Fallout Nuclear Winter (dead)

Action: repair town.

Action: expand town

Action: start production on memory-loss-gas-filled rockets

Action: try, once again, to make laser cannons (because I want them)

Hey now, you’re not turning on me are you?

round 28

vault # 138

roll 5 roll 6
you create memory wipe nukes. you create hyper efficient laser cannons that you mount on snow vehicles and handheld cannons (because you want them). congrats! you now have 3 rolls per turn.
status: fortified 3
people: happy and safe

iron wind

roll 6 roll 5
you greatly repair and expand your town
status: sturdy 2
people: happy and safe

vault # 682

roll 6
you build great laser tanks. congrats! you now have 2 rolls per round.
status: sturdy 2
people: happy and safe
population: 204

@OmnipotentFNarr @TeaKing @Magic8Ball04

Action 1: Attempt to rebuild Liberty Prime (but shoot the idiot who decided to give it sentience. We’re lucky it didn’t turn on us…)

Action 2: Build mobile turrets to fortify my bases.

action 1: expand the town.

action 2: shoot down the BOS fleet.
Iron wind can we be allies?

@OmnipotentFNarr I want to be prepared, our alliance is still in order

Action: expand vault

Action: send a few slightly expendable people to explore the upper regions of the mighty Alaska

Action: make a submarine

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Of course! Next turn, I’ll send you some power armor as presents.

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thank you my ally! (i hate the fact that i have to write more than 20 characters)

@TeaKing I thought you had an actual profile picture

@zenzonegaming when is the next round?

round 29

vault # 138

roll 1 roll 2 roll 1
in trying to expand the vault some of it caves in killing some people. you never hear from them again.
on the maiden voyage it leaks causing it to sink and kill the crew
status: fortified 3
people: happy and safe

iron wind

roll 2 roll 6
you build LP without a hitch but some other idiot thought he should take the robot in the end LP escapes with a mad scientist piloting it. you build mobile turrets (please specify what you want exactly)
status: sturdy 2
people: happy and safe

vault # 682

roll 5 roll 1
you expand the town. the BOS discovers you and considers you as an abomination and bombs your turret killing people.
status: sturdy 2
people: scared of the BOS
population: 204

@TeaKing @Magic8Ball04 @OmnipotentFNarr

@zenzonegaming can I just try all of the same things

action: build explosive flying drones.

action: shoot down the BOS fleet again but with my laser tanks.
i’m gonna do anything to help out iron wind against the BOS

The turrets are meant to be a fortification so I can get 3 votes.

i know but what do they look like

I imagine 4 legged walker turrets.

what are your next votes and you should probably deal with the mad scientist.

so I don’t get an extra vote?

you would have to deal with the problems you have namely the mad scientist. also @Magic8Ball04 got a third roll because he now has kinda nukes.

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