THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

What have i done…
I didnt mean for it to derail so much…

Some people enjoy yelling in the void.

I like to see everyone talking about programming, coding, and here I am literally physically unable to program in any program other than Scratch.


When that stupid thing is your first contact with programming, you get used to it and then learning plain text languages ​​becomes extremely difficult to learn.

Wait, but I was told that EXIF data registers the location where the picture was taken!

Too bad there is no such thing for Squirrel. The best I can do is to use the conventions for Lua since it is Squirrel’s closest relative, but I don’t know… I just feel like using my own conventions since Squirrel has more proper OOP than Lua. Metatables are so confusing!

The only good code practice that I use is the never nesting (never nesting more than three times in a row, except if I have no other option).

Once you’ve learned one programming language, you get the basics for most programming languages. Every language (except HTML and CSS) have at least conditional statements (if, if…else, else if, nested), loops (while, for, nested), variables (int, float, string, array or equivalent(s)) and functions. Once you’ve mastered these elements, you’ve mastered the basics of nearly every language. Then again, some languages have their own features. C#, Java, Python and C++ have OOP; Lua has do…until loops and tables instead of arrays, which can have some weird dark magic OOP features; etc.

I know that some people wouldn’t agree, but HTML and CSS aren’t true programming languages like every other. They are only useful for making webpages. HTML is kind of like for structuring the page like a newspaper article. You have the title, then the text. You can also insert images, videos, etc. CSS is more for making the styleart of the page, but I’ve never touched it, so I can’t say anything more about it.

Well a camera without a GPS literally cannot know where it is taking pictures so it obviously can’t add the info. It’s a bit more of a problem nowadays with phones being the primary cameras of people as they do know where they are.

Most of the Lua specific style stuff I’ve seen is actually centered on how to use metatables. So instead if Squirrel has actual classes, using something like C#, JavaScript or C++ style might be much better fit.

That’s because these aren’t programming languages, they are markup languages which are slightly more advanced than something like YAML or JSON. And I see you mentioned that in a later paragraph.

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Yeah, we only allow high-effort necroposting here. (Joking)

You just did it yourself… I’ll move our posts to the misc thread.

But i was joking! :frowning:

It was still a necropost as a joke does not count as a constructive new post. There’s probably dozens of threads where you could make the same joke…

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How do I make those thingies with the
[something v]
that if you click it will show some text

When writing a post, click on the cogwheel, and choose “Hide details”:




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  1. This? ↩︎


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Underwater Civilizations Take 3

Seriously folks. No thread on these forums allows talking about underwater civs. I was going to allow that one meme, but people just had to resume the actual underwater talk so I had to take care of all the posts.

As reminder there’s a subreddit where you can take all of your underwater talk, it’s linked here: r/ThriveU8PCivsPipeline for those of culture | Subreddit needs members to underwater/plant civ talk

Just to highlight how ridiculous this whole thing is that recently the community Discord got a bot that keeps track of when people last mentioned underwater civs, and so far it has never been more than 48 hours since the last mention while the bot has been in operation (though some of those mentions are purely trolling).

please do not do low effort necroposts


Agreed. @Lipovomit necroposting is fine only if you are contributing something to the discussion. Making a simple observation that adds no new points to the discussion does not count.

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Who wants to play chess?

Me, even though i’m bad, and will thus probably lose.