Thrive's Mysterious Vending Machine

Receive:Why dont you do it yourself
Insert:So did it bend?

Receive: yes

Insert: upstate new york

Receive:Did you mean:Update New York

Receive: broken translator

Insert: i did mean “upstate new york”

Receive:Did you mean:I did mean update new york?
Insert:A question

Receive: anwsering a question with another one

Insert: This Is Big Enough


Receive: Deja Blue

Insert: my face

Receive: Your Body

Receive: Ping

Insert: Internet Explorer

Receive: Google Chrome
Insert: Canned Tuna

Receive: chunky tuna

Insert: Belgium Your Ears

Receive:ear raping communist theme

Receive: Revolution = Communism

Insert: french revolution

Receive:revolutionary games
Insert:communist revolutionary games

Receive: revolution communisty games

Insert: i forgot the insert

Receive:i also forgot the insert
Bloody hell

Receive: :joy::gun:

Insert: the emoji movie

Receive:non-stop advertising
Insert:free games

Receive: flash games

Insert: food fight (the movie)