Thrive's Mysterious Vending Machine

Receive: a monty python silly police poster

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You receive a clipboard.

Inserts 10 tons of steel.

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Receive a German Panzer

Insert: The Roman Empire

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Receive: 10 ton of feathers
Insert:a Clipboard

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Receive: instant response

Insert: 51st American state

Receive: OIL!

Insert: instant response

You receive delayed messaging (I don’t know what you were expecting there friend.)

Inserts UY Scutti

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Receive: SCIENCE!


Receive: Broken radio station

Insert: Hydrothermal vents

You receive smeltled meltle

Inserts a soda bottle

Receive recycling plant

Insert Oliveriver

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You recieve dank beatsies

Insert a map of the world in 1914

Receive map of the world in 1939

Insert Dengean Dynasties

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Receive the Commonwealth
Insert betrayal

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Receive paranoia
Insert yellow piano

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You receive a green harpsacord.

Inserts wood shavings.

Receive a forest fire

Insert Crusader Kings II for free on Steam for two days (I haven’t been taken over by bots yet)

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Receive a massive addiction, and an empty wallet due to dlc.

Input the entire Norse pantheon

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Receive a crusade

Insert a broken DLC based in China

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Recieve bicycle divisions [wrong game?]

Insert British Empire, Circa 1922

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