THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

China has problems at managing diseases because its population is always growing too fast.
In occidental countries, it doesn’t seem to be the case and the people is even getting ‘older’. Might be an effect of education.

Nice joke, @RoboRomb btw.

EDIT: I feel like starting polls. I might start polls again! mwahahahaha! :smiling_imp:

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i don’t think that’s a joke, the people are actually playing it alot.

In China specifically?

Random polls! haha
This will be my first and last poll for the moment being, though.

What future is the most ideal regardless of how likely it is going to happen (anonymous)?

  • The World is unified pacifically with a supranational union like the EU.
  • Mankind is united under a Federation, a la Star Trek.
  • World remains separated as it is right now or is separated even further.
0 voters

Sorry for the politics poll, I’m just wondering about that subject because of the current world situation.

EDIT: The ‘why’ may be interesting.

I’ve been thinking about how a city where the State owns everything might work. Not like communism, but instead, everything is taxed. Healthcare, power, water, heat, homes, even food! However, speaking of food, there would be limits imposed on the number of things you can take out. Something like a food card that you scan and, based on your family size and economic state, you get to “buy” more or less food. Profitable companies that start up could be bought out by the government so people still have a motivation to go into business, and I think people would live with less worries about making ends meet, unless I’m overlooking something?

I’ve always seen a Global Supranational Union as an intermediary step towards a Federation.

Though its main drawback is that anyone can leave too easily (e.g. Brexit).

It’s more difficult to leave a Fed.

the welcome to discourse thread is inaccurate, it says the shoutbox is on the top right, while its on the bottom right.

@OoferDoofer, why is your post a reply to mine?

I don’t know. I specifically made sure I wasn’t replying to you. maybe an error in the discourse machine?

An unlikely scenario, the post is marked as a reply to a post that was many posts ago. You need to press the reply button at the bottom of a thread to make a post that is not a reply to any posts.

Are there any online databases of prehistorical life like ?

I’m surprised that people can think that our current world situation is stable and that it shouldn’t be unified.
EDIT: I have an idea about unification. What if both of the first options in my poll were functioning together? Most countries would be able to join the Union (supranational union), but the most democratic states or model states could join the Federation. There would be qualifications/requirements of course. For instance:
  • Having a Corruption Score of at least 70, according to Transparency International
  • Having an overall score of Human Freedom Index of at least 8.00, according to Fraser Institute/Cato Institute
  • Having a Democracy Index score of at least 8.01, according to Economist Intelligence Unit (not sure about this one)
However, I think it’s lacking something. Shouldn’t it be required to gain benefits to join the Federation (to convince states to follow the democratic rules)?

So, I just finished my first little programming project that i’m proud enough to share,
It’s just a simple C++ program that runs in the command line. It randomly generates a stone, that’s all it does.

EDIT: Apparently I forgot string arrays are a thing, also realized the while() was redundant, so here’s an updated version:


so how long did it take you to make it?

I’ve begun to notice that scientific literacy influences forward planning in a civilizations. Look at history, people did things for the now not even thinking of the future and as time went on people started thinking years ahead. I’d say we generally think decades ahead (as a society) at the moment but I foresee the near future bringing century long planning. If we start exploiting our solar system and plan on moving beyond it we might start thinking in millennia.

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About an hour and a half, which is extremely slow for what it is

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Ok guys lets have a little talk about SPORAH
What did most hate about spore? I will say it later

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I liked spore overall, but it need better comms in civ.

There’s some people visiting the Deviant Art page. 20 visitors today:

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I think the main thing was that spore just was not fleshed out enough, every stage felt bare bones and could be completed so fast. I don’t think I would have minded the cutsie aestetic so much if the gameplay was a bit more realistic, complex and challenging. Creature stage (and maybe tribal) were probably the stages that appealed and still appeal to me most. But the creature stage gameplay feels kinda pointless. Run around to other races nests and dance with them or kill them, evolve and reapeat. There was no real sense of danger either.

Could probably manage a better critique if I put more thought into it but oh well…

By the way, the cover of that game is one of the biggest sources of nostalgia for me that I can think of. I remember I got the game but could not play it for like a week, I just stared at the cover, the back of the case and read the manual and damn did it get the imagination of my young brain going.


I reinstalled Spore last night.

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