Its been a while so i actually changed the names of the apostles a bit
So i hope that you wont mind me editing the post to change the apostles names?
Species: Uvegrisgan
The same species from the other game
To a “Tea”
Entity TEA has a hand in the species’ creation after all
Name: Varin Haeva
Species: Uvegrisgan
Con: 3
Dex: 5
End: 2
Mst: 2
Pre: 3
Rec: 2
Rbs: 2
Spd: 5
Str: 4
Wis: 2
Much like his predecessor Egem, Varin is quite the zealot and dedicated worshipper of the TEA entity, the only difference is his intense craving for all kinds of violence, possibly due to Theo, the apostle of war and destruction, imbuing his essence into his soul right before the previous universe exploded into oblivion…
Varin is just Egem with new looks btw