
Now, that’s better!

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I’m king of the shoutbox lol

EDIT : Shout King

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But really, let’s make a thread about discobot!

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Come on, guys!

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@discobot fortune Now, that’s the real @discobot, right @discobot?

:crystal_ball: Most likely

Oh that’s a good @discobot!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

No, thank you.

Does discobot even work outside of the shoutbox?

Please don’t try to find out

They are contained… at the moment

I think it works outside the shoutbox, there was a thread about it, but it was closed. I was just kidding when I said we should make a new one for it.

Just dropped my metal water bottle and the entire back of the bus was like “was that a hydroflask? Sksksksks”

heh, my school starts tomorrow.

Lucky you, you don’t have to deal with the “sksksks”s and the “annn-I-ooop-“s for a whole nother day. How thrilling.

(And then there’s the Australians who have been at school for 7 weeks now)

Australia is the upside down. Wisconsin doesn’t exist. And Iowa exists to piss people off.