THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

Ah, you’re Italian!

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Yes! Can you also tell team?

i just had the weirdest playthrough of thrive in my entire life.
first off a started the game and tried to make a predatory prokaryote cell, with 3 piluses 3 flegellums and some glucose and atp generators, but after a while i just stopped evolving, staying the exact same for like 20 generations, my population was constantly declining, only offset by the fact that i reproduced every 30 seconds.
you couldn’t swim 5 seconds in any direction without seeing some kind of feeding frenzy happening, with my species or some other one, no matter where i went there was always plenty of organelles floating in the water to engulf and sometimes even a completely sessile cell with no way to defend itself.
things really got weird about halfway through, i don’t know how it happened but i exited the cell editor and saw what must have been at least 9 large chunks of iron, with 4 different feeding frenzies happening and countless cells dying, there were probably a couple more chunks as well off screen, and i wasn’t even in a patch that had a lot of iron in it.

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This feels like a creepypasta, IDK why.

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i still have the save files, i’ll try and record a bit and show it to you guys
but tomorrow

Maybe share the save file too?

maybe even in this thread?

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for some reason my computer won’t allow me to record it
how do i share save files?
also i don’t have any recording software, only the built in thing for windows

@zenzonegaming i think I’ve found your YouTube account

i DO have a youtube account but that’s not it
i was planning on becoming a smalltime gaming youtuber but it never panned out
but i do have 1 video out
kudos to whoever finds it

This u?

i actually filmed that with a smart phone tapped to a milk carton
plese like and subscrible

Liked, subscribed, rang the bell.

The pirate’s teeth are extremely clean for who he is.

Anyway, you should use a recorder such as OBS.


I’ve been thinking about how to preserve the old forums. Would the wayback machine work?

It would but you would have to preserve each thread as wayback only save one hyperlink down i think

Well the old forums have been online for a long time so there is a chance that quite a few of the threads have already been archived.

What do you mean by that?

Update: What the hell are you talking about? Everything works! Look!

You can navigate through every thread! The only shame is that it can’t load the “Thrive Community Forums” image.

Weird, last time i tried archiving it, i had to archived each thread separately, i guess the archive been updated recently?

also heh:


i guess i was the first misc king

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Also, why can’t we see user profiles?

What’s the image you wanted me to see?