


Omicron is a double shout king

But we needed Omicron to become the ultimate shout king in order to save us



Fair enough

Try the release candidate NOW!

hi im gonna try it

I tried to download it a few times awhile ago but my laptop though it was a virus and kept messing with it

damn atp is very hard to generate

I think I’m going to fulfill my game in 0.4.2 candidate release

You just prevented yourself from becoming shout king. You truly are a master of necro.


A necrophiliac necromancer, that’s for sure

did ya guys miss me? no? that’s fine i wouldn’t of either

Ha, NERRRD! JK, welcome back.

sorry i’ve dissapered off the face of the earth, but i’m probibly not going to stop for a while


i’m a ghooossst