Questions from a Developer/Developers

Disclaimer: My last playthrough was a few months ago, so these answers may be a few updates out of date

  1. The most boring part is early multicellular for me, though that may be because I went as a mostly sessil organism, it was painful trying to grow my plant only for it to get stuck in a neighboring member of my species because of how growing cells currently just appear, not to mention because of how pilluses, toxins, and other methods of damaging work it was impossible for me to find another hunting method for my cells that wasn’t painfuly slow. I kinda just quit after realizing I was nowhere near the amount of cells I needed. My species was carnivorous plant that charged at other cells. The most fun parts were probably before then, I had a blast playing a murderous lava plant, though closer to the late stage it was slowing down alot because I couldn’t find a way to reliably produce glucose without moving, wich was a big issue when you dumped all your movement into slime jets, and all the currents were evil since they always moved the compounds away from me.

  2. Definitely slime jets, there needs to be better ways to get the compound needed for them but when they work it is a blast, also I guess Thermosynthase proteins since out of my three playthroughs I made builds centered around those twice, and one of them was my first playthrough ever.

  3. Too easy Thermosynthase needs nerf

  4. I don’t really avoid parts, unless I’m playing a specific niche, though the injectisome pilus never really felt like it did anything, it just felt like a weaker pilus to me

  5. It never really got too fast for me, though it did get too slow when I ran out of mucilage and had to crawl to the nearest hydrogen sulfide cloud, usually because the currents would take the glucose spawned in front of me and take it away from me much faster then my species could swim

  6. It do good

  7. I do not play enough to answe this question, I guess I feel like there’s not enough urgency in the actions I take, I hunt things because they are there and are edible and not over any real need to hunt.

  8. I feel it’s too easy to become a plant, because I remember having to refrain from using chloroplast in my hunter playthrough because I knew i’d just start adding more and more of them, though I believe recent updates might have fixed this issue, though. I believe the thermoplasts still have this problem. I like going with the flow, and I dislike when the flow leads to the same spot.

  9. The fact you can just duplicate as many cells as you want bothers me, I feel like it would better if you could only make a new type of cell via editing the ones already in your organism via the modify button. Oh also rotation is extremely disorienting, I think there needs to be an option to have controls function globally instead of where the cell is facing.

I hope you’re okay with me adding a link here this contained few small and one big idea that I felt would improve the game.

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