I’m aiming at posting at least 10 messages/day for now.
I think u donig great so far
u allover the place
Now changing the topic:
Should we eradicate only the mosquitos capable of drawing human blood or all blood-eating mosquitos or ALL mosquitos?
All hemophagous mosquitos
Wouldn’t then there be a risk of some of the non-hemophagous mosquitos adapting to end up becoming hemophagous?
I don’t think we should eradicate mosquitos.
Which sub-group of mosquitos do you mean? Them overall or the blood-eating ones?
I mean that I don’t think that eradicating mosquitoes, regardless of type, is somethimg we should do.
They are responsible of so many deaths every year, and they cannot even feel pain. Why would we spare these parasites?
arent musquitos pollinators? eradicating pollinator species sounds like a very terrible idea
Pollination shouldn’t come at the cost of human life. We have better alternatives to mosquitos in that field anyways, which actually do not suck blood from humans.
(We are now discussing the fate of the hemophagous mosquitos)
Well, mosquitoes cause deaths because they are vectors for diseases, as such increasing medical assistance to affected areas and possibly trying to do things like those mosquitoes that are genetically engineered to not be able to carry malaria, would be better options.
Wouldn’t it be simpler and safer to just eradicate the blood-drawing mosquitos instead of having to care so much for them as if they weren’t annoying and in many cases death-bringing parasites?
I don’t think there would be many people wanting them to stay around even if we cleansed them off their diseases anyways. Mosquitos are never going to be liked as much as bees or butterflies.
never mind how expensive that will be, but do you seriously think eradicating a bug is even gonna be that easy???
that doesn’t matter, we shouldn’t eradicate creatures because “we don’t like them”
if we did that, sharks would be extinct and oceanic ecosystems would be in utter dismay just because people started getting scared of them after watching a movie
Why is video playback disabled?
I have been summoned.
How’s life?
Honestly? Not great!
Hope it gets better :>
On the topic of eradicating insects that are probably needed for the environment, I have long held the opinion that stupid flies and mosquitos are annoying enough that if given to option to kill all of them, I’d do it, even if it caused more harm in the long run.
What if we continuously kill hemophagous mosquitos so it’s disadvantageous? I have a feeling that’d be hard to pull off in any way more effective than just having defensive bug zapper force fields around ourselves, but a more specialized idea might be breeding a mosquito strain that refused to mate with mosquitos it associated with blood.