
Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische. Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze

El otorrinolaringólogo de Parangaricutirimícuaro se quiere desotorrinolangaparangaricutirimicuarizar. El desotorrinolaringaparangaricutimicuador que logre desotorrinolangaparangaricutirimucuarizarlo, buen desotorrinolaringaparangaricutimicuador será

this one is a monster

a spanish monster

that otolaryngologist thing also exists in portuguese (aka ??? spanish)

portuguese and spanish are bröthers

just kidding @dongororo

are there trust level higher than 3?

i know that there is leader

Yes there is leader hhyyrylainen is a leader

but i cant be leader i mean something accesible


…or can I?

Battle for the throne

or better

Battle for the computer chair!

Battle for thrive

no no the king is good

