0.5.1 Feedback Thread

Those are probably the stored toxins in the cell that get released.

We’ve done some pretty big changes to the spawn system, so hopefully 0.5.2 will be better in this regard.

I’m waiting for a proper auto-evo algorithm (and some feedback for the player in the editor) before enabling auto-evo for the player species.

I think you are the first to notice. I know that there are some way more visible lines in one of the biome backgrounds.

Also, welcome back to the forums.


I’d say that iron was also very common in Earth’s beginning. As to the reason for glucose reduction, it’s because as new species branch off the first one, more glucose is eaten away, which should force the player to find alternate sources of glucose rather than clouds. Here are some ways to get glucose:

  • Eat other cells
  • Rely on hydrogen sulphide for glucose production (chemosynthesis)
  • Rely on photosynthesis (not working for now, it will be fixed in a future release)
  • Rely on thermosynthesis (not implemented yet)

For ammonia, there’s only one alternative to clouds: nitrogen-fixing. Phosphate doesn’t have any alternative for now.

Otherwise, welcome back to Citadel Station the forums!

I think u should create a button like g where u can kill cells but its more efficeint like you take their parts and there should be an organel that creates phosphates.

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taking the parts of cells and adding them to your own would be waaaaaay too op


I agree with teaking here, that would just be ridiculously over powered

If that ever happens, there should be a some kind of cooldown for it and it should use a lot of your ATP.

Or perhaps other cells should be capable of that as well

I thought that was already implemented, but it takes too much power away so you only put yourself at risk.
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wait nvm u can already just press g when the parts of a dead cell float around then you can take them lol

oh, that was what you meant

Could the devs finish microbe stage soon like in 5.3 or something i need to see the organism editor and the actuall game.

the microbe stage will be finished in 1.0.0
also, they cant just finish the game in just a month
they have lives, and creating a game isnt easy, and will take time
especially if the people working on it dont have a lot of time to work on the game.


The devs cant just finish. They have to create a huge scale of game, and there are only a few very active members. This is an enormous undertaking, and it is quite an accomplishment that they have even made it here. I am sure the game will speed up and the multicellular stage might be started before this time next year. patience is key to this sort of thing.


Exactly. This game is very ambitious and the devs can’t just magically program all the aspects of the microbe stage in one day, let alone one year. Especially with a team as small as Revolutionary Games with so few active members, and remember a lot of them are still in school so that makes even less time to work on Thrive.

Honestly we should feel lucky to live in a universe where the developers of Thrive continue to persevere even after all this time.


ik it takes alot of time i bet it will jump from like 6.5 to 9.1 maybe

Not really. It would jump from 6.5 to 7.1 each number doesn’t actually mean much except how many releases there have been. After 0.9.0 there could be 0.10.0, then 0.11.0

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Even if all of the current active programmers (about 5 people) worked 16 hour days for a month straight, we couldn’t finish the microbe stage. Though, we might get close to finishing all the current issues on Github and shorter term roadmap items. We might even hit a situation where there aren’t enough finished planned game features for programmers to work on.

This is extremely unrealistic to expect from programmers who volunteer their time to thrive, this would be even unrealistic to expect from a professional game development team to crunch so hard.

That’s why donating on Patreon is important. It encourages new developers to join the team. I might get a job soon and earn enough to donate.