THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

When do you think will non-humanoid aliens go mainstream?


I hope it wonā€™t be too long! Iā€™ve never really liked humanoid aliens - theyā€™ve always felt rather generic to me. Hopefully now that CGI animation has progressed a lot in the last few decades, weā€™ll start seeing a lot more instead of just humans with antennae on their heads :laughing: .


As for me, I think that by 2030-2035 Non-Humanoid aliens will start to rival the Humanoid aliens when it comes to media.


Nintendo will never be bought. They just dont want the money.

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Well, I wonder what will happen when Zen learns about Thrive Church, Thrive Garden and Thrive Fitness.

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Why does @Leekify say iā€™m them? Iā€™m notā€¦ Am i?

Iā€™m you from another dimension.

That explains nothing.
There is a timeline where timelines arenā€™t a thing!
I think i would know if a duplicate of me was roaming around this web of sites.

A timeline where-
What in sam hill are you saying, and what is your profile pic?

Rain world.
Hard as nails metroidvania where you try to survive in a world where everything wants you dead, but you, and everything else, are stuck in a cycle of reincarnation.

Whatā€™s that?

Please donā€™t feign ignorance.
I know you know just about the same things i do.

Are you famous or something?
Why are your posts all i see?

I wish.
Nobody knows we exist, honestly.
So please, go home and drop the facade.

W-What do you mean by that?

Very original setups. Too bad no one was showcasing Linux (except for the Steam Deck user).

Godot just keeps on winning:

Letā€™s hope that Godot starts getting exponentially better from here on out.


Anyone else thinks that Thrive might release at 50th anniversary of Sporeā€™s release (September 2058)?


Thrive is already released tho


Na, i think Thrive will just get out of alpha until then, not even have the awareness stage done