
but it did not work

I will never get used to seeing the shoutbox like this

imagine if someone creates an invisible account - invisible pfp, invisible name(the b> thing) and everything INVISIBLE

Hmm well this is strange

i wish we couild have themes

image image
Are the images showing?



Sustance created with minced meat from cows, pigs and other animals, that has the name of spam has started falling in enormous quantities, itā€™s origin has been located to be in the stratosphere. The main factor of this was discovered to be a male human specimen, which we are not able to observe in normal conditions

but is that substance good or bad

Bad and good at the same time

i got a notfication when you quoted me

do it again

the limit is getting closer

what should the last post be

ā€œand its getting closer togetherā€ -bill wĆ¼rtz

The shoutbox is dead, long live the shoutbox!

the sun is a deadly laser

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