The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

i dont think thats gonna give yo any bonuses though

no its germanic
celts were in france and the brit isles

I just don’t know what kind of bonuses can apply to something like that. What kind of civ are you going for? Maybe I’ll type you out as Politicist, granting a bonus in tech research and diplomacy. How’s that?

Okay how about a migrating raiders
@TeaKing germans only migrated there during the fall of rome or when the hunssar arrived and it wasnt until charlemagne that it was fully colonized

Ok so I’ll type you out as warmonger, granting a big bonus in combat and a malus in reputation. Is that good?

Okay that seems fine for now i can change it later right

Yes, it changes over time to fit your playstyle.

they gone there in 250 bc
rome didnt fall at that time

also again, this is alt history
nover started the civ around 1000 bc

But there was no reasons for them to migrate there is no hunic empire and if so it is still mostly slavic

there were norse i think that made nover’s people move to austria

Yes in this alternate history Nover’s civ migrated to escape the Norse in Scandinavia and settled in modern-day Austria.

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we have a wiki btw @positivetower

Do you have any specific backstory in mind for your civ, or do I just say you split from Scandinavia as well?

so i think we should do a second ranking thing

No im just a local germanic people living in saxony at the time

I do one soon at 1 Ad or something

also are you Golden League or Neutral

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im golden league
the non golden league part as to trick zen

oh and btw @PositiveTower
are you gonna join an alliance?
like the golden league?

Give him a break he just started lol

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im just asking if they gonna join one or not
or if they plan to

May i ask where is the wiki also what are the current allainces