like just evolving a earth tree with legs. that sounds scary
Good thing we don’t need a human sized brain, thank you cats, for being so smart with such a small brain.
yes cats are lovely little guys
I just think it’s funny how they can understand us, being around them their entire life, but a 12 year old still has no idea what a cat is saying even if they grew up with it. Some food for thought.
Edit: Even crows can learn our language, I think that we are just bad at cross species communication, while everyone else is looking at us like: “OMG lol, they can’t even understand what we’re saying, are they stupid,”
Well, cats and especially dogs were quite literally bred to understand us.
You got your orders missed up, we were bred to understand cats
we were the failed experiment, but at least they got obedience down, doesn’t matter what a cat does to you, you will never put it down, but if a dog bites you ONCE, no matter what you were doing to it, it goes to the slaughter house.
In other words:
If a cat hurts you, you did something wrong,
If a dog hurts you, it’s a dirty little B%^#@ that needs to die.
why are you talking about dogs and cats in plantoid species topic
The plant didn’t evolve legs, because it evolved from something that already had legs.
Talking of motile plants, maybe we can use the walking forests of South America as inspiration. There is a type of tree I know as the Walking Palm (idk if that is its actual name, or if it is even a palm tree) that, over the course of a few years, sends out new roots to a spot with more sunlight, lifting up its old roots and moving the whole tree inch by inch to the new spot.
A species such as this could be the ancestors for moving plants, maybe a species in a jungle or similar area with still some access to sunlight but mostly blocked by the canopy. This small plant uses it’s roots to move to areas of better sunlight, but it also lacks some necessary resources to grow because of the abundance of plants in every area drawing in the same resources.
As such, it must find a new food source, and one option would be to become a scavenger. Send roots into nearby carcasses to absorb nutrients before they are absorbed into the ground and into other plants. To do this more effectively, it would need to become faster, getting to the carcasses before other scavengers get to it or it decomposes. To do this effectively, it would likely need another source of energy, and might begin absorbing more and more of the scavenged creatures for energy as well as the nutrients it needed in the first place.
This could potentially lead to more and more motile plants to try and find carcasses before they can decompose or being absorbed by other organisms. They would still use photosynthesis in between hunts for carcasses. This new source of energy could also allow for a new abundance of energy, like that required to have higher thought for example
from animal? if so, it would also take, probably much more, to evolve photosynthesis since plants and animals are different kingdoms.
(btw i was talking generally about plants that can move)
There actually are a handful of species on our planet that are animals that have acquired photosynthesis, mostly through kleptoplasty, such as the leaf sheep sea slug and some salamander species, or through symbiosis, like some kinds of corals
post must be at least 20 letters long
edit: they are still animals rather than motile plants
Well actually on most planets there probably isn’t a clear line that defines the difference between plant and animal.
Edit: and this is “plantoid”, not completely just a plant, and iit does seem like a motile plant if it dosen’t need to eat.
species are classified to specific kingdom by characteristics such as: cell structure, mode of nutrition, body structure and probably lifestyle.
Theres really no point arguing, this says plantoid, and I came up with something plantoid, it dosen’t matter at all what you classified it as, it evolved from a a 6 legged creature that could photosynthesise, and it could to.
oh, i didnt realize we are still talking about your creature.
(creature design is quite cool)
Thanks! I thought you were saying that it had to evolve from a plant or animal, and that it couldn’t direcly evolve from a photosynthesising cell.
in thrive you build your organism from a single cell so plantoids might actually be possible.
in previous posts i was kinda wondering how could plantoids exist on Earth considering how advanced life already is now
Wdym? Plenty of plantoids exist on earth.
Edit: or you could say PLANTY of them exist on earth.