THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

Will they be taken down aswell?

Arch does have pacman - ArchWiki but it seems no one ever really distributes files directly for it as downloads. It seems everything always goes through the arch repos, so people just install software by its name rather than being able to download a separate package file, which is hugely more convenient.


What is the 4th most popular PC OS after The Big Three?

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Haiku? A BSD? Genuinely unsure, according to Wikipedia it’s ChromeOS (which is, yet again like Android, linux), followed by freeBSD, but freeBSD’s market share is so small it’s more or less a rounding error, and unknown is doing better than ChromeOS.
Edit:here’s Wikipedia’s source

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What is the “unknown” OS?

Probably Linux or a mix of Linux and BSD variants that are configured to not leak what OS is used in the browser User Agent for privacy reasons.


What is the opinion of the people of Thrive about this strange species?

  • Legitimate
  • Artifact (Not Legitimate)
0 voters

Would it be possible for it to be one time, very, unusually big mutation instead of a species?

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There would have been intermediary steps between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and it wouldn’t be suprising if we found one


The thing is that there has only been a single specimen ever found, only around one specific hydrothermal vent. Chances that we managed to find the very last such “Parakaryote” are close to zero.

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I don’t know. If the intermediates are worse at filling the niches than both the eukaryotes and prokaryotes, then this one may be a species or a specimen that only recently lost a gene and half of eukaryocity alongside it.


I always wondered what intermediates of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes would be; this led me to come coin the term “inter-karyotes” some time ago. I am actually trying to play as an Eukaryote intermediate in my most recent playthroughs of Thrive. I had no idea that Parakaryote was an actual concept.


Well, we probably need more specimens to set the finding in stone.

Aaaaaah! sweep. It’s been quite a few weeks since someone completely swept the forums. Probably we can blame schools starting again considering the time of year.


You can say this.
You can even say the username and see how much you can scream it and the situation will sound logical.

On another topic, here is a picture from my project:

every point its a flower found

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Are you saying that pinging me over and over again will make this sutuation “logical”?

Btw nice collection of flowers

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have you try to yall ur name?


that working :slight_smile:


I’ve heard people also saying that my name sounds like a security warning before


doom is using his flower locator radar again



When did he use it before?