THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

Both, every couple of minutes the index just goes grey screen for a second then the tracking gets back.

If it’s a manufacturing defect, then that’s unfortunate maybe I can get mine replaced soon.

I think they release updates every now and then so that if someone happens to update their system on an unlucky day, the desktop fails to start entirely. At that point you are left at a TTY console (i.e. terminal only with no graphics capabilities other than text).

Fedora has had problems where a new combination of kernel + mesa + GNOME is a bit unstable and crashes quite a bit or has some graphical bugs. And some games can be broken on a newer mesa version / kernel combination.

So that kind of issue only arises when using rolling release distros, right?

Rolling distros have it the worst. Fedora is not really a rolling distro but still ships very fresh packages every six months with a new release. Something like Ubuntu / Pop Os and Mint (which are better beginner picks) release more rarely and don’t have as new software. So all the users on rolling distros and Fedora have already bug belgiumd the software for many months before it gets into a “stable” distro. My GPU is only now about fully working (I bought it in January) thanks to the latest Linux kernel and mesa updates. Using a stable distro would not be possible with the latest gen AMD GPUs just yet (without explicitly getting a newer kernel and mesa than what is default in the distro).

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majority of the 3rd world also barely use computers compared to the 1st world folk

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found another false positive here

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I’ve never heard the word rαcy before, but I am sure the word accuracy is way more common than it. A solution to the sbelgiumhorpe problem could be comparing how the two words in google trends and not censoring the larger word if it is more popular than the shorter word inside it.

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Unfun fact: Hippity Hoppity, your breathing and blinking are now a conscious activity
Edit: Why did you put an anger emoji @50gens

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That word is solved already in your post. You do realize that comparing Google trends results would be massively complicated to program and very slow to perform on a bunch of words to check for censoring?

Fine, I’ll fix it.

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How many words are posted on the forums per second? Less than 1 I would assume. So all the program needs to do is

  1. Check if any words have a belgium word in them
  2. Compare the two, I assume programs can have internet access
  3. Add the larger word to the whitelist if it is more popular
  4. Dm the moderators if the smaller word is more popular. Actually dm in the previous case as well.
  5. Do nothing if the long word isn’t a real word

Even if it doesn’t scan all the previous posts in the forums, new unnecessary censorings would be reduced. They would be removed a short time after being posted.

I would heavily assume that paying for Google trends API would be required. Google does not like people scraping their website to steal their content.

This is massive amounts of manual work. You might as well suggest that moderators read each post, and edit it if they see any bad words in it.

You say like this is easy. A program will have to just rely on a dictionary with like a million words in it to know if something is an English word that has ever been in use. Even then slang terms are not added super fast to dictionaries.

This shows once again the difference between a layman’s understanding and the level of overexplaining that a computer program needs to contain to be actually created.

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i mean if you want to you could do the work of finding which words are more popular

Looking at you, OpenAI.

Hmm, the Linux kernel might not use Rust anymore.

  1. Not cool, France. Not cool.
  2. Haha, laughing at you Microsoft.
  3. I’m kind of skeptical that Apple will achieve fame on gaming even with a compatibility tool.

  1. Even if he managed to capture good evidence of the aliens, the US secret agencies would have quickly raided the man’s house and confiscated every computer.
  2. The ship could’ve been made by the US military and the man and his family either could’ve wanted to attract attention or been just on drugs because I have not seen any concrete piece of evidence that shows the creatures.
  3. It’s also possible that we’re the first species in the galaxy (or the first in the Orion arm) to have reached the Civilized Age and the beginning of space exploration and that supposed aliens could also just be creatures that humans have secretly modified to scientific research. Why? I don’t know and we’ll probably never know because there’s not a single governmental body that will reveal anything about UFOs and X-rays (codename for aliens in XCOM).

I don’t think this is really going to affect rust adoption in the kernal with how niche it is (though rust is somehow the most dramatic language) also I think the drama is like pretty old already and settled iirc

Sort of unrelated but I been learning rust recently and it been kind of fun, I can see why people like to use it

extremely unfun fact that everyone should know to prevent more death from it: there is a company called estrolabs* that sells what they call an “estrogen alternative HRT drug” that actually makes your gobelgium produce more of the hormones they naturally produce in the short term and if taken as directed you will die from serotonin syndrome, they advertise their “estrogen alternative HRT drug”(read: actual poison targeted towards specific groups, AKA: an attempt at genocide) as being a blend of several herbs and spices that promote estrogen production.

if not for my brain being so full of questions i can’t not question something i would likely have fallen victim to this since i was too tired to realize that amazon doesn’t prevent distribution of poison through its warehouses, luckily though my brain is practically made of questions so one lead to another and i found that the reviews were far lower than the confirmed purchases and the reviews that were there reported looking more masculine after taking it and they stopped because of that after less than a week and then i decided “belgium it, let’s search it up.” and found this, after that i decided to check reddit and found the reason for the drastic difference between reviews and people who bought it: it gives you serotonin syndrome if taken as directed.

On one hand, there are people who bully people with pronouns, which is evil, and on the other hand, there are people who will ruin your life if you just want to have a little fun, which is unforgivable.

It’s pretty funny that the pronouns option is translated into Finnish. So any Finnish person if they follow the example text will just put in “hän”. I’m kind of tempted to do that just for fun. Very cool feature.

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What does hän mean? Is it a neutral pronoun? What would be the equivalent in English?

It translates to he/she. So yes, it is the neutral pronoun. If you take some English text and translate it back to English you lose the gender of pronouns. For example you’d need to translate things back either as “they went to the store” or “he/she went to the store” if you don’t have any context clues to figure out the gender of the talked about person.

Additionally in spoken Finnish “se” is used to refer to people meaning that in spoken Finnish there’s just one word for he/she/it.

i just put they/them or yours are was/were in that box