genders; Petrocoilius, a member of the same class but different order had done this about four and a half million years ago in the rivers of the northern hemisphere. But the special thing about Asteridermus mutatiogenus is that it has not two but three gender castes. A male, a female and a hermaphrodite. For most of its life, a hermaphrodite Asteridermus will have both male and sexual parts. However, when it comes to mating, the hermaphrodite will morph its sexual organs in response to pheromones from the mate. A male mate will give off pheromones which will encourage the hermaphrodite to become female, and it works the other way if the mate is a female. Once it morphs, it cannot change again in its lifetime. This means that, although this tactic is good because it might fill a gap in the short term, it does not have a huge effect on the population as it essentially becomes a normal adult. Other than this and the fact that it is slightly larger, there is little physical difference between Asteridermus mutatiogenus and its predecessor. It is reduced to mostly feeding off of scraps of marine snow, and it is too large to live off its predecessorā€™s prey, and has to compete with the more effective Thanostoma altium.
Description: It has a black, tapering body, lined with electroreceptors and three gills on each side. Blue, bioluminescent spots dot the skin, which can be turned on and off as a whole. Behind the head, there is a fatty hump on the back. The squat tail has a pair of poisonous spikes. It has two pectoral ray-fins. Small olfactory receptors above the mouth and a pair of forward-facing cup eyes are on the head, as well as a cartilage jaw with small, simple teeth. An open circulatory system bathes the organs in hemacoel, and the body is controlled by ganglia. Down the back are cartilage vertebrae. In the gut, is a primitive stomach with the ability to digest multicellular matter.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord, Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord, Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Cup Eyes, Jaw, Fins (two vertical near head), Hump, Bioluminescent Lights, Olfaction, Temperate and Tropical Tolerance, Bioluminescence Control


Round 87 - Part Two

Peregapodus zaxzirkrnk (NT)
You hatch out of your capsule and immediately examine your surroundings. Around you, about a dozen siblings are hatching out of the capsule alongside you. Nearby, a massive adult Peregapodus hangs in the water, constantly turning around and keeping an eye out. Now that the capsule is gone, it has no stimulus telling it to remain, so it swims off and disappears into the gloom. Watching it go, you notice that the water suddenly drops off from this shallow shelf, meaning you are on an island shelf. You spot a small Almoskulus resting on some rocks and rush towards it. It jumps up into the water and tries to glide away on its membrane but you are too fast and kill it.
(6 + 1 + 1 = Ding, ding, ding! Congrats, you have won a bonus point! Give either yourself or another player a + or -1. Choose carefully; you cannot exchange it later.)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 7/70 (100%)
Maturity: 5%
Current Size: 1.6cm

[details=ā€œZaxzirkrnkrokinkaro ā€œPeregapodus zaxzirkrnkā€ā€]
Status: NT
Timespan: R.87 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Southern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 157
Size: 31cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma stalloni
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Limbs, Tapetum, Intelligence
Info: Peregapodus has mostly replaced Thanostoma stalloni. The strangest thing about this species is that, although it seems to be halfway to attaining limbs of some kind, they are placed asymmetrically, causing an issue of balance, as well as drag. They also have no bone structure and weak muscle so are of practically no use. However, in other areas it has an advantage - it can see better at low-light levels, including night, with a tapetum behind the retina. Furthermore, it is also relatively intelligent; they have learnt not to eat members of their own species, and also hang around the capsules after they have been laid, although there seems to be no maternal connection. This species is also constantly vigilant, watching out for danger and opportunity.
Description: With a long, blue tapering body ending in a spiked whip-like tail, this Thanostoma has the typical shape of a Caudarid. It has a cartilage jaw and two venomous canines surrounded by rather primitive teeth. Each side of its head has a swivelling pinhole eye. Behind the retina is a layer of cells containing reflective crystals called a choroidal tapetum cellulosum. It also has three gill slits, and a line of electroreceptors running down its body. On the right side, closer to the head, is a stub of mainly weak muscle and no bone structure; this also occurs on the left but much closer to the tail. Internally, a gut leads to a stomach containing carnivorous digestive bacteria and cartilage vertebrae runs down the spine. Connected to the gut by a duct is a swim bladder. It has more neurons in its tiny brain than its cousins.

Behaviour Sets


  1. Be vigilant.
  2. Do not eat own species.
  3. Remain near to capsules after they are laid.
Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes (L), Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Cartilage Jaw, Bigger, Swim Bladder

Thalakelphus asperacuta (VU)
Detecting the warmer water, you finally start to swim downwards but you are a relatively slow swimmer. And with the temperature already affecting you, you are unfortunately unable to out swim the warm water before you overheat and perish. (2 + 1 = Sadly, the end of your life has resulted in your death. Luckily, your species still goes on. It is a time for rebirth.)
Health: Dead
Fitness: 0%
Maturity: 100% - 3/8 (Young Adult)
Current Size: 8.5cm

Thalakelphus asperacuta

Status: VU
Timespan: R.84 - Present
Habitat: Mid Ocean
Distribution: Under Temperate and Tropical Uteenessa Ocean, Below the thermocline - 800m below sea level
Niche: Pelagic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 66
Size: 8.5cm
Predecessor: Thalakelphus svrangitensi
Classification: Zestoskulusidae, Kardiaskulusidea, Kardiarchia
Latest Mutations: Pigmentation = 3, Poison Glands = 6, Lower Metabolic Rate = 4
Info: The deep ocean life of this species means that fast movement is not something that is often needed; other animals are met rarely. It has sacrificed speed so that its body will require less food, by lowering its metabolic rate. Therefore, it is slow, but needs to consume less of the scarce food. If it does get the attention of a predator it can defend itself, as fleeing may no longer work, with bumpy poison glands along the tentacles. The colourless, mucus-like poison can be secreted at will by the animal and cause pain and death in the attacker. However, like its predecessor, it still only lives in the narrow band of ocean between the bottom of the thermocline and 800m below the surface.
Description: It has a smooth, straight shell made of calcium carbonate with several medium-length tentacles sticking out the front covered in poison glands. On the face is a couple areas where minuscule cilia which act as mechanoreceptors, picking up underwater noises and inputting this information into the nerve network. On the head that just protrudes from the rest of the shell, two large pinhole eyes with lenses face upwards, while another one faces forwards above the circular, toothless mouth. The skin that is uncovered is layered with heat-proof scales. At the rear, a muscular hyponome drags in water and uses it to propel itself quickly. This tube leads into the siphuncle, which manages water content inside the shell, creating buoyancy. This also delivers water to the gills and gill frills inside the shell. A simple gut, behind the pharynx, leads through the body, which is circulated by a semi-open circulatory system; capillaries cover the muscles, which also have special vacuoles, but the rest of the organs were bathed in a chamber. The circulatory system is pumped by a tubular heart. A tiny brain and two nerve cords control the body. The body has vertebrae made of cartilage.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Open Circulatory System, Tubular Heart, Web of Capillaries Over Muscles, Axochord, Notochord, Four Gill Slits, Two Gill Frills, Pharynx, Large Pinhole Eyes With Lenses (2 on top of head, one on front), Heat-Proof Scales, Cartilage Vertebrae, Calcium Carbonate Shell, Heat Resistance, Tentacles, Hyponome, Shell, Hearing

Esoteramalimnus latacorpus (NT) - Male
Without the energy to run, you instead turn to face the predator. You make to whip it, but you underestimated the distance between you and hit open water. The big predator takes advantage of your miss and swings its own tail at your undefeated body. You feel the spike pierce you, and your vision becomes faint. It then bites down, injecting yet more venom, and you quickly die. (1 + 1 = Sadly, the end of your life has resulted in your death. Luckily, your species still goes on. It is a time for rebirth.)
Health: Dead
Fitness: 0%
Maturity: 95% (Subadult)
Current Size: 21cm

Esoteramalimnus latacorpus

Status: NT
Timespan: R.76 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea
Distribution: Temperate Southern Hemisphere
Niche: Herbivore
Nutritional Value: 133
Size: 22cm
Predecessor: Hemithateus amniotus
Classification: Esoteralimnusidae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Swim Bladder = 4, Intelligence = 6, Closed Circulatory System = 1, Fat Storage = 5
Info: A biological mystery, unlike all its relatives, it does not have an open circulatory system but has a pool of hemacoel containing the inside of its body. This is very inefficient, as the oxygen dissolves rather slowly to where it is needed and this results in much weaker stamina. It cannot outrun its predators and is forced to fight them off. However, it can float indefinitely, so it can escape Thanostoma rex which canā€™t, but there are smaller Thanostoma with the same ability. It can go for longer without food than its cousins, as it has increased fat storage, giving this species its wide shape. Esoteralimnus often gather in loose, uncoordinated groups for safety in numbers and lay their eggs close to seaweed or seamoss. The young are very skittish and flee at the slightest disturbances. Itā€™s name means ā€˜inner blood lakeā€™ referring to its unique circulatory system.
Description: The long, blue, tapering body becomes quite wide around the middle due to a layer of fat. It is supported by vertebrae of bone, although the whip-tail at the end is composed of flexible cartilage. Along the body are three gill slits and a line of electroreceptors. There are no limbs. The head has a cartilage jaw, with a pair of venomous canines surrounded by square shaped teeth. On each side of the head is a pinhole eye, with the ability to swivel around. At the end of the tail, two venomous spikes stick out. A gut leads to a stomach containing weak digestive herbivorous bacteria which can only break down small bits of plant matter. Connected to the gut is a swim bladder. The muscles contain special vacuoles for storing extra energy. The entire inner body is nourished by a pool of hemacoel, which is not pumped around but allowed to dissolve slowly into organs. The nervous system is controlled by a fairly small brain, which is believed to have a very small memory sector, for recognition of predatory species.

Behaviour Sets


  1. Skittish.
  2. At 50% maturity, they switch from skittish to normal.
  3. When reproducing, lay eggs near vegetation.
  4. Gravitate towards each other.
  5. Recognise predators faster.
Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord, Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord, Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Jaw, Two Swiveling Pinhole Eyes (1 on each side of head), Digestive Enzymes, Plant-Eating Teeth, Bone Vertebrae, Genders, Eggs

Archaiapasaria westenrai (LC) - Male
Patrolling through the murky lake water, you look out for food. You have not seen any when you suddenly detect movement heads towards you via electroreception. There are two animals heading your way and so you swim away as fast as you can. You stop against the bottom of the lake, the sediment free of vegetation having realised that they are not after you, but a Thanostoma victurus pursuing a Petrocoilius. You are exhausted and starving, on the precipice of death. The sun has by now crossed the sky and is almost setting. The temperature starts to increase. (2)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 1/8 (5%)
Maturity: 10% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 1.2cm

Archaiapasaria westenrai

Status: LC
Timespan: R.71 - Present
Habitat: Rivers, Lakes
Distribution: Temperate Northern Hemisphere
Niche: Herbivore
Nutritional Value: 84.6
Size: 12cm
Predecessor: Petrocoilius rivieri
Classification: Archaiapasaridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Lobe Fins = 3, Tail Fins = 4, Fish Shape = 5, Swim Bladder = 4
Info: This Eztan animal is the first to be recognisable as being similar to a fish; the only thing that is really preventing this distinction is that it lacks pectoral fins. It is much more suited to swimming about than its relatives, which had to return to the seafloor to rest, and itā€™s efficient shape and tail fins make it much faster too. It is very common in the temperate rivers and lakes of the northern hemisphere. It feeds by sieving surface algae from the water as a filter-feeder, but it can also eat local seamosses growing below the surface. In the loss of itā€™s long tail, this species has become shorter than its predecessors but it is has a similar overall mass owing to its broader shape. Furthermore, the stiffer, albeit more powerful, bodily movements of the tail that propel the animal through the water, reduce the effectiveness of wielding tail spikes.
Description: It has a stout, orange and red, stream-lined body, like the shape of a fish and a short tail with a tail fin above and below the tail. These are shaped like horizontal semi-circles and together make a circle; they are supported by rays of cartilage. Two poisonous spikes protrude to the side of the tail. The front of the body has a cartilage jaw, and within in it several square teeth. It retains two venomous fangs in the roof of the mouth. On each side of the head is a lens-covered pinhole eye, with muscle that allows them to swivel. Three gills mark the body, which is also lined with unseeable electroreceptors. The mouth leads to a primitive gut and stomach, with weak herbivorous bacteria. The food is ground up in a gizzard first. Centrally located is a sac of gas called a swim bladder, and supporting the body are vertebrae made of bone. Also supporting the body are muscles with special vacuoles and an open circulatory system.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail (L), Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae (L), Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria (L), Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Jaw, Two Swiveling Pinhole Eyes (1 on each side of head), Weak Digestive Enzymes, Square Teeth, Bone Vertebrae, Gizzard, Genders, Freshwater Tolerance

Almoskulus normacutis (NT)
Needing a mate, you turn to the nearest possible candidate. As luck would have it, some of the Almoskulus in your little canyon are also adults, and they seem very healthy too. You successfully mate with one of them. The sun has crossed the sky and is almost setting. The temperature starts to decrease. (6 + 1 = Ding, ding, ding! Congrats, you have won a bonus point! Give either yourself or another player a + or -1. Choose carefully; you cannot exchange it later; Well done! You have successfully passed on your genes. Letā€™s hope they fit; choose 3 mutations to try and evolve.) - Let me know if youā€™d like to evolve now or carry on -
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 13/12 (110%)
Maturity: 100% - 2/8 (Young Adult)
Current Size: 2.3cm

Almoskulus normacutis

Status: NT
Timespan: R.77 - Present
Habitat: Continental Slope (Mid Ocean), Shallow Sea
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere, Temperate and Polar Seas & Continental Slope down to 500m
Niche: Benthic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 11.8
Size: 2.3cm
Predecessor: Almoskulus caecorum
Classification: Almoskulusidae, Squickidea, Membrania
Latest Mutations: Fix Skin
Info: This took over from its predecessor Almoskulus caecorum. It had tougher skin that did not rip so easily, but it is still not particularly tough. It lives in all parts of the ocean where itā€™s eyes are useful, except for tropical. This means it lives from 500 metres under the surface to the shallowest parts of the seas. It serenely poses on the seafloor, filtering falling marine snow for food.
Description: The tubular body has a fleshy membrane running along the top and underside. Blank, white eyeballs hang off the edge of short, protruding eyestalks that stick out straight to the sides of the head. Chemoreceptors sit by the mouth, as well as a pair of small tentacles, with three gill slits at the back of the head. This fins are short but sturdy and curve underneath the tubular body, which varies between red and transparent. At the front of its nervous system, is a tiny brain. Its mouth has a primitive gut leading straight to the anus. An open circulatory system bathes organs and muscles in hemacoel; this contains anti-freeze proteins to stop bodily fluids from freezing.

Previous Mutations

Muscles, Fleshy Membrane (along back and underside), Chemoreceptors, Basic Instincts, Three Gill Slits, Yellow Pigmentation (L), Dentine Teeth, Open Circulatory System, Pinhole Eye With Lens (one on top of head), Notochord, Anti-freeze Proteins, Slow Reactions, Red-Transparent Colour Shifting, Small Tentacles, Eyes, Fins, Weak Skin (L)


Action: Just eat and mature.

Action: Swim away from the toxic smell and start looking for a mate (Donā€™t evolve)

1 Like

Action: look for a more populated area

Action: heccin hunt
Edit: Oh wait i got the point thing
let the number generator decide!
ā€¦a +1 toā€¦

find food and get to warmer water

Damn it
Action:find food

1 Like

Niiiice ! Iā€™ll give the +1 to myself

1- Better Muscles
2- Some kind of armor (chitin, bone, though skin, whatever)
3- (Toothless) Jaw

Round 88 - P.1


Official Game Soundtrack (Nice to have as a soundtrack whilst reading a round):
Chat Server (Anyone could join, players would benefit from joining):
Eztan Extant Ecosystems (The Current World):
Book of the Dead (Prehistoric History):

~22 million years into the Atroxian~
??? Stage
Season: Northern Spring, Southern Autumn
Time of Day: Dusk (W), Morning (E)
Event - Global Event (tectonic movement)

State of the World: The vast majority of the atmosphere, about 78% is composed of nitrogen. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are at their average amounts of 21% and 0.04% respectively. The rest of the atmosphere is a variety of gases in small percentages. The overall climate of the planet is quite temperate, seasonal and moderate. The average global temperature is at 15c. There are no ice caps. Much of the Uteeno interior is covered in desert, as it is too far from the sea to receive rain. There is one ocean, called Uteenessa, surrounding the lonely supercontinent of Uteeno. However, the continent is almost in two parts, as two shallow seas cut through to a relatively narrow land bridge that connects the north-west with the south-east. Very small moss-like plants exist on land, and create soil where they grow. Long mountain ranges trail across the desolate continent. Surrounding sea levels are fairly low.

The small volcano at the bottom of the ocean suddenly erupted, releasing magma into the water, which almost instantly solidified into pillows of rock. The magma and superheated water incinerated any organisms unfortunate enough to be in the way. But this single eruption is not the end of it; from volcanoes all over the place, thin wisps of sulfur dioxide are escaping into the darkening sky, signs of imminent activity perhaps.

Despite this, new species continue to evolve; the jellyfish-hunting Elinopterus expands its range and size, Euskulus respiritus has gill pores allowing it to respire better than its predecessors and Dictomedusus jellyfish grow in size. The biggest change is probably in Stellingus cormeus, descended from Thanostoma superficiem. It is a heart, the first of the Caudaria class to evolve one. They have previously only been found in the Kardiarchia class. This gives it a significant advantage in chases, having much better stamina than their opponents and it has ousted Thanostoma altium from its range.

Thanostoma stalloni (CR)
As dusk falls, the light becomes dimmer and you cannot see very well. It also becomes quite cool in temperature and you try to swim in search of warmer water. But the tide has other ideas, as it continues to move back up the beach and you are too small to fight it. It drags you over the tidal zone, where some rocks are. You notice a speck of blue light poking out of a crevice in a rock and move closer to investigate. The blue bulb appears to be attached to the face of a small creature, a hatchling Dolophonaskulus. You attack it by biting down with your venomous fangs whilst it is cornered. It is killed, and you eat the corpse as night falls and it becomes truly dark. (4)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 6/8 (75%)
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 1.5cm

Thanostoma stalloni

Status: NT
Timespan: R.77 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Southern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 157
Size: 31cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma rex
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Bigger, Swim Bladder
Info: Once again, this species continues this lines habit of being the biggest on the planet, now at a relatively impressive half a meter. It has also extended its swimming capabilities and range, being able to conquer the open ocean thanks to its swim bladder. However, there is not a lot of prey large enough for it.
Description: With a long, blue tapering body ending in a spiked whip-like tail, this Thanostoma has the typical shape of a Caudarid. It has a cartilage jaw and two venomous canines surrounded by rather primitive teeth. Each side of its head has a swivelling pinhole eye. It also has three gill slits, and a line of electroreceptors running down its body. Internally, a gut leads to a stomach containing carnivorous digestive bacteria and cartilage vertebrae runs down the spine. Connected to the gut by a duct is a swim bladder.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes (L), Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Cartilage Jaw, Bigger

Archaiapasaria westenrai (LC) - Male
There is just enough light left during dusk to find the growth of aquatic moss in the small inlet off of the warm lake, but you donā€™t have to look that hard as the spring brings with it a growth in phytoplankton along the waterā€™s surface. You gorge yourself on the prosperity, lazily filtering through the water. Then, as night arrives, vision becomes very difficult indeed. (6)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 47.2/42.9 (110%)
Maturity: 50% (Juvenile)
Current Size: 6cm

Archaiapasaria westenrai

Status: LC
Timespan: R.71 - Present
Habitat: Rivers, Lakes
Distribution: Temperate Northern Hemisphere
Niche: Herbivore
Nutritional Value: 84.6
Size: 12cm
Predecessor: Petrocoilius rivieri
Classification: Archaiapasaridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Lobe Fins = 3, Tail Fins = 4, Fish Shape = 5, Swim Bladder = 4
Info: This Eztan animal is the first to be recognisable as being similar to a fish; the only thing that is really preventing this distinction is that it lacks pectoral fins. It is much more suited to swimming about than its relatives, which had to return to the seafloor to rest, and itā€™s efficient shape and tail fins make it much faster too. It is very common in the temperate rivers and lakes of the northern hemisphere. It feeds by sieving surface algae from the water as a filter-feeder, but it can also eat local seamosses growing below the surface. In the loss of itā€™s long tail, this species has become shorter than its predecessors but it is has a similar overall mass owing to its broader shape. Furthermore, the stiffer, albeit more powerful, bodily movements of the tail that propel the animal through the water, reduce the effectiveness of wielding tail spikes.
Description: It has a stout, orange and red, stream-lined body, like the shape of a fish and a short tail with a tail fin above and below the tail. These are shaped like horizontal semi-circles and together make a circle; they are supported by rays of cartilage. Two poisonous spikes protrude to the side of the tail. The front of the body has a cartilage jaw, and within in it several square teeth. It retains two venomous fangs in the roof of the mouth. On each side of the head is a lens-covered pinhole eye, with muscle that allows them to swivel. Three gills mark the body, which is also lined with unseeable electroreceptors. The mouth leads to a primitive gut and stomach, with weak herbivorous bacteria. The food is ground up in a gizzard first. Centrally located is a sac of gas called a swim bladder, and supporting the body are vertebrae made of bone. Also supporting the body are muscles with special vacuoles and an open circulatory system.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail (L), Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae (L), Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria (L), Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Jaw, Two Swiveling Pinhole Eyes (1 on each side of head), Weak Digestive Enzymes, Square Teeth, Bone Vertebrae, Gizzard, Genders, Freshwater Tolerance

Icthyotelus sinspica (LC)
You hatch out at the bottom of a fairly deep channel, with dim lighting brought on by the dusk. Despite this, the water is warm and teems with phytoplankton at the surface. You join in on the feeding as soon as you are able, and filter plenty of food to start off your young life well. Although at first you are able to make out the dim shapes of your comrades, it soon becomes to dark to see anything. (5)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 1.4/1.4 (100%)
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 0.35cm

Icthyotelus sinspica

Status: LC
Timespan: R.65 - Present
Habitat: Estuaries
Distribution: Northern Temperate Estuaries
Niche: Pelagic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 35
Size: 7cm
Predecessor: Charitomenchelus etalas
Classification: Icthyotelusidae, Tyrannidea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Tail Fins = 2, Fix Pectoral Fins = 5, Freshwater Tolerance = 3
Info: Unlike all itā€™s living relatives and some of its ancestors, the long tail has no spikes. It probably lost them as there was a lack of predators in their range; they live only in temperate estuaries, where the brackish water is just the right balance to suit their rather limited salt intake abilities. Overall, this is a relatively small area to live, but it is the only animal that lives here. The pectoral fins have become smaller, and more streamlined like a ray-finned fish; they are held against the body and composed of a cartilage limb branching off the vertebrae and three supports covered in skin. Muscles in the limb make it move, so this animal is faster than its ancestors.
Description: It has a tapering body, lined with electroreceptors and three gills on each side. It has two pectoral ray-fins and a pair of forward-facing cup eyes on the head. An oily liver helps to maintain buoyancy. An open circulatory system bathes the organs in hemacoel, and the body is controlled by ganglia. Down the back are cartilage vertebrae. In the gut, is a primitive stomach with the ability to digest multicellular matter.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail (L)

Soundwavia vorei (LC)
As the days pass, you are still being carried by the warm current, sustaining yourself on other plankton drifting along. The current moves south not far from the coast. Eventually, you find yourself floating over an area, brimming with life. Upwelling caused by the current means that the water is nutrient-rich, and vast forests of large seaweed thrive, and above and amongst them, you can also see plenty of animals, most much larger than yourself. You are still being carried by the current and attack a nearby hatchling Hemithateus mediossium plankton. Luckily, after a brief stand-off and struggle, you win the fight, managing to avoid its weapons and sink yours into its body. You then eat it. But then night falls, and it becomes virtually impossible to see at all. (5 + 1)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 5.4/6 (90%)
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 0.95cm

Soundwavia vorei

Status: LC
Timespan: R.76 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Northern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 132
Size: 19cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma aquaprinceps
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Swim Bladder = 4, Increase Size = 3, Flippers = 5
Info: Although it tends to live around shallow seas where prey is larger, this relatively efficient swimmer can also hunt at the surface of the open ocean. It is quicker, more agile and can control its buoyancy, being able to hunt down the most fleeting of prey. It has become the dominant predator in the entire northern hemisphere, driving Thanostoma aquaprinceps into extinction. It requires air at the surface to inflate its swim bladder.
Description: It has a blue, tapering body, lined with electroreceptors and three gills on each side, ending in a long whip-tail complete with venomous spikes. Two large pinhole eyes, that the animal is able to swivel slightly for increased range of sight, sit on the side of the head and itā€™s mouth is full of small teeth, with a pair of venomous fangs embedded in its cartilage jaw. Supported by rays of cartilage, it has a pair of pectoral flippers, as well as a dorsal fin on the back. An open circulatory system bathes the organs in hemacoel, and the body is controlled by ganglia. Down the back are cartilage vertebrae. In the gut, was a primitive stomach with the ability to digest multicellular matter. It has a swim bladder connected to the gut.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord, Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord, Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes, Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Jaw

Asteridermus mutatiogenus (EN) - Male
You head away from the noxious smell in the water, where it becomes weaker, as it makes you dizzy and sick. Behind you, a great force erupts from the ground; you donā€™t hear it of course, but you can feel the pressure and the force of water as it rushes outwards. It pushes against you, which does cause some burn damage, but fortunately you are pushed away from the eruption. You soon find yourself safe again, on the empty abyssal plain, surrounded by nothing but cold, black water. You are alone. (4)
Health: Burnt tail end
Fitness: 88.4/68 (130%)
Maturity: 100% - 2/8 (Young Adult)
Current Size: 10.5cm

Asteridermus mutatiogenus

Status: EN
Timespan: R.83 - Present
Habitat: Deep Ocean, Continental Slope (Mid Ocean)
Distribution: Under Temperate and Tropical Uteenessa Ocean
Niche: Minor Predator
Nutritional Value: 68
Size: 10.5cm
Predecessor: Asteridermus luminaria
Classification: Achmachelusidae, Tyrannidea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Bigger = 4, Genders = 5, Oily Liver = 3
Info: This was not the first animal to evolve separate genders; Petrocoilius, a member of the same class but different order had done this about four and a half million years ago in the rivers of the northern hemisphere. But the special thing about Asteridermus mutatiogenus is that it has not two but three gender castes. A male, a female and a hermaphrodite. For most of its life, a hermaphrodite Asteridermus will have both male and sexual parts. However, when it comes to mating, the hermaphrodite will morph its sexual organs in response to pheromones from the mate. A male mate will give off pheromones which will encourage the hermaphrodite to become female, and it works the other way if the mate is a female. Once it morphs, it cannot change again in its lifetime. This means that, although this tactic is good because it might fill a gap in the short term, it does not have a huge effect on the population as it essentially becomes a normal adult. Other than this and the fact that it is slightly larger, there is little physical difference between Asteridermus mutatiogenus and its predecessor. It is reduced to mostly feeding off of scraps of marine snow, and it is too large to live off its predecessorā€™s prey, and has to compete with the more effective Thanostoma altium.
Description: It has a black, tapering body, lined with electroreceptors and three gills on each side. Blue, bioluminescent spots dot the skin, which can be turned on and off as a whole. Behind the head, there is a fatty hump on the back. The squat tail has a pair of poisonous spikes. It has two pectoral ray-fins. Small olfactory receptors above the mouth and a pair of forward-facing cup eyes are on the head, as well as a cartilage jaw with small, simple teeth. An open circulatory system bathes the organs in hemacoel, and the body is controlled by ganglia. Down the back are cartilage vertebrae. In the gut, is a primitive stomach with the ability to digest multicellular matter.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord, Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord, Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Cup Eyes, Jaw, Fins (two vertical near head), Hump, Bioluminescent Lights, Olfaction, Temperate and Tropical Tolerance, Bioluminescence Control


Action: Just rest for the night.

rest for a bit
oh i guess i have to make a 20 character post

Thanks for the new round Stealth. :grin:

Action: Rest for the night.

R.88 - P.2

Peregapodus zaxzirkrnk (NT)
You look around for more food near the edge of the cool island shelf. However, all you can see through the faint light of dusk is your siblings. Together, you have eaten or scared off all potential prey in the area. You go hungry as it goes dark with night. (2 + 1)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 49/70 (70%)
Maturity: 5%
Current Size: 1.6cm

Peregapodus zaxzirkrnk

Status: NT
Timespan: R.87 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Southern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 157
Size: 31cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma stalloni
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Limbs, Tapetum, Intelligence
Info: Peregapodus, common name Zaxzirkrnkrokinkaro, has mostly replaced Thanostoma stalloni. The strangest thing about this species is that, although it seems to be halfway to attaining limbs of some kind, they are placed asymmetrically, causing an issue of balance, as well as drag. They also have no bone structure and weak muscle so are of practically no use. However, in other areas it has an advantage - it can see better at low-light levels, including night, with a tapetum behind the retina. Furthermore, it is also relatively intelligent; they have learnt not to eat members of their own species, and also hang around the capsules after they have been laid, although there seems to be no maternal connection. This species is also constantly vigilant, watching out for danger and opportunity.
Description: With a long, blue tapering body ending in a spiked whip-like tail, this Thanostoma has the typical shape of a Caudarid. It has a cartilage jaw and two venomous canines surrounded by rather primitive teeth. Each side of its head has a swivelling pinhole eye. Behind the retina is a layer of cells containing reflective crystals called a choroidal tapetum cellulosum. It also has three gill slits, and a line of electroreceptors running down its body. On the right side, closer to the head, is a stub of mainly weak muscle and no bone structure; this also occurs on the left but much closer to the tail. Internally, a gut leads to a stomach containing carnivorous digestive bacteria and cartilage vertebrae runs down the spine. Connected to the gut by a duct is a swim bladder. It has more neurons in its tiny brain than its cousins.

Behaviour Sets


  1. Be vigilant.
  2. Do not eat own species.
  3. Remain near to capsules after they are laid.
Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes (L), Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Cartilage Jaw, Bigger, Swim Bladder

Thalakelphus asperacuta (VU)
You hatch out and your first experience is that of the nothingness of the ocean void. The water is cold, completely dark and desolate. You and your siblings are the only things you can hear, and they soon disappear. You can see nothing. (4)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 80%
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 0.4cm

Thalakelphus asperacuta

Status: VU
Timespan: R.84 - Present
Habitat: Mid Ocean
Distribution: Under Temperate and Tropical Uteenessa Ocean, Below the thermocline - 800m below sea level
Niche: Pelagic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 66
Size: 8.5cm
Predecessor: Thalakelphus svrangitensi
Classification: Zestoskulusidae, Kardiaskulusidea, Kardiarchia
Latest Mutations: Pigmentation = 3, Poison Glands = 6, Lower Metabolic Rate = 4
Info: The deep ocean life of this species means that fast movement is not something that is often needed; other animals are met rarely. It has sacrificed speed so that its body will require less food, by lowering its metabolic rate. Therefore, it is slow, but needs to consume less of the scarce food. If it does get the attention of a predator it can defend itself, as fleeing may no longer work, with bumpy poison glands along the tentacles. The colourless, mucus-like poison can be secreted at will by the animal and cause pain and death in the attacker. However, like its predecessor, it still only lives in the narrow band of ocean between the bottom of the thermocline and 800m below the surface.
Description: It has a smooth, straight shell made of calcium carbonate with several medium-length tentacles sticking out the front covered in poison glands. On the face is a couple areas where minuscule cilia which act as mechanoreceptors, picking up underwater noises and inputting this information into the nerve network. On the head that just protrudes from the rest of the shell, two large pinhole eyes with lenses face upwards, while another one faces forwards above the circular, toothless mouth. The skin that is uncovered is layered with heat-proof scales. At the rear, a muscular hyponome drags in water and uses it to propel itself quickly. This tube leads into the siphuncle, which manages water content inside the shell, creating buoyancy. This also delivers water to the gills and gill frills inside the shell. A simple gut, behind the pharynx, leads through the body, which is circulated by a semi-open circulatory system; capillaries cover the muscles, which also have special vacuoles, but the rest of the organs were bathed in a chamber. The circulatory system is pumped by a tubular heart. A tiny brain and two nerve cords control the body. The body has vertebrae made of cartilage.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Open Circulatory System, Tubular Heart, Web of Capillaries Over Muscles, Axochord, Notochord, Four Gill Slits, Two Gill Frills, Pharynx, Large Pinhole Eyes With Lenses (2 on top of head, one on front), Heat-Proof Scales, Cartilage Vertebrae, Calcium Carbonate Shell, Heat Resistance, Tentacles, Hyponome, Shell, Hearing

Esoteramalimnus latacorpus (NT) - Male
You hatch out on the flat abyssal plain, in complete darkness. You can sense the chemical signal of some food not too far away. You follow the trace, losing your siblings as you all disperse, and eventually come to a small corpse of a dead Glistroskulus at the foot of an incline. You eat your fill and grow quickly. (5 + 1)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 5.8/4.8 (120%)
Maturity: 25% (Juvenile)
Current Size: 1.6cm

Codowecoi abyssusverandix

Status: LC
Timespan: R.84 - Present
Habitat_: Deep Ocean, Continental Slope (Mid Ocean)
Distribution: Below Temperate and Tropical Uteenessa Ocean, Below 500m
Niche: Major Predator
Nutritional Value: 19
Size: 6.4cm
Predecessor: Codowecoi rishie
Classification: Codowecoidae, Codowecoidea, Aquamusculidia
Latest Mutations: Improved Chemoreceptors, Bigger
Info: This is the apex predator of the ocean floor, from pole to pole, very similar to most other Codowecoi species although slightly larger. It cannot swim, but it is speedy and can burrow quickly through the sediment, charging towards prey and impaling it with its beak. It detects prey for over a hundred metres with its chemoreceptors, further than its predecessor.
Description: It has a blue, cylindrical body supported by a hydrostatic skeleton composed of strong, longitudinal muscles. At the front, the characteristic sharp beak protrudes from a proboscis with chemoreceptors. There are three cup eyes facing up. A muscular siphon at the rear propels out water. Inside their body, they have a simple gut leading to an anus, a stomach containing digestive carnivorous bacteria, a nerve network and small bunch of ganglia, and an open circulatory system filled with blue-green hemacoel. Anti-freeze proteins flow through the hemacoel.

[details=ā€œPrevious Mutationsā€] Bitter Chemicals, Chemoreceptors, Proboscis, Hydrostatic Muscle Fins (2 vertical near centre of body) (L), Sharp Beak, Digestive Carnivorous Enzymes, Bigger, Blue Pigmentation, Open Circulatory System, Glittery Scales (L), Anti-Freeze Proteins, Hyponome, Cup Eyes, Hydrostatic Skeleton, Improve Chemoreceptors, Bigger

Archaiapasaria westenrai (LC) - Male
You are saved for now by the arrival of late spring, which causes of bloom in the lake phytoplankton. Just by making your way upwards and trawling the surface, you recover some of your strength. It then becomes really dark under the nighttime. (6 + 1 = Ding, ding, ding! Congrats, you have won a bonus point! Give either yourself or another player a + or -1. Choose carefully; you cannot exchange it later.)
Health: Healthy
Fitness: 4/8 (45%)
Maturity: 10% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 1.2cm

Archaiapasaria westenrai

Status: LC
Timespan: R.71 - Present
Habitat: Rivers, Lakes
Distribution: Temperate Northern Hemisphere
Niche: Herbivore
Nutritional Value: 84.6
Size: 12cm
Predecessor: Petrocoilius rivieri
Classification: Archaiapasaridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Lobe Fins = 3, Tail Fins = 4, Fish Shape = 5, Swim Bladder = 4
Info: This Eztan animal is the first to be recognisable as being similar to a fish; the only thing that is really preventing this distinction is that it lacks pectoral fins. It is much more suited to swimming about than its relatives, which had to return to the seafloor to rest, and itā€™s efficient shape and tail fins make it much faster too. It is very common in the temperate rivers and lakes of the northern hemisphere. It feeds by sieving surface algae from the water as a filter-feeder, but it can also eat local seamosses growing below the surface. In the loss of itā€™s long tail, this species has become shorter than its predecessors but it is has a similar overall mass owing to its broader shape. Furthermore, the stiffer, albeit more powerful, bodily movements of the tail that propel the animal through the water, reduce the effectiveness of wielding tail spikes.
Description: It has a stout, orange and red, stream-lined body, like the shape of a fish and a short tail with a tail fin above and below the tail. These are shaped like horizontal semi-circles and together make a circle; they are supported by rays of cartilage. Two poisonous spikes protrude to the side of the tail. The front of the body has a cartilage jaw, and within in it several square teeth. It retains two venomous fangs in the roof of the mouth. On each side of the head is a lens-covered pinhole eye, with muscle that allows them to swivel. Three gills mark the body, which is also lined with unseeable electroreceptors. The mouth leads to a primitive gut and stomach, with weak herbivorous bacteria. The food is ground up in a gizzard first. Centrally located is a sac of gas called a swim bladder, and supporting the body are vertebrae made of bone. Also supporting the body are muscles with special vacuoles and an open circulatory system.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail (L), Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae (L), Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria (L), Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Jaw, Two Swiveling Pinhole Eyes (1 on each side of head), Weak Digestive Enzymes, Square Teeth, Bone Vertebrae, Gizzard, Genders, Freshwater Tolerance

Ostopynoskulus camelli (EX)
(The bad news is your species has gone extinct. The good news is that the suffering is over. Please choose a new species. Iā€™m sorry I had to do this, but I must go by the dice.)
Health: N/A
Fitness: N/A
Maturity: N/A
Current Size: N/A

Ostopynoskulus camelli

Status: EX
Timespan: R.88
Habitat: Continental Slope (Mid Ocean), Shallow Sea
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere, Temperate and Polar Seas & Continental Slope down to 500m
Niche: Benthic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 11.8
Size: 3cm
Predecessor: Almoskulus normacutis
Classification: Almoskulusidae, Squickidea, Membrania
Latest Mutations: Better Muscles = 4, Armour = 2, Jaw = 1
Info: Unfortunately, this species went extinct soon after evolving. It had a very heavy, large jaw, strangely composed of chitin, that also made filtering more difficult; as energy had to be used just to hold the mouth open. It had better muscles but these werenā€™t attached to the jaw, instead the jaw muscles were rather weak. This, compounded with heavy chitin ours plates on its back, meant survival was very difficult. The better muscles could not save it.
Description: The tubular body has a several heavy chitinous plates along the top and a fleshy membrane underside. Blank, white eyeballs hang off the edge of short, protruding eyestalks that stick out straight to the sides of the head. A heavy chitinous jaw sits in the head. Chemoreceptors sit by the mouth, as well as a pair of small tentacles, with three gill slits at the back of the head. This fins are short but sturdy and curve underneath the tubular body, which varies between red and transparent. At the front of its nervous system, is a tiny brain. Its mouth has a primitive gut leading straight to the anus. An open circulatory system bathes organs and the strong muscles in hemacoel; this contains anti-freeze proteins to stop bodily fluids from freezing.

Previous Mutations

Muscles, Fleshy Membrane (along back and underside), Chemoreceptors, Basic Instincts, Three Gill Slits, Yellow Pigmentation (L), Dentine Teeth, Open Circulatory System, Pinhole Eye With Lens (one on top of head), Notochord, Anti-freeze Proteins, Slow Reactions, Red-Transparent Colour Shifting, Small Tentacles, Eyes, Fins, Weak Skin (L), Fix Skin

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