Special Planet Types

Even with LAWK on, which would be the default, you wouldn’t be stopped from completing the game.
I want it to be so that there comes a point in the space stage, where the player basically advances past our current technology level and enters scifi land. That’s when all the scifi staples would start getting unlocked, finally leading to the ascension gate which you build to finish the game.


I was referring to elements as in aspects / parts, not chemical elements.

Also, I think what you’re saying about chloroplast colours highlights exactly what I have a problem with, where do you draw the line? For example: On Earth, only prokaryotes evolved cilia. Does this make eukaryotic cilia non-LAWK? I’d say no, but then again, I also thought a planet with 1.5G instead of 1 would be pretty LAWK. When is a feature so close to being real science, that it becomes LAWK?
I do agree that a scale is not really practical. I was thinking something like a dropdown that pops up when you double-click the LAWK option. It would give a detailed breakdown of what you are and aren’t allowing in the game, and let you change them individually.


Actually there are eukaryote ciliates, they are called ciliates, protozoans:

But i got your idea. I guess it will be like that, like having chemosithesizing eukaryotes, or multicellular prokaryotes (some bacteria are technically multicellular and this one exists on Earth) which arent found on Earth, but there is nothing saying thats impossible. What might affect something so plausible and similar not evolving here must be which niches develop earlier and later, which can affect which “pathways” you choose, both in reality and Thirv.
so…I guess… yes.

There’s always mods, you’ll just need to wait for the stage to be complete before you mod it.

I mean I can’t see a reason not to mod a stage before it’s complete

Other than the fact that early mods will easily become outdated.
Also btw because we don’t have a stable modding system, any mod for 0.5.0 will almost certainly break for 0.5.1.

I could see a realistic way of adding weird “planets”. As opposed to an earthlike planet, you could also have something similar to a large version of haumea, where the planet spins so rapidly that the planet is shaped like an egg, or a rogue planet with oceans under kilometers of ice heated by a moon, or living on a comet instead of a planet (restricted to microbes unless the comet crashes into a planet suitable for life). There is also the theoretical torus planet (that would also need to spin very quickly), that would probably only form artificially.

If there is to be customizable realism, one could do it like in Silent Hunter 4. You got the Extreme Realism, Hard, Medium and easy realism (in silent hunter, higher realism is a more difficult game, but with higher prestige gained with each success) settings. Once one setting was selected, the player is able to customize exactly what features will be included in the game. Some people may, for example, decide to disable manual aim (if that’s enabled, one must actually measure speed and distance (with the powers of trigonometry) to be able to actually able to hit something with the torpedoes (also position of the target vessel if you are below periscope depth)) or periscope dependence on the boat (the boat, especially in bad weather, is not stable, and since the periscope is attached to it, it’ll be shaking quite a lot in wild waters, which makes it hard to do stuff like measuring distance).