What is missing for replayability of Thrive (in my opinion)

  1. Changing conditions and adaptation to them. You can create the perfect organism and not change it for generations, while calmly weeding out or even displacing other organisms. With the introduction of changing environmental conditions and adaptation to them, you can no longer just play a tried and tested build. For example, volcanoes and supervolcanoes, which will limit the amount of light to 20 lux (for one generation) and significantly increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the biome where the eruption occurred, or in all surface biomes respectively.
  2. Part placement strategy. Currently, the player can place a cell part anywhere and it will not affect its stats. Adding a value to where the organelle is placed will add strategic depth to the game.
  3. Specialization buff. Mixotrophy is currently much stronger than specialization on one type of nutrition, both for the player and for auto-evo species (even despite the mishe algorithm). I think we should increase the bonuses from specialization (give predators more glucose, make specialization on only one type of autotrophic nutrition profitable).
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That’s not true through? If you place parts all around your cell, it’s speed will be rather slow.


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If so I want to bring up one point:

Adding a tailored mechanic to only organisms with a chloroplast would be cool, say for example, introducing an optimal color depending on the characteristics of your star to conduct photosynthesis. However, adding a system affecting all organisms - tracking their tolerance to sunlight for example - offers a lot more value to the game, providing more replayability for players across different environmental ranges.

Which people who regularly read the community forums should find pretty interesting…


That’s a feature which will most likely come with environmental tolerances.

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1: Changing conditions are already a thing.
2: Not only where you place your part, but sometimes even which way you turn it, effect your speed and turning differently.
3: I have mixed feelings about this one. Personally I think the answer is more miches. Example: A miche for sulfer but not iron, a miche for iron but not sulfer, and a miche for both sulfer and iron. But that can wait a while. I think the current miche system, while it could use improving later, is at least sufficient for moving forward to more important things.


Next release will most likely finally have a fix for sulfur chunk eating miche not existing:


Kind of funny that not so long ago iron chunks were the only chunks in existance. Now we have a few more types…