[TOTW] Most Desired Features for 0.4.1 and the Future!

What about random environment situation? for example temeprature variation, amount of solar energy, and other different types of particles that can modify evolution but so force you do go in different ways, or you can resist by moving around and escape, so some kind of strategic decision about what to do

I want pili and cell walls. And many bugfixes.


I made a post on the dev forums about this so I’ll copy my ideas here too.

  1. Foreground texturing. Like the background, a few translucent layers above the layer of microbes and compounds.

  2. More active differences between biomes. Right now the only difference is the background, but I assume it’s not too difficult to change individual compound spawn rates for each biome. This should make the game more tactical as players can choose to stick with a biome or change to a new one, even if this switching system is overhauled by a patch-based system in future.

  3. Persistant light spots. Chloroplasts in these light spots would work more quickly. Could also be tied to the above as they’d be more common in lighter biomes.

  4. Bioluminescent organelles. We already have the editor icon for them, and while they don’t serve a gameplay purpose yet, it would be a cool visual addition to cells.

  5. Bump up the role of cell inertia and change how fast cells can move with and without flagella. At the moment there’s little advantage to adding flagella as the speed difference isn’t considerable. I would like to see it so that flagella-less cells are more or less stationary, at least at some point. Until currents are added this wouldn’t be fun at all, so for now cells should still move at some rate without flagella, but only with flagella will they actually be able to turn and move effectively.

  6. More readability of reproduction and health. There’s very little going on to tell me how close I am to entering the editor unless I watch all my organelles closely.


What even is the purpose of bioluminescence in microbiology terms?
In not-microbiology, iirc they’re for ambush purposes, and perhaps mate attracting. Would it be the same in microbiology?

compound clouds because seriously i can’t find any at all

Do you perhaps have an AMD graphics card? (or APU)


darn guess im screwed on this matter

Actually bioluminescent organelles would be good if: you could attract other creatures (maybe ones who have chloroplasts and need light) , provide light in the abyss or something (unlikely since cells dont have eyes) or it could be useful in later stages so you can make a firefly or angle fish

(on a side note i was reading the wiki and it said in the future you could customize cell appearence with color so when that and bioluminescent organelles are implemented maybe you could have colored light)

Cells can detect light with eye spots, so, its totally fine.

Oh great! So yeah maybe the abyss has limited vision and bioluminesence can help you see better

I have looked into this in the past. There are some uses.
Dinoflagellates use it to evade predators so i suppose, if your predator has a eye spot (pretty common in microbes) and dislikes light (also common, also known as photophobia) perhaps bioluminescence can be useful to that single celled organism
But only in that rather specific situation, or if there are lots of things with eye spots around
(From an article: Bioluminescence is used to evade predators and acts as a type of burglar alarm defense mechanism in dinoflagellates. Dinoflagelletes produce light when the deformation of the cell by minute forces triggers its luminescence. When the cell is disturbed by a predator, it will give a light flash lasting 0.1 to 0.5 seconds. The flash is meant to attract a secondary predator that will be more likely to attack the predator that is trying to consume the dinoflagellate. The light flash also makes the predator jump and worry about other predators attacking it, making the predator less likely to prey on the dinoflagellate.)

It has also been hypothesized that enteric bacteria (bacteria that survive in the guts of organisms) - employ bio-luminescence as an effective form of distribution. The bio-luminescence of bacteria thereby ensures their survival, persistence, and dispersal as they are able to enter and inhabit other organisms. So if that bacteria can survive in a microbe with an eye spot (or benefits from attracting photophillic microbes (cells that are attracted to light) ), or there are multicellular things around, that also works.


great i can only imagine the gameplay now.

Would an in-game cladogram be foreseeable? Especially if/when the game starting with a single eukaryote becomes a thing.

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Nice posts everyone. @Mitobox I did a little work on a clade diagram generator so hopefully we can do that at some point, though I don’t think it’s such a priority.

@TheXenomorphian I like the idea of counterplay between eye-spots and bioluminescnce. So you can use like to attract cells with eyespots, maybe that’s because you want to eat them (angler fish style) or because you are under attack and need help as @Untrustedlife mentioned. I think maybe we need to save this until we have all the biomes seperated out as it would need to be dark to work well I think. @Dak28 I think it’s a good idea to seperate out the biomes now as I agree it adds a lot of choice and depth to the game.

@Silverstorm Pilli sounds like a really popular one so that’s good, I think it should add a lot too. Cell walls we sort of already have but it would be nice to make them into a proper feature.

@blackjacksike I think saving and loading is difficult though I totally agree it’s important in the long run. I agree about organelle descriptions, I’d like it to be really easy to know what everything is.


Cool diagram as a suggestion maybe related species should have similar colors (though they do branch out over time to create new species from one so my suggestion is kinda pointless)

pilli is also one i would be excited to have

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Audio controls and a pause button.
I don’t really know enough about microbes to suggest specific game features, but having a variety of builds you can go for seems like a good approach to replayability in this stage.

Modify controls.
I have AZERTY which makes the game pretty much unplayable unless I bother to change the keyboard layout in windows config.


A Creative Mode Or Free Build Mode

Faster Start Time or More Indication That The Game Started


Once we get an options menu we’ll also include key rebinding.

Could be funny to have a leading system?

I mean, cells can comunicate with a kind of chemical signal. With evolution could be great to have a cell, that can perform orders, communicate with other cell of same species, commands could be like:

  1. Follow me
    - level 1: following cell follow you at first stage of follow me
    -level 2: following cell follow you and shot to target that you shot too
    - level 3: following cell will perform all previus orders and will act as guard, killing enemy automatically that
    are near you.

The main idea of theese command is to give ability to conquer an area that we think is important for our evolution, maybe it will be a mistake, because giving this order cost a lot of compunds and atp or you might be loose battle against other cells, but if you conquer a good compounds area it definitively worth.

  1. Go find:
    - glucose
    - ammonia
    - other compunds…
    Depending on storage capacity command cells can bring a vacuole expell it and give you that compunds
    - environment specific area: you could ask to find area with particolar temperature, light ecc…

Theese kind of command are for apporach more passive, adaptive, less agressive of follow me order, can be risky to spend energy and compounds because maybe you will not find anything, but can be useful if you face a lot of enemy cells that cannot be killed, just emigrate and find new area, growth and evolve :slight_smile:

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