Word association game

social justice warriors being cringe karens


Cannons (on a pirate ship?)


Ancient Chinese scientists


Bat Poo (Guano) (an ingredient of gunpowder)

Nitrogen cycle

No, guano can be turned into saltpeter that then is used in gunpowder (note that saltpeter can also be made from calcium nitrate which is a mineral that can be mined)

Yeah that’s what I meant, I was typing it quickly and forgot that step lol

I am going with gunpowder

The roads not taken*

anceint china and statues

Terracotta army and raising the dead/never alive to begin with using dark magic

necromancers and the game diablo

The Hell

Hell sirens from everywhere at the end of time

Highway to hell

Brimstone and Sulfur

stone age chinese gunpowder and jupiter

The storm on jupiter