The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

Good! I’m making my new political map too!
@OmnipotentFNarr, the Celts you told me about are from Ireland, Scotland, Wales or all of them?

I reckon they’re the ones from Scotland and Wales, you didn’t meet the Irish yet.

Here is a more or less detailed map of my federal England to come.

I wanted to make a very accurate map, but GE can’t use borders as polygons.
The other islands will be of Britannia as well, but as other nations just like in the UK (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England).

hey pentaphon, what is your religion exactly?
cuz i might make it merge with mine

@Pentaphon, i’ve seen that you write CSV when making your actions, and i want to know what that means

It’s written out here.

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It stands for “Comma Separated Values”. If you save what I wrote out in a .csv file you can open it as a spreadsheet.

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Here’s a map of future Wales in my British Conquest (doesn’t imply I’m going at war, though).

Future Wales

Future Scotland

Future Ireland


Hollow Sand trading process colorized

I was inspired by Nover’s art so I decided to make my own

ruins of bananarama

Perspective of Bizarre Pumpkin about it

Bizarre Pumpkin went to visit Bananarama. He sailed from the Nile river to it, and what he saw shocked him beyond belief.

The city was in ruins, completely unrecognizable. Once a magnificent temple for the worship of the banods, now in pieces. All that remained that was barely recognizable was a broken banana.

Looks like the mongols finally destroyed them, he thought. And it was only a matter of time too. Their leader always talked about how they were complete enemies and how he wanted to destroy them. And he was right. But there wasn’t much of a chance that he was wrong.

The mongols had far superior technology and a far higher population too, even if the Bananaraman warriors were much more blood thirsty.

He walked around some more, ignoring the burning flames around him that melted the stone of the structures that were still going on even after weeks.

He found a grave.

It read,

Rest in Bananas, Barando

He knew that name. It was the leader of the bananaramans. And he was dead. Bizarre Pumpkin noticed something on the ground, buried next to Barando, just barely peeking out of the ground.

It read,

Bizarre Pumpkin if you are reading this, I am likely to die in the next few weeks as all of my food supplies are running out and the mongols are going inside my base. I admit defeat. But the memory of Bananarama will never die. When the siege is over go ahead and take both of my other villages. They’re yours.

Bizarre Pumpkin knew what to do next now.

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Back from the dead boys


I preserved the city. The palace and temple are still intact, only the thatch houses have burned down.

Really? :thinking:
Then I’ll rewrite the story
I’ll admit I made it sound like it was in ruins to make it seem dramatic lol


When the new round will be ready

Probably today, but i’m not sure at what hour or if it will even be today

It took me some time but now i’ve completed it

Probably within 3 hours. It took Omni about 2:45 for the first half of the round

is that your language?

It’s my alphabet. It’s modified phoenician with some extra letters to fill the german alphabet.

It seems like i’ve started another thing

I am going to make my language

do you have the full alphabet to show?
is that a actual font?

Yes, it’s a font, i can show you an image of random text