Thrive Art Competition

Do you plan on expanding upon that world in the future or did you only create it for this entry?

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I am not sure. I initially created it only for the art competition, but I might expand upon it later on.

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Same for the world I’ve created for the previous first-landdwellers art competiton…

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Can I submit it here?


Lumenallicerus Trifolia is a sessile organism that inhabits the deselate arctic deserts and tundra landscapes.
This organism can survive the cold temperatures between -20 °C and 0 °C thanks to it’s little size and small surface. Desite it’s resemblance to Earth’s plants, this species are actually more of an organic colony, similarly to fungi.
To compensate living in a dark enviroments tens of kilometers away from it’s closest relatives, Lumenallicerus Trifolia developed an unique pollination mechanism — it attracts the pollinators (analogue of Earth’s insects) using bioluminescent light signals on the end of it’s leaves.


Nice art! But how come does this fungi get it’s nutrients?

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it has a large root system underneath the earth, like mycelium.


Are there any “plants” living in that area too?

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I don’t really know.


Maybe it feeds on the detritus left over by “animals” passing by?

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(This was translated through a translator, so I apologize in advance for my English)
Makhrine race - creatures living in the subglacial ocean of the icy moon of a rogue planet. Existing under kilometers of ice, these creatures are unable to receive a single ray of light from the outside, so they rely almost entirely on echolocation for orientation. However, one can notice that they have some kind of eyes, capable of seeing in the visible and infrared spectrums. Infrared vision helps in hunting, but the ability to see in the visible spectrum is needed to see the light from bioluminescence. In this world, bioluminescence was used for various purposes, but the predatory clade, which includes the Makhrine, used sequential signals of light as a means of coordination during pack hunting. The semi-intelligent Makhrine, presumably on the Awakening stage, went even further and developed their own language from this ability, reminiscent of Morse code and using a sequence of flashes. They use flexible appendages near their mouths, developed from their jaws, as manipulators, and are already capable of using primitive tools made from bones and shells. Perhaps one day they will be able to break through kilometers of ice and conquer the vast emptiness of space… (oh my god, these are underwater civilizations)


Do there exist the vents on this moon?


of course, and they could probably use it to smeltl the meltl


Only weak meltals can be smeltal’d in the vents through…

Alright, time for my own submission

“Caecoreptus genus achieved a success in colonizing the land habitats of the diverse caves of it’s planet’s crust, soon reaching new aquifiers located in biomes alien to the primordial ocean below. Some of the highest-up, still pressurized caves would make those strange creatures crawl ontop of snow, sporadically being renewed by “clouds” forming near the cave ceilings far above. In this new realm, where cold was a serious threat, a new species emerged to cope with the frost - and predate upon it’s former brethen. Indicufrigus Inlisus learnt to go and sit on the edges of the warm cracks from which useful gasses pour. Even through it still retains the ability to eat the chemosynthetic colonies, this species is known for it’s tendency to strike and pierce through members of smaller Caecoreptus descendants, including younger members of it’s own species, with their enlarged limb claws, which have returned, atleast partially, to their original, predatory purpose.”


Shhhh. Don’t tell this to anyone else! (After realizing that this entire conversation is visible on the Thrive Discord :worried:).


Eh, I don’t think many observe it in the blue realm…

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If only everything on Discord was blue…

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Well, the app icon indeed is azure. Through the app itself is, for most, dark within…

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better late than uh, never, again.

one of the major habitability problems in gas giant moons is that the biosphere will have little to no time to adapt to the chaotic, sudden and rare climate shifts that it can suffer. One of the most impactful ones happened just after terrestrial fauna seemed to had start thriving, and it was almost completely destroyed in a matter of centuries, due to an cold, unforgiving and harsh ice age. luckly, some few land dwellers still survived - species that already know how to deal with extreme temperatures, and they tried their best to live in this almost completely new world. the ice caps tripled size, which resulted in larger landmasses for them to live - almost like someone gave them a single gift, admist this desolate period.
things obviously weren’t near good either. food was scarse, and one species had to develop jaws with a protuberance so they can dig through the snow with it in search of food. one of them is finally returning home, but with just a little of food. they don’t know if that will be enough to raise their coming babies. and worse - winter is getting closer. at least, dying of hunger during hibernation wouldn’t be so painful as it would be while awaken.


Great art! Guess more AC series are being continued…

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Thrive Art Contest - Freezing Point:snowflake:

We are glad to announce that the art contest has come to the end and we received 13 great submissions!

Thanks to everyone who decided to participate and submitted their artworks and descriptions of their species.

Now it’s time to choose the winner! Vote for your top 3 favorite artworks to help decide the champions!

1 - Rehtom Ruoy - Cryomedusa Glacialis
2 - Abroba com leite - Terribilisdens Ingens
3 - kefkorr - lacalep
4 - A secret pirate artist - Naktabba
5 - Zorkman: Retired Dev and Mod - oquana
6 - Lanky Giraffe - boreworm on Aktar
7 - PesterJest - brine crawler
8 - AnthropocenianAge - Psychrosquamus plagahamil
9 - Trappist1e - species deal with extreme temperatures
10 - aah31415 - Caecoreptus genus
11 - Overane_Aempero - Makhrine race
12 - woejoe - Lumenallicerus Trifolia
13 - The Squid Lord - Systepitain glacideruptus

Choose up to 3 submissions you like!
  • 1 - Rehtom Ruoy
  • 2 - Abroba com leite
  • 3 - kefkorr
  • 4 - A secret pirate artist
  • 5 - Zorkman: Retired Dev and Mod
  • 6 - Lanky Giraffe
  • 7 - PesterJest
  • 8 - AnthropocenianAge
  • 9 - Trappist1e
  • 10 - aah31415
  • 11 - Overane_Aempero
  • 12 - woejoe
  • 13 - The Squid Lord
0 voters