Path of the Wild (Forum Game)

rest for a bit

Action: Follow the surface that covers the current, i can keep feeding while only having to feel around half the usual space in case of predators.

I will play as this(:belgium: the 20 characters are annoying)

So sorry for disappearing people. Internet cut out for a while there. Thanks for the new round Stealth.

Action: Search for food nearer the entrance of the river.

Action: Hunt around, away from the big scary arthoskulus

Woah, sorry for the late reply, going through Some personnal stuff, Action: REBIRTH!

Dance as i come into being once more

Round 92 - P.1


Official Game Soundtrack (Nice to have as a soundtrack whilst reading a round):
Chat Server (Anyone could join, players would benefit from joining):
Eztan Extant Ecosystems (The Current World):
Book of the Dead (Prehistoric History):

~23 million years into the Atroxian~
Cinisian Stage
Season: Late Northern Winter, Late Southern Summer
Time of Day: Midday (W), Midnight (E)
Event: No Event

State of the World: Due to the very high amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - there are few plants to soak it up - the average global temperature lies at a very warm 18c, although cooled by the aerosols in the air. This makes the sea levels high. There is advanced ocean acidification in the sea, which brings it closer to neutral and away from basic. Also due to the minimal plant life, the oxygen levels are low. There are two supercontinents, Olympia in the north and Tartarus in the south, each very large with vast expanses of desert in their centres. They are surrounded by the superocean Uteenessa, and in-between lies a comparatively narrow seaway called the Sea of Gaia. Very small moss-like plants exist on land, and create soil where they grow. Long mountain ranges trail across the continents.

Aerosols created by the previous volcanic activity are still creating a haze that reflects much of the sunlight away, cooling the planet.

Thanostoma stalloni (VU)
WEST TARTARUS (Temperate Sea)
You rest on the seafloor, basking in the warmth of the midday sun, where the Almoskulus were filtering before you scared them off. Your rest is uninterrupted and you fully recuperate your stamina. You are now in a slight dip in the sea floor, though still only a few meters below the surface. Above a wall of rock is even shallower ground, and you can see a small cave notched in this wall. In the opposite direction, you can see the seafloor slowly sloping downwards until it reaches the edge of your vision. A large group of at least two dozen Esoteralimnus are scouring the plains. The water starts to become murkier and filled with floating particles. (6)
Maturity: 37% (Juvenile)
Current Size: 11.5cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 68.3/74.2 (92%)
Stamina: 100%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: None

Thanostoma stalloni

Status: VU
Timespan: R.77 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Southern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 200
Size: 31cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma rex
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Bigger, Swim Bladder
Info: Once again, this species continues this lines habit of being the biggest on the planet, now at a relatively impressive half a meter. It has also extended its swimming capabilities and range, being able to conquer the open ocean thanks to its swim bladder. However, there is not a lot of prey large enough for it.
Description: With a long, blue tapering body ending in a spiked whip-like tail, this Thanostoma has the typical shape of a Caudarid. It has a cartilage jaw and two venomous canines surrounded by rather primitive teeth. Each side of its head has a swivelling pinhole eye. It also has three gill slits, and a line of electroreceptors running down its body. Internally, a gut leads to a stomach containing carnivorous digestive bacteria and cartilage vertebrae runs down the spine. Connected to the gut by a duct is a swim bladder.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes (L), Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Cartilage Jaw, Bigger

Archaiapasaria circulus (LC) - Male
OLIVER RIVER, (Temperate Forest River)
You hatch out of your capsule along with several siblings, at the bottom of a small, gentle river. The pale sun, mostly blocked by grey clouds, does not bring much warmth, and the cold water makes you feel sluggish and slows your metabolism. This also means that there is not much greenery around to eat on the muddy, bare floor. Above you, some adults swim lazily past, as you feel the sun begin to gradually strengthen and warm the river. (4)
Maturity: 5%
Current Size: 0.6cm (length)
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 3.4/4.3 (80%)
Stamina: 100%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic Rate x 0.5

Archaiapasaria circulus

Status: LC
Timespan: R.89 - Present
Habitat: Lake, River
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere Temperate Rivers & Lakes
Niche: Herbivore
Nutritional Value: 90
Size: 12.5cm (length)
Predecessor: Archaiapasaria westenrai
Classification: Archaiapasaridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Closed Circulatory System
Info: This species is a step ahead of its brethren, as it has a closed circulatory system. This is much more efficient and means that it has better stamina - and has a better chance of escaping predators. It feeds on aquatic moss in freshwater of the northern hemisphere.
Description: It has a stout, orange and red, stream-lined body, like the shape of a fish and a short tail with a tail fin above and below the tail. These are shaped like horizontal semi-circles and together make a circle; they are supported by rays of cartilage. Two poisonous spikes protrude to the side of the tail. The front of the body has a cartilage jaw, and within in it several square teeth. It retains two venomous fangs in the roof of the mouth. On each side of the head is a lens-covered pinhole eye, with muscle that allows them to swivel. Three gills mark the body, which is also lined with unseeable electroreceptors. The mouth leads to a primitive gut and stomach, with weak herbivorous bacteria. The food is ground up in a gizzard first. Centrally located is a sac of gas called a swim bladder, and supporting the body are vertebrae made of bone. Also supporting the body are muscles with special vacuoles and a closed circulatory system.

[details=“Previous Mutations”] Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Three Gill Slits, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cartilage Jaw, Two Swiveling Pinhole Eyes (1 on each side of head), Weak Digestive Herbivorous Enzymes, Square Teeth, Bone Vertebrae, Gizzard, Genders, Freshwater Tolerance, Tail Fins, Fish Shape, Swim Bladder


Icthyotelus sinspica (LC)
OLIVER RIVER DELTA (Temperate Forest Estuary)
It is cold, and your metabolism is slowed. Passing many other Icthyotelus, your search for food, which is dwindling in the winter, forces you to the edge of the estuary, where the freshwater river pours in. Ploughing on, you do not notice the change in water as you pass into fresh, until you start becoming ill. You are compelled to retreat back to the overcrowded estuary without eating, although your slow metabolism means you lose less energy. The sun peeks through some grey clouds, and you can feel it getting stronger, warming the water. (1 + 1)
Maturity: 75% (Subadult)
Current Size: 5.3cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 12.6/21 (60%)
Stamina: 85%
Hydration: 100%

Icthyotelus sinspica

Status: LC
Timespan: R.65 - Present
Habitat: Estuaries
Distribution: Northern Temperate Estuaries
Niche: Pelagic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 27.7
Size: 7cm
Predecessor: Charitomenchelus etalas
Classification: Icthyotelusidae, Tyrannidea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Tail Fins = 2, Fix Pectoral Fins = 5, Freshwater Tolerance = 3
Info: Unlike all it’s living relatives and some of its ancestors, the long tail has no spikes. It probably lost them as there was a lack of predators in their range; they live only in temperate estuaries, where the brackish water is just the right balance to suit their rather limited salt intake abilities. Overall, this is a relatively small area to live, but it is the only animal that lives here. The pectoral fins have become smaller, and more streamlined like a ray-finned fish; they are held against the body and composed of a cartilage limb branching off the vertebrae and three supports covered in skin. Muscles in the limb make it move, so this animal is faster than its ancestors.
Description: It has a tapering body, lined with electroreceptors and three gills on each side. It has two pectoral ray-fins and a pair of forward-facing cup eyes on the head. An oily liver helps to maintain buoyancy. An open circulatory system bathes the organs in hemacoel, and the body is controlled by ganglia. Down the back are cartilage vertebrae. In the gut, is a primitive stomach with the ability to digest multicellular matter.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail (L)

Soundwavia vorei (LC)
You head the short distance to the surface of the cool sea and take a deep gulp of air next to the floating corpse of a juvenile Soundwavia. It fills your air bladder and makes moving up and down in the water column much easier. Then you tuck in on the corpse and eat your fill. You are now an adult, ready to reproduce. At the surface, you feel the sun’s rays begin to strengthen and warm the water. Tiny particles start appearing in the water next to you, making it murkier. Below you is empty sand-flats, and you spot no prey. (5 + 1)
Maturity: 100% (Adult - 1/8)
Current Size: 19cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 211.2/132 (160%)
Stamina: 80%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Depth movement ease increased

Soundwavia vorei

Status: LC
Timespan: R.76 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Northern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 132
Size: 19cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma aquaprinceps
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Swim Bladder = 4, Increase Size = 3, Flippers = 5
Info: Although it tends to live around shallow seas where prey is larger, this relatively efficient swimmer can also hunt at the surface of the open ocean. It is quicker, more agile and can control its buoyancy, being able to hunt down the most fleeting of prey. It has become the dominant predator in the entire northern hemisphere, driving Thanostoma aquaprinceps into extinction. It requires air at the surface to inflate its swim bladder.
Description: It has a blue, tapering body, lined with electroreceptors and three gills on each side, ending in a long whip-tail complete with venomous spikes. Two large pinhole eyes, that the animal is able to swivel slightly for increased range of sight, sit on the side of the head and it’s mouth is full of small teeth, with a pair of venomous fangs embedded in its cartilage jaw. Supported by rays of cartilage, it has a pair of pectoral flippers, as well as a dorsal fin on the back. An open circulatory system bathes the organs in hemacoel, and the body is controlled by ganglia. Down the back are cartilage vertebrae. In the gut, was a primitive stomach with the ability to digest multicellular matter. It has a swim bladder connected to the gut.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord, Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord, Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes, Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Jaw

Lampsichelus paladarus (LC) - Male
You allow the upwelling current to carry you further upwards, whilst keeping in close contact with a rocky surface that it glides along. The cold water slows your metabolism somewhat. The current is also holding a substantial amount of marine snow, which you gobble up as you pass it. You are now an adult and ready to reproduce. Above you on a ledge, you see a flash and smell another Lampsichelus. (5 + 1)
Maturity: 100% (Adult - 1/8)
Current Size: 11.5cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 146/73 (200%)
Stamina: 100%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 0.5

Lampsichelus paladurus

Status: LC
Timespan: R.91 - Present
Habitat: Mid Ocean, Deep Ocean
Distribution: Non-polar Ocean, Below the thermocline
Niche: Carnivorous Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 73
Size: 11.5cm (length)
Predecessor: Asteridermus mutatiogenus
Classification: Achmachelusidae, Tyrannidea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Intestine = 1, Serrated Teeth = 2, Hanging Lure = 5, Oily Liver = 4
Info: In the darkness of the abyss, Lampsichelus is the most well-lit of all animals, able to put on quite a light show; as well as the numerous bioluminescent spots on its body that act as one, there is a bulb on the end of a barbel protruding from the jaw that also produces light - this is controlled independently of the others, and can be flicked up and down to be more enticing. However, rather than use it to catch prey, the lights for this species are more useful in terms of finding another individual for mating. This is because there is stiff competition for prey, such as Thanostoma altium, and so it is largely restricted to filtering flesh from marine snow. The most significant obstacle to being a predator is that it has lost the teeth in the upper jaw, probably as a result of continual filter-feeding. (The species name means Gummy Joe.) Unlike its predecessors, it can control its own buoyancy now with an oil-filled liver, although it has a shrunken digestive system, making digestion less efficient.
Description: All over the black body tapering to a short, spiked tail are light blue bioluminescent spots, as well as a line of electroreceptors and three gills on each side. The two spikes are venomous. At the front, above the cartilage jawed mouth are olfactory receptors and facing forwards are a pair of cup eyes. The jaw contains very simple, shapeless teeth but only on the lower jaw. A cartilage barbel protrudes out and down from the lower jaw, and has a light blue bioluminescent bulb and a hinging muscle at its base. A pair of oval fins, supported by rays of cartilage are attached vertically just behind the gills and there is a fatty hump on the back. Inside, the organs are bathed in hemacoel by an open circulatory system. All the muscles contin a vacuoles. It’s digestive system is proportionately very small and narrow, which consists of the stomach and gut. There is also a liver, which is filled with oils. The body has cartilage vertebrae running down the back and is controlled by two nerve cords and a rung of nerves. The tiny brain in the head controls this.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Tail, Three Gill Slits, Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Cup Eyes, Jaw, Fins (two vertical near head), Hump, Bioluminescent Lights, Olfaction, Temperate and Tropical Tolerance, Bioluminescence Control, Genders, Oily Liver


R.92 - P.2

Peregapodus zaxzirkrnk (NT)
You spot a small group of Esoteralimnus feeding on a large patch of seaweed below. It is warm, which effects your metabolism, increasing it. An adult Thanostoma stalloni is already hunting them from the other direction, so you hang above and watch. The herbivores then panic and flee in all directions. Some swim below you thinking to escape the island shelf, not noticing you. You hone in on the one that’s gets furthest out in the open, as it quickly tires. When you reach it, you strike it with your tail. The Esoteralimnus is killed and you feed on the corpse. You are now an adult, ready to reproduce. The sun becomes less intense as time goes on. (5)
Maturity: 100% (Adult - 1/8)
Current Size: 31cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 407.3/226.3 (180%)
Stamina: 70%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 1.5

Peregapodus zaxzirkrnk

Status: NT
Timespan: R.87 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Southern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 226.3
Size: 31cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma stalloni
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Limbs, Tapetum, Intelligence
Info: Peregapodus, common name Zaxzirkrnkrokinkaro, has mostly replaced Thanostoma stalloni. The strangest thing about this species is that, although it seems to be halfway to attaining limbs of some kind, they are placed asymmetrically, causing an issue of balance, as well as drag. They also have no bone structure and weak muscle so are of practically no use. However, in other areas it has an advantage - it can see better at low-light levels, including night, with a tapetum behind the retina. Furthermore, it is also relatively intelligent; they have learnt not to eat members of their own species, and also hang around the capsules after they have been laid, although there seems to be no maternal connection. This species is also constantly vigilant, watching out for danger and opportunity.
Description: With a long, blue tapering body ending in a spiked whip-like tail, this Thanostoma has the typical shape of a Caudarid. It has a cartilage jaw and two venomous canines surrounded by rather primitive teeth. Each side of its head has a swivelling pinhole eye. Behind the retina is a layer of cells containing reflective crystals called a choroidal tapetum cellulosum. It also has three gill slits, and a line of electroreceptors running down its body. On the right side, closer to the head, is a stub of mainly weak muscle and no bone structure; this also occurs on the left but much closer to the tail. Internally, a gut leads to a stomach containing carnivorous digestive bacteria and cartilage vertebrae runs down the spine. Connected to the gut by a duct is a swim bladder. It has more neurons in its tiny brain than its cousins.

Behaviour Traits
  1. Be vigilant.
  2. Do not eat own species.
  3. Remain near to capsules after they are laid.
Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes (L), Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Cartilage Jaw, Bigger, Swim Bladder

Thalakelphus asperacuta (NT)
You hatch out into cold, dark water and sense nothing around but your siblings. The cold water effects your already slow metabolism, making it even slower. (3 + 1)
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 2.2/2.8 (0.4cm)
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 80%
Stamina: 100%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 0.5

Thalakelphus asperacuta

Status: NT
Timespan: R.84 - Present
Habitat: Mid Ocean
Distribution: Under Temperate and Tropical Uteenessa Ocean, Below the thermocline - 800m below sea level
Niche: Pelagic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 58.7
Size: 8.5cm
Predecessor: Thalakelphus svrangitensi
Classification: Zestoskulusidae, Kardiaskulusidea, Kardiarchia
Latest Mutations: Pigmentation = 3, Poison Glands = 6, Lower Metabolic Rate = 4
Info: The deep ocean life of this species means that fast movement is not something that is often needed; other animals are met rarely. It has sacrificed speed so that its body will require less food, by lowering its metabolic rate. Therefore, it is slow, but needs to consume less of the scarce food. If it does get the attention of a predator it can defend itself, as fleeing may no longer work, with bumpy poison glands along the tentacles. The colourless, mucus-like poison can be secreted at will by the animal and cause pain and death in the attacker. However, like its predecessor, it still only lives in the narrow band of ocean between the bottom of the thermocline and 800m below the surface.
Description: It has a smooth, straight shell made of calcium carbonate with several medium-length tentacles sticking out the front covered in poison glands. On the face is a couple areas where minuscule cilia which act as mechanoreceptors, picking up underwater noises and inputting this information into the nerve network. On the head that just protrudes from the rest of the shell, two large pinhole eyes with lenses face upwards, while another one faces forwards above the circular, toothless mouth. The skin that is uncovered is layered with heat-proof scales. At the rear, a muscular hyponome drags in water and uses it to propel itself quickly. This tube leads into the siphuncle, which manages water content inside the shell, creating buoyancy. This also delivers water to the gills and gill frills inside the shell. A simple gut, behind the pharynx, leads through the body, which is circulated by a semi-open circulatory system; capillaries cover the muscles, which also have special vacuoles, but the rest of the organs were bathed in a chamber. The circulatory system is pumped by a tubular heart. A tiny brain and two nerve cords control the body. The body has vertebrae made of cartilage.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Open Circulatory System, Tubular Heart, Web of Capillaries Over Muscles, Axochord, Notochord, Four Gill Slits, Two Gill Frills, Pharynx, Large Pinhole Eyes With Lenses (2 on top of head, one on front), Heat-Proof Scales, Cartilage Vertebrae, Calcium Carbonate Shell, Heat Resistance, Tentacles, Hyponome, Shell, Hearing

Aploskulus aploskulus (EN) - Male
Despite your efforts, you have no clue what direction any females might be in, and crawl randomly down the slope of ooze. You do not bump into any food, or anything else for that matter. You head towards a small patch of light, as this could be food. However, when you get close, a sharp jaw snaps shut over you. The jaws proceed to tear you apart and kill you. (1 = Sadly, the end of your life has resulted in your death. Luckily, your species still goes on. It is a time for rebirth.)
Maturity: 15% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 0.9cm
Health: Dead
Nutrition: 4.7/4.3 (110%)
Stamina: 60%
Hydration: 100%

Aploskulus aploskulus

Status: EN
Timespan: R.92 - Present
Habitat_: Deep Ocean, Continental Slope (Mid Ocean)
Distribution: Below Temperate and Tropical Uteenessa Ocean, Below 500m
Niche: Carnivorous Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 28.8
Size: 6cm
Predecessor: Codowecoi abyssusverandix
Classification: Aploskulusidae, Codowecoidea, Aquamusculidia
Latest Mutations: Genders = 1, Mandibles = 2, Corpse Chemical = 3
Info: The population of this species is very small because the gender determination method that decides whether an embryo will be a male or female produces very few males, leading to a lack in breeding. This method is done by temperature; the cold temperatures found at the bottom of the ocean produce females, whilst males are only produced in the freezing temperatures of the poles. They must move far just to be lucky enough to find a member of the alternate gender. It is also no longer a predator because it has lost its beak, its sole killing tool. It now simply filters for flesh from marine snow that has fallen to the ocean floor.
Description: It has a blue, cylindrical body supported by a hydrostatic skeleton composed of strong, longitudinal muscles. At the front, there is a proboscis with chemoreceptors and three upwards-facing cup eyes. A muscular siphon at the rear propels out water. Inside their body, they have a simple gut leading to an anus, a stomach containing digestive carnivorous bacteria, a nerve network and small bunch of ganglia, and an open circulatory system filled with blue-green hemacoel. Anti-freeze proteins flow through the hemacoel.

Previous Mutations

Bitter Chemicals, Chemoreceptors, Proboscis, Hydrostatic Muscle Fins (2 vertical near centre of body) (L), Sharp Beak, Digestive Carnivorous Enzymes, Bigger, Blue Pigmentation, Open Circulatory System, Glittery Scales (L), Anti-Freeze Proteins, Hyponome, Cup Eyes, Hydrostatic Skeleton, Improve Chemoreceptors, Bigger

Almsoskulus normacuta (LC) - Male
The water is freezing cold, greatly decreasing your metabolic rate, but well-lit when you hatch out of your capsule, with about a dozen siblings [including Louix]. You are in very shallow water, with lots of plankton and filter-feeders at the surface. Due to your size, the water holds you up without having to expend energy, although the currents do carry you along as plankton. It is easy to feed from here, barely having to move. A few small leftovers of ice, drift in the current. The intense sunshine starts to weaken. (6)
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 0.1cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 0.5/0.5 (100%)
Stamina: 100%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 0.25

"Almoskulus normacuta

Status: LC
Timespan: R.77 - Present
Habitat: Continental Slope (Mid Ocean), Shallow Sea
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere, Temperate and Polar Seas & Continental Slope down to 500m
Niche: Benthic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 11.4
Size: 2.3cm
Predecessor: Almoskulus caecorum
Classification: Almoskulusidae, Squickidea, Membrania
Latest Mutations: Fix Skin
Info: This took over from its predecessor Almoskulus caecorum. It had tougher skin that did not rip so easily, but it is still not particularly tough. It lives in all parts of the ocean where it’s eyes are useful, except for tropical. This means it lives from 500 metres under the surface to the shallowest parts of the seas. It serenely poses on the seafloor, filtering falling marine snow for food.
Description: The tubular body has a fleshy membrane running along the top and underside. Blank, white eyeballs hang off the edge of short, protruding eyestalks that stick out straight to the sides of the head. Chemoreceptors sit by the mouth, as well as a pair of small tentacles, with three gill slits at the back of the head. This fins are short but sturdy and curve underneath the tubular body, which varies between red and transparent. At the front of its nervous system, is a tiny brain. Its mouth has a primitive gut leading straight to the anus. An open circulatory system bathes organs and muscles in hemacoel; this contains anti-freeze proteins to stop bodily fluids from freezing.

Previous Mutations

Muscles, Fleshy Membrane (along back and underside), Chemoreceptors, Basic Instincts, Three Gill Slits, Yellow Pigmentation (L), Dentine Teeth, Open Circulatory System, Pinhole Eye With Lens (one on top of head), Notochord, Anti-freeze Proteins, Slow Reactions, Red-Transparent Colour Shifting, Small Tentacles, Eyes, Fins, Weak Skin (L)

Almoskulus normacuta (LC)
The water is freezing cold, greatly decreasing your metabolic rate, but well-lit when you hatch out of your capsule, with about a dozen siblings [including PositiveTower]. You are in very shallow water, with lots of plankton and filter-feeders at the surface. Due to your size, the water holds you up without having to expend energy, although the currents do carry you along as plankton. It is easy to feed from here, barely having to move. A few small leftovers of ice, drift in the current. (5 + 1)
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 0.1cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 0.5/0.5 (100%)
Stamina: 100%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 0.25

"Almoskulus normacuta

Status: LC
Timespan: R.77 - Present
Habitat: Continental Slope (Mid Ocean), Shallow Sea
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere, Temperate and Polar Seas & Continental Slope down to 500m
Niche: Benthic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 11.4
Size: 2.3cm
Predecessor: Almoskulus caecorum
Classification: Almoskulusidae, Squickidea, Membrania
Latest Mutations: Fix Skin
Info: This took over from its predecessor Almoskulus caecorum. It had tougher skin that did not rip so easily, but it is still not particularly tough. It lives in all parts of the ocean where it’s eyes are useful, except for tropical. This means it lives from 500 metres under the surface to the shallowest parts of the seas. It serenely poses on the seafloor, filtering falling marine snow for food.
Description: The tubular body has a fleshy membrane running along the top and underside. Blank, white eyeballs hang off the edge of short, protruding eyestalks that stick out straight to the sides of the head. Chemoreceptors sit by the mouth, as well as a pair of small tentacles, with three gill slits at the back of the head. This fins are short but sturdy and curve underneath the tubular body, which varies between red and transparent. At the front of its nervous system, is a tiny brain. Its mouth has a primitive gut leading straight to the anus. An open circulatory system bathes organs and muscles in hemacoel; this contains anti-freeze proteins to stop bodily fluids from freezing.

Previous Mutations

Muscles, Fleshy Membrane (along back and underside), Chemoreceptors, Basic Instincts, Three Gill Slits, Yellow Pigmentation (L), Dentine Teeth, Open Circulatory System, Pinhole Eye With Lens (one on top of head), Notochord, Anti-freeze Proteins, Slow Reactions, Red-Transparent Colour Shifting, Small Tentacles, Eyes, Fins, Weak Skin (L)

1 Like

Action: Bask in the sun for a bit.

Action:Find food pls

Action: Find a mate and reproduce!!! Plz let me evolve rng gods and ty for the update

Action: Search for a mate

Thanks for the new round Stealth.

Action: Search for some more food with the water warming.

Thanks for the round man, glad to see it back
Action: Go after that lampsichelus, with some luck it will be able to mate (i don’t want to evolve, just to get the bonus for next time)

Not quite finished, but still wanted to share with you guys.


Detailed Species Stats

Ezta’s Natural History:



Sorry for taking song, aussie wifi’s shit.

Action: Feed

Round 94 - P.1


~23.5 million years into the Atroxian~
Cinisian Stage
Season: Early Spring (North), Early Autumn (South)
Time of Day: Afternoon (West), Dawn (East)
Event: No Event


Detailed Species Stats

Ezta’s Natural History:

State of the World: Due to the very high amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - there are few plants to soak it up - the average global temperature lies at a very warm 18c, although cooled by the aerosols in the air. This makes the sea levels high. There is advanced ocean acidification in the sea, which brings it closer to neutral and away from basic. Also due to the minimal plant life, the oxygen levels are low. There are two supercontinents, Olympia in the north and Tartarus in the south, each very large with vast expanses of desert in their centres. They are surrounded by the superocean Uteenessa, and in-between lies a comparatively narrow seaway called the Sea of Gaia. Very small moss-like plants exist on land, and create soil where they grow. Long mountain ranges trail across the continents.

Aerosols created by the previous volcanic activity are still creating a haze that reflects much of the sunlight away, cooling the planet.

Thanostoma stalloni (VU)
WEST TARTARUS (Temperate Sea)
The sun is shining brightly down on the warm sea. The Esoteralimnus have become your next target, and you swim towards them as they scour the sandy plains for food. Just as you get close to them, you discover that they are all adults or nearly so, and therefore about twice your size, complete with long, dangerous tail. This is not a suitable target for a juvenile. You hang back from the wandering group, hungry. Now, you are out on the sandy plains, with only sparse rocks and vegetation for cover, as it gently slopes downhill. The surface is only a dozen or so meters above you. Your dim vision and short-range electroreception can only detect the presence of the Esoteralimnus nearby. You can feel the water becoming slightly cooler now. Looking up, the surface is getting a little more clouded. (3)
Maturity: 37% (Juvenile)
Current Size: 11.5cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 23.7/74.2 (32%)
Stamina: 80%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic Rate x 1.5

Thanostoma stalloni

Status: VU
Timespan: R.77 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Southern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 200
Size: 31cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma rex
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Bigger, Swim Bladder
Info: Once again, this species continues this lines habit of being the biggest on the planet, now at a relatively impressive half a meter. It has also extended its swimming capabilities and range, being able to conquer the open ocean thanks to its swim bladder. However, there is not a lot of prey large enough for it.
Description: With a long, blue tapering body ending in a spiked whip-like tail, this Thanostoma has the typical shape of a Caudarid. It has a cartilage jaw and two venomous canines surrounded by rather primitive teeth. Each side of its head has a swivelling pinhole eye. It also has three gill slits, and a line of electroreceptors running down its body. Internally, a gut leads to a stomach containing carnivorous digestive bacteria and cartilage vertebrae runs down the spine. Connected to the gut by a duct is a swim bladder.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes (L), Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Cartilage Jaw, Bigger

Archaiapasaria circulus (LC) - Male
OLIVER RIVER, (Temperate Forest River)
The river current gently carries you downstream, and you move close to the surface and bask in the afternoon sunshine, as it has turned into a relatively clear day with only a few puffs of whispy white cloud. It is no longer cold but it is cool. Because of the surrounding temperature of the water, basking in the sun does not warm you up any further, but it does preserve your energy. Vaguely, you can see that the river takes a bend up in front, and you can see that vegetation lines the outside corner. As usual, you can detect many Archaiapasaria flitting about via electroreception or your dim vision, and the water surface is quite clouded with particles. You find that the water starts to get even warmer. (3 + 1)
Maturity: 5%
Current Size: 0.6cm (length)
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 1.7/4.3 (40%)
Stamina: 95%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: None

Archaiapasaria circulus

Status: LC
Timespan: R.89 - Present
Habitat: Lake, River
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere Temperate Rivers & Lakes
Niche: Herbivore
Nutritional Value: 78.1
Size: 12.5cm (length)
Predecessor: Archaiapasaria westenrai
Classification: Archaiapasaridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Closed Circulatory System
Info: This species is a step ahead of its brethren, as it has a closed circulatory system. This is much more efficient and means that it has better stamina - and has a better chance of escaping predators. It feeds on aquatic moss in freshwater of the northern hemisphere.
Description: It has a stout, orange and red, stream-lined body, like the shape of a fish and a short tail with a tail fin above and below the tail. These are shaped like horizontal semi-circles and together make a circle; they are supported by rays of cartilage. Two poisonous spikes protrude to the side of the tail. The front of the body has a cartilage jaw, and within in it several square teeth. It retains two venomous fangs in the roof of the mouth. On each side of the head is a lens-covered pinhole eye, with muscle that allows them to swivel. Three gills mark the body, which is also lined with unseeable electroreceptors. The mouth leads to a primitive gut and stomach, with weak herbivorous bacteria. The food is ground up in a gizzard first. Centrally located is a sac of gas called a swim bladder, and supporting the body are vertebrae made of bone. Also supporting the body are muscles with special vacuoles and a closed circulatory system.

[details=“Previous Mutations”] Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Three Gill Slits, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cartilage Jaw, Two Swiveling Pinhole Eyes (1 on each side of head), Weak Digestive Herbivorous Enzymes, Square Teeth, Bone Vertebrae, Gizzard, Genders, Freshwater Tolerance, Tail Fins, Fish Shape, Swim Bladder


Icthyotelus sinspica (LC)
OLIVER RIVER DELTA (Temperate Forest Estuary)
The sunlight that then breaks through the cloud, creating a pleasant, sunny Spring day, and warming the water from cold to cool has another effect; the surface has become clouded with particles, showing a growth in phytoplankton numbers. Finally, food has become more abundant since winter, and you now filter it straight from the surface. You follow the water at the sides of the estuary, where the steadily rising water level opens up new pools, and you can be the first inside. As you filter from one of these small pools, after a time of very decent feeding, you can feel the water warming again. Although, your pool is secluded, you can see quite a few Icthyotelus at the edge of your vision. The surface is still clouded with food. (5)
Maturity: 85% (Subadult)
Current Size: 6cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 23.4/23.4 (100%) (+10% left over for growth)
Stamina: 65%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: None

Icthyotelus sinspica

Status: LC
Timespan: R.65 - Present
Habitat: Estuaries
Distribution: Northern Temperate Estuaries
Niche: Pelagic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 27.3
Size: 7cm
Predecessor: Charitomenchelus etalas
Classification: Icthyotelusidae, Tyrannidea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Tail Fins = 2, Fix Pectoral Fins = 5, Freshwater Tolerance = 3
Info: Unlike all it’s living relatives and some of its ancestors, the long tail has no spikes. It probably lost them as there was a lack of predators in their range; they live only in temperate estuaries, where the brackish water is just the right balance to suit their rather limited salt intake abilities. Overall, this is a relatively small area to live, but it is the only animal that lives here. The pectoral fins have become smaller, and more streamlined like a ray-finned fish; they are held against the body and composed of a cartilage limb branching off the vertebrae and three supports covered in skin. Muscles in the limb make it move, so this animal is faster than its ancestors.
Description: It has a tapering body, lined with electroreceptors and three gills on each side. It has two pectoral ray-fins and a pair of forward-facing cup eyes on the head. An oily liver helps to maintain buoyancy. An open circulatory system bathes the organs in hemacoel, and the body is controlled by ganglia. Down the back are cartilage vertebrae. In the gut, is a primitive stomach with the ability to digest multicellular matter.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail (L)

Soundwavia vorei (LC)
You wander the shallow sand-fields, hungering for a mate. The cool, shallow water has become murky with particles and phytoplankton, prospering under the Spring sun. With your already limited senses this makes it slightly harder to find a mate, and your search has proved fruitless so far. The water is now starting to warm. (2 + 1)
Maturity: 100% (Young Adult - 2/8)
Current Size: 19cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 79.2/132 (60%)
Stamina: 60%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Depth movement ease increased

Soundwavia vorei

Status: LC
Timespan: R.76 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Northern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 132
Size: 19cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma aquaprinceps
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Swim Bladder = 4, Increase Size = 3, Flippers = 5
Info: Although it tends to live around shallow seas where prey is larger, this relatively efficient swimmer can also hunt at the surface of the open ocean. It is quicker, more agile and can control its buoyancy, being able to hunt down the most fleeting of prey. It has become the dominant predator in the entire northern hemisphere, driving Thanostoma aquaprinceps into extinction. It requires air at the surface to inflate its swim bladder.
Description: It has a blue, tapering body, lined with electroreceptors and three gills on each side, ending in a long whip-tail complete with venomous spikes. Two large pinhole eyes, that the animal is able to swivel slightly for increased range of sight, sit on the side of the head and it’s mouth is full of small teeth, with a pair of venomous fangs embedded in its cartilage jaw. Supported by rays of cartilage, it has a pair of pectoral flippers, as well as a dorsal fin on the back. An open circulatory system bathes the organs in hemacoel, and the body is controlled by ganglia. Down the back are cartilage vertebrae. In the gut, was a primitive stomach with the ability to digest multicellular matter. It has a swim bladder connected to the gut.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord, Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord, Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes, Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Jaw

Lampsichelus paladarus (LC) - Male
Drawn by the scent of another Lampsichelus, you head up to the flashing light. It is a Lampsichelus and, luckily, an adult female. You successfully reproduce, increasing the spread of your particular genes and the chances of having successful descendants. Both of you move on quickly, and you lose track of the female very shortly afterwards. Now, you can sense no other animals, but your smell detects a steady stream of marine detritus. You continue on your way, moving up the current. (3 + 1)
Maturity: 100% (Young Adult - 2/8)
Current Size: 11.5cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 73/73 (100%)
Stamina: 50%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 0.5

Lampsichelus paladurus

Status: LC
Timespan: R.91 - Present
Habitat: Mid Ocean, Deep Ocean
Distribution: Non-polar Ocean, Below the thermocline
Niche: Carnivorous Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 73
Size: 11.5cm (length)
Predecessor: Asteridermus mutatiogenus
Classification: Achmachelusidae, Tyrannidea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Intestine = 1, Serrated Teeth = 2, Hanging Lure = 5, Oily Liver = 4
Info: In the darkness of the abyss, Lampsichelus is the most well-lit of all animals, able to put on quite a light show; as well as the numerous bioluminescent spots on its body that act as one, there is a bulb on the end of a barbel protruding from the jaw that also produces light - this is controlled independently of the others, and can be flicked up and down to be more enticing. However, rather than use it to catch prey, the lights for this species are more useful in terms of finding another individual for mating. This is because there is stiff competition for prey, such as Thanostoma altium, and so it is largely restricted to filtering flesh from marine snow. The most significant obstacle to being a predator is that it has lost the teeth in the upper jaw, probably as a result of continual filter-feeding. (The species name means Gummy Joe.) Unlike its predecessors, it can control its own buoyancy now with an oil-filled liver, although it has a shrunken digestive system, making digestion less efficient.
Description: All over the black body tapering to a short, spiked tail are light blue bioluminescent spots, as well as a line of electroreceptors and three gills on each side. The two spikes are venomous. At the front, above the cartilage jawed mouth are olfactory receptors and facing forwards are a pair of cup eyes. The jaw contains very simple, shapeless teeth but only on the lower jaw. A cartilage barbel protrudes out and down from the lower jaw, and has a light blue bioluminescent bulb and a hinging muscle at its base. A pair of oval fins, supported by rays of cartilage are attached vertically just behind the gills and there is a fatty hump on the back. Inside, the organs are bathed in hemacoel by an open circulatory system. All the muscles contin a vacuoles. It’s digestive system is proportionately very small and narrow, which consists of the stomach and gut. There is also a liver, which is filled with oils. The body has cartilage vertebrae running down the back and is controlled by two nerve cords and a rung of nerves. The tiny brain in the head controls this.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Tail, Three Gill Slits, Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Cup Eyes, Jaw, Fins (two vertical near head), Hump, Bioluminescent Lights, Olfaction, Temperate and Tropical Tolerance, Bioluminescence Control, Genders, Oily Liver

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R.94 - P.2

Peregapodus zaxzirkrnk (NT)
The sky is pristine over the oceanic island, and the sea warm and teeming with life, from phytoplankton to filter-feeders to their predators. One of these predators recently arrived at the shelf is an adult Peregapodus, and you watch it as it arrives. Driven to mate, you approach the newcomer and then successfully reproduce. (5 = Well done! You have successfully passed on your genes; let’s hope they fit. Choose 3 mutations to try and evolve.)
Maturity: 100% (Young Adult - 2/8)
Current Size: 31cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 113.2/226.3 (50%)
Stamina: 20%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 1.5

Peregapodus zaxzirkrnk

Status: NT
Timespan: R.87 - Present
Habitat: Shallow Sea, Ocean Surface
Distribution: Temperate Southern Hemisphere
Niche: Apex Predator
Nutritional Value: 226.3
Size: 31cm
Predecessor: Thanostoma stalloni
Classification: Makouridae, Makouridea, Caudaria
Latest Mutations: Limbs, Tapetum, Intelligence
Info: Peregapodus, common name Zaxzirkrnkrokinkaro, has mostly replaced Thanostoma stalloni. The strangest thing about this species is that, although it seems to be halfway to attaining limbs of some kind, they are placed asymmetrically, causing an issue of balance, as well as drag. They also have no bone structure and weak muscle so are of practically no use. However, in other areas it has an advantage - it can see better at low-light levels, including night, with a tapetum behind the retina. Furthermore, it is also relatively intelligent; they have learnt not to eat members of their own species, and also hang around the capsules after they have been laid, although there seems to be no maternal connection. This species is also constantly vigilant, watching out for danger and opportunity.
Description: With a long, blue tapering body ending in a spiked whip-like tail, this Thanostoma has the typical shape of a Caudarid. It has a cartilage jaw and two venomous canines surrounded by rather primitive teeth. Each side of its head has a swivelling pinhole eye. Behind the retina is a layer of cells containing reflective crystals called a choroidal tapetum cellulosum. It also has three gill slits, and a line of electroreceptors running down its body. On the right side, closer to the head, is a stub of mainly weak muscle and no bone structure; this also occurs on the left but much closer to the tail. Internally, a gut leads to a stomach containing carnivorous digestive bacteria and cartilage vertebrae runs down the spine. Connected to the gut by a duct is a swim bladder. It has more neurons in its tiny brain than its cousins.

Behaviour Traits
  1. Be vigilant.
  2. Do not eat own species.
  3. Remain near to capsules after they are laid.
Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Electroreceptors, Open Circulatory System, Axochord (L), Whip Tail, Three Gill Slits, Notochord (L), Cartilage Vertebrae, Digestive Carnivorous Bacteria, Two Poisonous Spikes on Tail, Dentine Teeth, Venomous Canines, Cup Eyes (L), Blue, Pinhole Eyes, Cartilage Jaw, Bigger, Swim Bladder

Thalakelphus asperacuta (NT)
The deep, cold, black ocean continues to be lacking for you at this time. (2 + 1)
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 0.4cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 2/2.8 (70%)
Stamina: 80%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 0.5

Thalakelphus asperacuta

Status: NT
Timespan: R.84 - Present
Habitat: Mid Ocean
Distribution: Under Temperate and Tropical Uteenessa Ocean, Below the thermocline - 800m below sea level
Niche: Pelagic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 58.7
Size: 8.5cm
Predecessor: Thalakelphus svrangitensi
Classification: Zestoskulusidae, Kardiaskulusidea, Kardiarchia
Latest Mutations: Pigmentation = 3, Poison Glands = 6, Lower Metabolic Rate = 4
Info: The deep ocean life of this species means that fast movement is not something that is often needed; other animals are met rarely. It has sacrificed speed so that its body will require less food, by lowering its metabolic rate. Therefore, it is slow, but needs to consume less of the scarce food. If it does get the attention of a predator it can defend itself, as fleeing may no longer work, with bumpy poison glands along the tentacles. The colourless, mucus-like poison can be secreted at will by the animal and cause pain and death in the attacker. However, like its predecessor, it still only lives in the narrow band of ocean between the bottom of the thermocline and 800m below the surface.
Description: It has a smooth, straight shell made of calcium carbonate with several medium-length tentacles sticking out the front covered in poison glands. On the face is a couple areas where minuscule cilia which act as mechanoreceptors, picking up underwater noises and inputting this information into the nerve network. On the head that just protrudes from the rest of the shell, two large pinhole eyes with lenses face upwards, while another one faces forwards above the circular, toothless mouth. The skin that is uncovered is layered with heat-proof scales. At the rear, a muscular hyponome drags in water and uses it to propel itself quickly. This tube leads into the siphuncle, which manages water content inside the shell, creating buoyancy. This also delivers water to the gills and gill frills inside the shell. A simple gut, behind the pharynx, leads through the body, which is circulated by a semi-open circulatory system; capillaries cover the muscles, which also have special vacuoles, but the rest of the organs were bathed in a chamber. The circulatory system is pumped by a tubular heart. A tiny brain and two nerve cords control the body. The body has vertebrae made of cartilage.

Previous Mutations

Extra-Efficient Muscles, Open Circulatory System, Tubular Heart, Web of Capillaries Over Muscles, Axochord, Notochord, Four Gill Slits, Two Gill Frills, Pharynx, Large Pinhole Eyes With Lenses (2 on top of head, one on front), Heat-Proof Scales, Cartilage Vertebrae, Calcium Carbonate Shell, Heat Resistance, Tentacles, Hyponome, Shell, Hearing

Aploskulus aploskulus (EN) - Male
When you hatch out of your capsule, it is pitch black and freezing cold. You can sense the chemical presence of your siblings who hatched out of the capsule with you, as well as some potential food some distance away. Your siblings gradually start to distance themselves from you and each other. (4)
Maturity: 5% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 0.3cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 1.1/1.4 (80%)
Stamina: 100%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 0.25

Aploskulus aploskulus

Status: EN
Timespan: R.92 - Present
Habitat_: Deep Ocean, Continental Slope (Mid Ocean)
Distribution: Below Temperate and Tropical Uteenessa Ocean, Below 500m
Niche: Carnivorous Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 28.8
Size: 6cm
Predecessor: Codowecoi abyssusverandix
Classification: Aploskulusidae, Codowecoidea, Aquamusculidia
Latest Mutations: Genders = 1, Mandibles = 2, Corpse Chemical = 3
Info: The population of this species is very small because the gender determination method that decides whether an embryo will be a male or female produces very few males, leading to a lack in breeding. This method is done by temperature; the cold temperatures found at the bottom of the ocean produce females, whilst males are only produced in the freezing temperatures of the poles. They must move far just to be lucky enough to find a member of the alternate gender. It is also no longer a predator because it has lost its beak, its sole killing tool. It now simply filters for flesh from marine snow that has fallen to the ocean floor.
Description: It has a blue, cylindrical body supported by a hydrostatic skeleton composed of strong, longitudinal muscles. At the front, there is a proboscis with chemoreceptors and three upwards-facing cup eyes. A muscular siphon at the rear propels out water. Inside their body, they have a simple gut leading to an anus, a stomach containing digestive carnivorous bacteria, a nerve network and small bunch of ganglia, and an open circulatory system filled with blue-green hemacoel. Anti-freeze proteins flow through the hemacoel.

Previous Mutations

Bitter Chemicals, Chemoreceptors, Proboscis, Hydrostatic Muscle Fins (2 vertical near centre of body) (L), Sharp Beak, Digestive Carnivorous Enzymes, Bigger, Blue Pigmentation, Open Circulatory System, Glittery Scales (L), Anti-Freeze Proteins, Hyponome, Cup Eyes, Hydrostatic Skeleton, Improve Chemoreceptors, Bigger

Almsoskulus normacuta (LC) - Male
The days of intense sunshine are over. The weak sun now sets each day and night, and the lack of strong sunlight means phytoplankton numbers have collapsed. Fortunately for you, as they die you are able to filter their bodies, the last remnants of the summer bloom. You are able to have one last decent session of feeding, suspended by your tiny size near the surface. Around you, you can see many of your own kind [including Louix], and other filter-feeders. Having grown in size, you are no longer freely suspended by the water and sink to the seafloor. Although the surface here is not yet frozen over, a greasy film has developed at the top. (4 + 1)
Maturity: 55% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 1.3cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 6.5/6.5 (100%) (+50% left over for growth)
Stamina: 90%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 0.25

"Almoskulus normacuta

Status: LC
Timespan: R.77 - Present
Habitat: Continental Slope (Mid Ocean), Shallow Sea
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere, Temperate and Polar Seas & Continental Slope down to 500m
Niche: Benthic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 11.4
Size: 2.3cm
Predecessor: Almoskulus caecorum
Classification: Almoskulusidae, Squickidea, Membrania
Latest Mutations: Fix Skin
Info: This took over from its predecessor Almoskulus caecorum. It had tougher skin that did not rip so easily, but it is still not particularly tough. It lives in all parts of the ocean where it’s eyes are useful, except for tropical. This means it lives from 500 metres under the surface to the shallowest parts of the seas. It serenely poses on the seafloor, filtering falling marine snow for food.
Description: The tubular body has a fleshy membrane running along the top and underside. Blank, white eyeballs hang off the edge of short, protruding eyestalks that stick out straight to the sides of the head. Chemoreceptors sit by the mouth, as well as a pair of small tentacles, with three gill slits at the back of the head. This fins are short but sturdy and curve underneath the tubular body, which varies between red and transparent. At the front of its nervous system, is a tiny brain. Its mouth has a primitive gut leading straight to the anus. An open circulatory system bathes organs and muscles in hemacoel; this contains anti-freeze proteins to stop bodily fluids from freezing.

Previous Mutations

Muscles, Fleshy Membrane (along back and underside), Chemoreceptors, Basic Instincts, Three Gill Slits, Yellow Pigmentation (L), Dentine Teeth, Open Circulatory System, Pinhole Eye With Lens (one on top of head), Notochord, Anti-freeze Proteins, Slow Reactions, Red-Transparent Colour Shifting, Small Tentacles, Eyes, Fins, Weak Skin (L)

Almoskulus normacuta (LC)
The days of intense sunshine are over. The weak sun now sets each day and night, and the lack of strong sunlight means phytoplankton numbers have collapsed. Fortunately for you, as they die you are able to filter their bodies, the last remnants of the summer bloom. You are able to have one last very decent session of feeding, suspended by your tiny size near the surface. Having grown in size, you are no longer freely suspended by the water and sink to the seafloor. Around you, you can see many of your own kind [including PositiveTower], and other filter-feeders. Although the surface here is not yet frozen over, a greasy film has developed at the top. (5 + 1)
Maturity: 65% (Hatchling)
Current Size: 1.5cm
Health: Healthy
Nutrition: 7.4/7.4 (100%) (+60% left over for growth)
Stamina: 90%
Hydration: 100%
Effects: Metabolic rate x 0.25

"Almoskulus normacuta

Status: LC
Timespan: R.77 - Present
Habitat: Continental Slope (Mid Ocean), Shallow Sea
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere, Temperate and Polar Seas & Continental Slope down to 500m
Niche: Benthic Filter-Feeder
Nutritional Value: 11.4
Size: 2.3cm
Predecessor: Almoskulus caecorum
Classification: Almoskulusidae, Squickidea, Membrania
Latest Mutations: Fix Skin
Info: This took over from its predecessor Almoskulus caecorum. It had tougher skin that did not rip so easily, but it is still not particularly tough. It lives in all parts of the ocean where it’s eyes are useful, except for tropical. This means it lives from 500 metres under the surface to the shallowest parts of the seas. It serenely poses on the seafloor, filtering falling marine snow for food.
Description: The tubular body has a fleshy membrane running along the top and underside. Blank, white eyeballs hang off the edge of short, protruding eyestalks that stick out straight to the sides of the head. Chemoreceptors sit by the mouth, as well as a pair of small tentacles, with three gill slits at the back of the head. This fins are short but sturdy and curve underneath the tubular body, which varies between red and transparent. At the front of its nervous system, is a tiny brain. Its mouth has a primitive gut leading straight to the anus. An open circulatory system bathes organs and muscles in hemacoel; this contains anti-freeze proteins to stop bodily fluids from freezing.

Previous Mutations

Muscles, Fleshy Membrane (along back and underside), Chemoreceptors, Basic Instincts, Three Gill Slits, Yellow Pigmentation (L), Dentine Teeth, Open Circulatory System, Pinhole Eye With Lens (one on top of head), Notochord, Anti-freeze Proteins, Slow Reactions, Red-Transparent Colour Shifting, Small Tentacles, Eyes, Fins, Weak Skin (L)

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