I think that adds too much visual clutter, but if you can make a mockup design, I’d like to see it.
It’s a bit messed up currently, with the cloud brightness maxing out at a pretty low value, so the same looking cloud can result in very different compound amounts, and the only way to tell between them is the compound amount text.
We talked about on stream what extra info we want to add to the ATP balance bars.
Wait until we implement an actual algorithm for adapting the species to their environment. As currently only the immediate darwinian effects (like cells dying on screen) and a random number affect the populations, which do help a bit to weed out species that just constantly dies.
That is the dynamic tooltips. The game does in fact show how much photosynthesis your chloroplast can do in the current patch (at least tylakoid should work, there could be a bug with chloroplasts) and it even shows you the current light level that caused the process efficiency
I think that the pilus should be made more effective against engulfment, so that even small cells could somewhat easily block attackers with it.
We haven’t really put much thought into it. I’ve just been using the random evo numbers untrustedlife added and those are so that a species gets between -500 and 500 population added each cycle.
Definitely making the population numbers accross the player and AI species to be consistent is a good goal.
The process amounts were tweaked to balance the game, but once we moved to variable rate ticks the balance has gone off a bit.
Making organelles locked before they are useful is planned:
Glucose is set to decrease every editor cycle.
I might be wrong, but I think that the lower patches and the cave have more iron and hydrogen sulfide, so there is a difference between going to the surface or staying at the bottom.
Once again if there are any potential game designers reading this, I would accept analyzing all these effects and making concrete updated designs as sample work for joining the team.