This thread can be used for everything related to 3D modelling, animation, rigging, texturing, you name it!
Post your projects on here to get feedback from the general populace, and to see how you can improve it.
Can’t wait to see what you guys can come up with!
As nothing has been added here so far, I’m gonna include my first sculpting experiment in Blender. I’ve posted it in another thread already, but I just wanna kickstart this one, as this might turn out to be a really interesting thread. As I said in the previous thread, the eyes are not finished and there’s this weird funky business going on around the ears, which I have no idea how to get rid of. Hopefully I’ll get better one day.
Guess what, it’s necro time!
I haven’t been using blender for quite some time now, so I watched a short tutorial and after watching it I closed it and tried to test what I remembered from it. Here is the final product. Didn’t take much time, most of the time was spent on deciding the length and width of the cilia and also by arranging the bacteria for the final render.
I know it isn’t anything special, I’m just trying to get familiar with blender again so that I might perhaps help one day, even if just a tiny bit.
Nice work!
Also I forgot about this thread, and I’m glad its being used again!
Ima just…
Drop this thing here.
Where be the crown and scepter?
Ah yes, this I would like to know.
That was made before @QuantumCrab revised my profile picture.
For anyone who would like to use the Thrive Logo in concept art without having to go through the painstaking process of making it from scratch can enjoy this one that was made from scratch!
What does the logo stand for, does the smooth part stand for life (the beginning part) and the gear part stands for technology (late game). If that is the case then maybe the 3D logo make the smoot part like a tusk of a create and make the gear part metal and then the THRIVE in the middle could be fire for the transition. Then again that just sounds cool in my head and it might be ugly in practicality but I would think it would be interesting to see.
I feel that making the top part smooth might detract from how it would look when fully rendered, also I made this as the starting point for anyone to use it. If you want to smooth it out, then feel free
This thread seems to have been forgotten, so here is another one of my works!
I have recently begun experimenting with HDRi’s (High Dynamic Range Imaging), which are 360 images that allow for 3d objects to be placed in real life locations. If you want to use them in your own projects, here is a website where I found this background:
Just use an environment node, hook it up to a diffuse node and plug that into the world output (only works in cycles).
If the character looks familiar, that’s because its a 3D rig of Elbert (One of my side projects)
Haven’t seen such a good looking 3D cartoon model since Story Bots
Confirmed, BowlDawg watches story bots
also, thanks!
If thrive was supposedly looking for 3D modeling what would it need? For example; concept art, 3D renderings of objects, or 3D animation? Anyway I thought this thread fit the requirement of being “not too off topic” so that is why I’m asking here.
Well, I got my position from many bits of concept art as well as a concept thrive intro cut scene, so if you want to show what you have to offer, feel free to put any of your work here!
I don’t have any work at the moment I was just wondering what I could potentially help with
Uhh… Hmmm…
Well from the graphics channel on the developers discord, there seems to be a focus on… metaballs?
My guess is that everyone is getting sick of the microbe stage and wants to move on to multicellular.
Anyway, I’m not really sure what the graphics side of thrive actually really needs at this point, so you’re better off asking drum roll Naritoza or someone who is in the know
Art-wise I don’t think we are in a huge need of any new models in the short term. There are probably a few organelles that need to be made / remade. And maybe some textures. But we are once again largely bottlenecked on programming as lately I’ve been (almost) the only active programmer.
For later stages, most people want to have fully procedurally generated things, so the art team has been exploring possible ways to make modelling easy for the average player. So there likely will be very few premade models in the later stages.
To be honest, that’s something I didn’t even think about. My time here is fleeting.