Remmortal chat ( Immortal Forum game) - official

(post deleted by doom)

alright guys time to over analyze the (redacted) out of this post

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New forums lore just dropped

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(post deleted by entity x)

based on how doom described the town i ended up in iā€™m assuming it to be an industrial medieval area

me right now doing everything to fix my pc from the CPU error:

slowly come together better, thx u Riot support

I truly need to change my PC



ill tell ya what, as soon as i get a FTL space ship ill bring you to a better planet
(if you want)
(if theres a pandemic or something)

Nah itā€™s just a little meteor strike It should clear up in like a round

I be fine

Though I appreciate the offer :slight_smile:


I wonder if itā€™s possible to completely remove mana costs for a magic spell.

probably, if there are things that lower the mana cost of something almost definitely

You canā€™t, if you try to do that then Magic IRS will give you a visit


but we dont have manaā€¦

how we can lower the cost of mana if we donā€™t have one?


Me when I find out I have actual fralegenments:


3 words:


I was me, you were you
I continue to write the actions remained

Edit: Officially - I caught the flu.
Until further notice (probably by the end of the week), I will not write the rounds even though I have started.

Edit: i have finaly complity heal from taht flu!
starting tommorow, i will comened my slef to fishin and alreay preper to the next round

see u soon

ā€” more edit, yay:

Iā€™m officially done with everyoneā€™s actions!
Only votes remain and at the end of the week we will reach the next round.

Only things donā€™t behave as they should.
The computer I usually draw on the other day already breathed its last and is no longer accessible to me.
RIP Doomputer (official)

So things will take some time and Iā€™m sorry for all that, but I promise weā€™ll continue very soon, if a new map, a new and more developed profile picture of me, and a new challenge for everyone shining from above.


The doom has doomvolved

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Its coming, round 5 its coming

Another interesting report: I finished the story of T.H.Eā€™s Last Explorer which is based on the previous game!
If you are interested in reading it, you can look here.

It took longer than I expected, but here we are.
have fun
Because the next round is approaching us with giant steps.
I hope.

Thing go slower then i though just becuse of the fall of my pc.
I think in the next 72 hours from now, a new round will come.
Its possibly to be erlayer or later in that frame time so i sry if thing got stuck.

Also, pls reminde me to do that :slight_smile:


This is a automated reminder.


Here is the status: the rotation at the current rate will be around the next 16 hours from now.
Due to an unexpected (positive) event, I still havenā€™t started working until now.
Due to external factors, it takes longer in terms of designing the round itself, but writing the round itself shouldnā€™t take more than 4 hours from now.

My question is if you want the exterior design (official map, reflective information, etc.) later, after the release of the tour with a difference of a few days or you want it to come out all at once, but it will take longer for it to come out.

Iā€™ll let you decide that.

Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m already working on the things while I wrote the things, I just want to decide what to focus more on.


What is that?

This is nothing more than the new challenge that is coming this round.