THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

It is widely known that both Velma and The Acolyte are bad shows. Moisty (penguinz0) and Mutahar have both covered Velma and Moisty has also covered the latter. It’s bad. Maybe I should’ve said “which one is worse”.

Player activity isn’t periodical despite its high player count? I’m suspecting bot activity.


How much you gain is based on playtime and it checks if you’re afk once every 18 hours I think. It barely counts as not activity it’s designed for people to “game the system”, it’s being played as intended.

Bots can do just that and it’s not even hard because all you have to do is click the banana. I honestly pity the people who play those NFT games.

I wonder what is going to come next, a “waiting simulator”?

Wait an hour, you get no drop, but wait another hour and you ALSO get no drop! Buy the game today for 99.99$!

99.99 is medium AAA price for 2026, so either the indie sphere will start pricing itself like AAA or AAA’s quality will drop to equivalent “maybe great, maybe atrocious, maybe adware if you’re on mobile/browser, probably kinda boring” or yk, both will happen

that’s a game on steam called nothing

Looks like @hhyyrylainen could help them to finnish translation. HA! Get it? Finnish… translation.

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Is it an another NFT game?

nope, one file of code, three screens, the only image is a gray background, if you do something you loose, and it’s free


I bet this line of code does exactly that.

this is the entire source code of the game

// Nothing
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;

public class Nothing : MonoBehaviour
	private enum GameState

	private GameState currentState;

	private float inactivityTime;

	private float startupPeriod = 1f;

	private float stateChangeTime;

	public TMP_Text timerText;

	private string nothingLabel = "<color=#FFFFFF>Nothing</color>";

	private string somethingLabel = "<color=#000000>Something</color>";

	protected bool didSomething
			if (!Input.anyKeyDown && !Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && Input.touchCount <= 0 && !(Input.acceleration != && Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") == 0f)
				return Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") != 0f;
			return true;

	private void Start()
		timerText.text = "Press any key to start doing " + nothingLabel + "\n";

	private void Update()
		if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
		switch (currentState)
		case GameState.NotStarted:
			if (Input.anyKeyDown)
				currentState = GameState.InProgress;
				stateChangeTime = Time.time;
			else if (Time.time >= startupPeriod)
				timerText.text = "Press any key to start doing " + nothingLabel + "\n";
		case GameState.InProgress:
			timerText.text = "You have been doing " + nothingLabel + " for\n" + TimeTextFormatted() + "\n";
			inactivityTime += Time.deltaTime;
			if (Time.time - stateChangeTime >= 1f && didSomething)
				stateChangeTime = Time.time;
				currentState = GameState.GameOver;
		case GameState.GameOver:
			timerText.text = "You did " + somethingLabel + ", you lost\n You did " + nothingLabel + " for " + TimeTextFormatted();
			if (Time.time - stateChangeTime >= 1f && Input.anyKeyDown)

	private void ResetGame()
		currentState = GameState.NotStarted;
		inactivityTime = 0f;
		timerText.text = "Press any key to start doing " + nothingLabel + "\n";
		stateChangeTime = Time.time;

	private string TimeTextFormatted()
		int num = (int)inactivityTime;
		int num2 = num / 86400;
		num %= 86400;
		int num3 = num / 3600;
		num %= 3600;
		int num4 = num / 60;
		num %= 60;
		string text = "";
		if (num2 > 0)
			text = text + num2 + ((num2 == 1) ? " day" : " days") + ", ";
		if (num3 > 0)
			text = text + num3 + ((num3 == 1) ? " hour" : " hours") + ", ";
		if (num4 > 0)
			text = text + num4 + ((num4 == 1) ? " minute" : " minutes") + ", ";
		return text + num + ((num == 1) ? " second" : " seconds");
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I wonder if at some point there will be a game created which only allows bots to play and rejects human players…

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Oh 100% gonna happen


it would be cool if there was a pokemon game set on another planet, since we know there are alien pokemon species and pokemon from Alternate universes so why not set a game entirely on an alien planet or in one of those universes


I’m so angry, belgiumed off, sad and just tired right now.

I had an physics exam yesterday and i probably got an D or whatever the american grade system uses to represent an meh grade, JUST BECAUSE I CONFUSED TWO THINGS. WHO GIVES AN EXAM WITH 3 QUESTIONS. I probably won’t fail, but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
And the worst part is that there’s still a week left before this school term ends, I have to take two more tests (one of which I need to get a good grade on or I’ll be in the red) and present some work.

I really miss being the best student of the school. The constant feeling that i’m getting worse every day is excruciating, putting this with my dysphoria, terrible world news about everything,

I just want to sleep in a comfy bed without thinking about this day and tomorrow.


i’m sorry to hear that, that sounds frustrating to deal with


School is school, won’t kill you. Just enjoy the fact that we don’t have to fight for survival like some do; we are alive and that counts the most.


There is a factor of chance in exam performance. Sometimes, they don’t cover all the topics. I think for every class, there should be a lot of exams, such as 5 or 10. You should be allowed to participate in however many of them you like. And the second highest score you get should be considered your grade and the others should be forgotten. Every exam should be slightly harder than the previous one but only slightly.

I mean exams that cover the same topic. It could be an end of year exam or after each topic there can be 5 exams. If you get a bad result you can try again the next day.


yeahh I have been lucky to mostly have merciful professors, and one of the exceptions I was sorta friends with (my college is too small and the professors too friendly tbh) so i got an A anyways, but yeah super short exams with a lot of points on them does not sound fun at all. I feel the exams should be balanced, but there don’t need to be a specific amount. If you want one or two you need to be very understanding of things that would make someone miss them, and/or also have a ton of lower valued quizzes throughout the semester, so you feel like you can trust good students that they do understand the material and aren’t asking for an easy way out if they need something specific. Also, might not work if you have 120 students in a class. 5-10 probably does work well, I.e. one per chapter. I also, am not a teacher, so yk, ignore me.