The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

What does it take to be number one tho? Like what are the requirements? :thinking:

It just based on what people think but i say high population, high tech level, and a good military

there is also culture

We’re all pready!

Omni is writing the round. They are almost done. Be patient

Well, I don’t see the [writing] icon, but okay. Do you think it’s because he pre-writes stuff in a PM with the rolls?

No. It just doesn’t register I think. They have been working for about 4 hours

But how do you know?

Well I’m going to sleep

4 HOURS! This is why I stopped making forum games

Do you live in Europe @Nover452?

I think he pre writes them in a PM
If I were him I’d probably write their actions when they post one with the rolls and everything in a draft until everyone has posted an action
That way new rounds would come out faster

But it’s his choice so yea

No, but I have a strange sleep schedule

Don’t, TeaKing

Oh he didn’t reveal government secrets!

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that is not good for when people change actrions
also i did use to write the round in a pm with discobot, cuz i was a temporary game master

Omni takes a day long break between rounds to avoid overworking himself.

That’s cool!

Yeah that is one of the few flaws with doing that system of writing rounds

What’s the matter my friend?

i know where he lives

Vaguely, but yes. That’s the government secret

i also know the city

Why using the term “government secret” then?