Thrive Development Polls

I think they should all be revealed, but some are unselectable. Their names and tooltips would be legible. There would be an extra tooltip saying that the part is locked and describing how to unlock it.


I think that if locked parts are completely hidden, it’d simulate the fact that it is difficult to imagine species elsewhere in the universe, but from the point of view of the player’s species.

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A big part behind this idea, is making the game more accessible to new players. If on the first editor cycle there are only 3-4 choices to make, it will be much more friendly looking. For this reason it’s a bit of a must that that at least some of the organelles are initially hidden and not even visible in the menu to guide the player towards the couple of choices they have.


@Buckly just posted a poll about the interface color scheme in Discord.


I answered “smooth theme” because it’s more appealing. However, I prefer bright colors.


does anyone have larger version of those images as i can’t see them

Here you are:




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Since a lot of the difference looks related to a matter of contrast and saturation, I wonder if it would be of interest to allow the player to customize different parts of the hub. Like for example, make the bottom right take up more or less of the screen, or make the colours more vibrant or saturated. Kind of like Battlefield 4 if anyone has ever played that, where you can alter the size of your health & ammo section and your minimap, and the transparency for either one of them.

This would be pretty minor at a stage like this, but when a minimap starts becoming a possibility or when icons start showing up on your screen, that level of customisation could be beneficial.

Either one of the pictures options works well though.

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I personally find the smooth colours harder to read at a glance. In general putting super smooth colours in GUI doesn’t seem like such a bright idea to me. GUI’s primary purpose is to give you information as quickly as possible, not look pretty.

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Pun intended?

Does ‘Sentiant’ sound like someone who doesn’t intend puns to you?


You seem like an ant to me

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I mean, as long as the game doesn’t have multiplayer, you can just ignore it. /hj


Late Multicellular

So, I am not in the development team but I made a feature that increases speed depending on the amount of muscle cells in your organism body.

Should I send pull request
  • Pull request
  • No pull request
0 voters

By the way, speed is not capped.

Edit: This is likely to be replaced in the future, but may be fun whilst the stage is still a prototype.


I also had an idea of suggesting the temporary addition of flat speed increase for myofibril until focus shifts to multicellular.


Okay, I’ll send pull request because democracy.

Sorry @Evolution4Weak .

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