Unofficial Thrive Forum Game Competition 2

Is not like pedes will just die, they will be something like scavenger-predator in the meanwhile.

You don’t have the whole apparatus to eat others yet

what need to do to get that type?
ctreae endoptosis?

u need lysosome and this other thing that allows you to engulf things

What are your modifier?

Vacuole, Lysosome, Phagocytosis

lysosome may be used as vacuole i think

You need Vacuole to get lysosome i think

guy got lysosome before vacuole

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You need vacuole, lysossomes, endoplasmatic reticuculum and a way or to engulf the prey or something like a predatory pillus. In my first attempt a player tried doing something like spore venom clouds and eat like a spider (digest outside of the body and absorb)

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doomlight, round 1, “lysozome”

it’s written on the rulebook that you can find at the first post

I didn’t bother to correct doomlightining at round 1 because them failed the dice so it didn’t matter

what if it didn’t fail?

I would give vacuoles and explain that you need it to get lysossomes.
If he got a super mutation he would have gotten both vacuole and lysossomes

Evolve: Some sort of Eyespot

you are unicellular dude

and you live in darkness

Would you like something like chemorreceptors? I think it would better than some other kinds of sensorial organelles.

There exist unicellular organism’s with eyespots