The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

I usually take occasional naps to clear out stress
Like in the afternoon

I saw you guys discussing it earlier, but since you’re curious, I type my round on Google Docs, then I copy-paste it into the forums. The downside is that the line spaces are all messed up, so I have to format it every time.


Why don’t you do it in the thread or in a PM with disco or or something?

Then I would have to constantly switch between the threads, and it’s also harder to navigate when typing it out.


I guess a solution would be to have two separate tabs for the forums
One for the thread and one for the round writing :thinking:

@OmnipotentFNarr, you forgot to give a bonus for my hunters to tame wolves and my philosophers to research atomism. They were not supposed to receive -8 to their rolls since they were a group of Wintonians.

Winchester had a population of 70, which means 8 groups of 8.

@OoferDoofer No they use Halberds now. Also, I explained in the combat sheet that heavy units deal more damage to the units they are good against but receive more damage from units they are bad against.

But using a sword and shield is much more effective. It is a +8 to a +2

No, the bonuses and maluses are caluclated through total population, not village population. You didn’t have enough researchers or hunters to get a bonus so I omitted them.

That bonus is for the total combat roll, it doesn’t apply for unit on unit calculations.

But what about this then?

So it doesn’t change my bonus? Or does it make it better?

It adds to the total combat bonus, so if you use these units in combat, it gives an automatic +2, on top of the unit on unit calculations.

Also, didn’t I have Iron armours? It says I only have cloths…

Yes you do, I forgot to add it. I’ll fix that right away.

And what about this?

I wasn’t sure what you meant at the time. I always calculate the bonus and malus in proportion to total population.

Actually, I thought it was for documentation purposes, so it’s easier to split the actions.

Would there be a way to do so?

To split the bonus and malus between villages? Right now, I don’t plan on doing so.

Also, is this about creating a government to fix the issue?