The gaps may be sealed, filled with a substance[1] that solidifies[2], it being only removed with brute force when moving an arm is required[3] and resynthesised when the movement ceases.
The problem is gas leakage from the exposed tissue, the pressure is achieved by mechanical means (imagine a balloon covered with wire netting in a vacuum chamber, preventing its expansion, and then imagine it is not a hallow baloon but flesh, so it doesn’t explode)
Why? You just need a lung or a vocal sac or any other sac and use it like a baloon turned upside down and released. It should work in low gravity.(or maybe even in a high gravity planet, if it uses hydrogen balloons and discovers combusting that hidrogen, and then discovers that if you go sideways at a high altitude you don’t have to land and don’t have to maintain a large balloon)
Why? All objects orbiting the same star the same distance away move at the same speed[4]. It is even possible to have a circular orbit around the star starting from a planet, slowly increasing the diameter, making many rotations around the star and ending in another planet.
They wouldn’t go at random directions. In space, it is transparent, you can see where you can go.
Not by going directly towards it.[5] Not being sapient doesn’t mean you can’t calculate how to migrate where you want to migrate.
By accelerating at the first half of the journey, and decelerating at the second half of the journey.
So, getting larger with every generation?[6]
That would add an element of risk. Do you want to use all of your fuel to get to an asteroid first, or be conservative and only use half of it so you have enough to get back. As a hunting trap: put a fake asteroid[7], when another space whale moves at it, your accomplice also moves at it, the first whale decides to risk it and goes as fast as it can. Then the whales in the asteroid move the asteroid away. You follow the whale which ran out of fuel and hunt it when it starves.
I think playing as a space whale may be even more fun than normal aware stage. There are more variables.
If they digested the food, then the energy(that can be used to move the organism) is even less then the start. The expelled material should be as low importance as possible, what matters is its mass and how fast it can be thrown.
plant leafs are covered with a waxy cuticle to prevent gas loss ↩︎
if flexible materials aren’t possible in space ↩︎
like how there is a species that causes damage in itself and breaks open a gap to use as a mouth everytime it wants to feed ↩︎
and asteroids stay in the same "belt"s, although it may be challenging to approach those that have eliptical orbits ↩︎
the possible directions (and the fuel costs of each) need to be given by the game(if we don’t want the player to constantly do trigonometry and taking the integral for finding the area that is sweeped by a line connecting the organism and the sun) ↩︎
and I am defending multiple options at the same time. If rockets can’t evolve in a planet, they can evolve after leaving the planet with geysers ↩︎
it is hollow and low mass, easy to accelerate ↩︎