THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

That is oddly specific. What makes 7 your limit?

so i have some choices, which one do i do?


his text will be hidden what does this mean
Ok the options
there were more complex ones but for now my brain can only hold these ones

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Well itā€™s like I can run a game with close to six people but seven is more closer to ten than five
Or it could just be some random number Iā€™ve chosen

Also @Nover452 how do you put a line to separate your text?

You put a bunch of these: _ in a row

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just do this!
___ (yes thatā€™s all you have to do)

God this looks like post filler

Ok so i want to make the maze rat thing but i wanted other peopleā€™s opinions, pls tell opinion

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Okay Iā€™m gonna try!

Looks like it worked!
This is gonna be useful for my essays.

@Nover452 I think you should do dr. Magnet hands or something like that

I double posted a lot in the Fan Wiki Updates thread and once in the Miscellaneous.

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I double posted a lot in my Thriveā€™s History thread
And I double posted a lot somewhere else but I stopped doing that

For certain threads, double posting doesnā€™t count. Like in the updates threads and the TU thread. If you counted the TU thread, I have quadruple posted.(I think)

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To be more specific I double posted six times in a row in my Thriveā€™s History thread. And it looks like that consecutive post count will only get higher.

I donā€™t even know many times I posted in a row in the Update thread.

I think the highest consecutive post count you had there is ten in a row, or maybe even more.

Edit: so I looked at the fan wiki updates again and @DeepSix double posted six times in a row before Untrustedlife stopped his consecutive post count.

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It doesnā€™t matter though, because those types of posts SHOULDNT be edited into 1 post. You history of thrive thread less so, but still, your double posts there are completely fine.

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Speaking of double posts, I plan to delete my first double posts on that thing and keep the full essay so people would have an easier time reading the history of Thrive thread

I wouldnā€™t do that. I like the fact that you have mini- essays, and you donā€™t really have a reason to delete them.

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Well now that I think about it I should only delete the mini essays that have parts to them like my sixth chapter which had three parts, and keep the full mini essay

I think you should remove the [image]Edits on your essay.

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That would also work, but try and keep all the different episodes separated.

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Yeah you copy and pasted my mini essays then I copy and pasted your wiki page
Itā€™s like a symbiotic relationship :laughing:

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I mean, itā€™s easier to edit the wiki page now: You just have to click on the links. :laughing:

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