0.5.9 Release Canditate Testing

Due to the way this is currently modelled, having a multiplier less than 1 could lead to you gaining population from death. This would need slightly more thought if it were implemented.

That’s why there’s a difficulty customisation screen. :wink:

This is a consequence of the spawn system rework. Densities for chunks now have an entirely different meaning, so I think this is fine, but I would appreciate other people looking it over.

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Good question. I’m not sure exactly, but here’s some quick ideas that may or may not work :). On easy mode, other cells could mostly ignore the player cell, or if they do react to the player, they’d do so slowly and only when the player is very close. They could also move in an inefficient wavy pattern and stop frequently. This would make it easier to catch or flee other cells.

On hard, cells could flee or chase you from further away and gang up on you. They could also be aware of their pili and always turn them towards you. They could be more accurate with their toxins. Their aggression trait could be more likely to tend toward the higher end of the spectrum. They could be more likely to fight you even if they’re smaller than you.

True! I love the customization screen and have already found some settings fitting to my tastes.

Interesting. In other biomes iron density seemed to have stayed the same as previously (when looking from the patch map). I checked out the biomes.json file and there too big iron chunk density is smaller in Cave and Ice Shelf than in other biomes, even though it used to be the other way around. The density also felt smaller while playing.


Ok, so I couldn’t find any way of downloading 7zip on Mac that didn’t seem shady (possible computer virus). I decided to try The Unarchiver instead and now it appears that the system doesn’t say that “Thrive” is damaged, but it just crashes instantly. I’ll send you a raport of the bug(?) in a private message.
Edit: and here.

Thrive_Prerelase_Crash_on_MacOS - Pastebin.com

Please send it here, but use a hidden details so it doesn’t clog up the thread.

Also you can get 7zip through homebrew on mac, but requires using the terminal.

Edit: also if you are thinking of sending the Apple’s crash report thing, don’t. Those are entirely useless.

Found another bug: Occasionally the back button for the options and the game settings menu breaks, and pressing it does nothing. I don’t know how to reproduce this bug or what causes it, but you should eventually come across this bug if you restart the game enough times.

I’ll just make a summary of all the bugs that I have currently found

  • AI can’t engulf (Looks like this one is fixed on the master branch)

  • Moving to a patch after going extinct will cause the population in the patch you move into to drop to zero (Even if you had much more). This also makes you unable to save due to the game thinking you’re extinct

  • Back button occasionally breaking in options and game settings menu

I’m pretty sure it currently doesn’t show info about any chunks (as technically the easter egg is a chunk).

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I also think it would be great if it had an AI and moved around. Always static as it is, it looks dead… although I would understand if there were technical limitations with that (I wouldn’t imagine chunks can have an AI currently, either).

Ai does move around…

It would certainly be possible, but since it was a last-minute feature added right before we entered the release phase, there wasn’t time for it.

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I suggest you read my post more attently. Yes, AI does move around fine. I’m not positive, however, chunks have it.

Chunks move with the current, they dont need an ai, they spawn with a movement variable, so what you state is implemented already.

Jeez… have you actually played the RC and found the easter egg Spore cell? Do you seriously think the water currents are sufficient to make it look lively and not dead as a rock?

It was very clearly dead all three times I saw it

that thing broke the laws of the universe, obviously it’s dead

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i can’t seem to be able to go to cheat even if i press f6
edit: oh, i didn’t have cheat keys enabled

macroscopic thermosynthesizer

It seems as if the cilia part in the microbe stage states that it costs 100 when you hover over it, but 48 in the actual UI

edit: same with all the other parts, except the predatory pilus. The predatory pilus states it costs 87 when you hover over it…

New engulf seems a bit broken. In addition to everything already mentioned, I have a few problems that are difficult to replicate.

  • Player cells that are too small (<8 hexes?) cannot engulf proteins/organelles even if small microbes that contain those organelles can be engulfed. Organelles freed during digestion are spit out. Relatively easy problem to reproduce.

  • Proteins/organelles sometimes get spit out even if they can be engulfed. Happens not just with undigestibles (WAI), but also organelles containing compounds you use and are not full on. Seems to be related to size and how many organelles you are trying to engulf at once, but not necessarily your ingestible matter limit, as it happens even if they do not exceed it. (And all of the recently-eaten ones are ejected, not just the excess. Makes it basically impossible to feed if there’s too much food around you.)

  • Player cell sometimes takes repeated damage for a few seconds upon engulfing a microbe. Seems to happen randomly. It is not caused by an ATP deficit, and I don’t think it’s related to oxytoxy (unless non-toxy organelles are randomly releasing poison). There doesn’t appear to be any consistency between which individuals/species do and don’t damage me.

I have some other gripes, but they belong in a different thread.

This should be fixed in the upcoming release build.

The size of floating organelles (in terms of code not visual) are different and usually higher than what’s used for the microbes, which is why they can’t seem to be engulfed, though this can probably be made consistent I think, not sure. Organelles being spit out maybe because they contain undigestible compounds, there has been some changes regarding this in the upcoming release build so it should happen rarely.

This should also be fixed, it was indeed a bug where a check for too many things engulfed at once is broken in the code.

Damage happening after engulfing something should be related to toxic cells, it’s just not possible otherwise. Also each cells may contain different amount of OxyToxy NT and the amount of this affect how long it damages. For example I think it should be possible for oxytoxy-containing cell to be not damaging at all when you engulf it if it doesn’t contain any toxic compounds.


Tidepools should only be able to connect to coastal regions, because a tidepool going straight to an epipelagic region dosent make much sense, because how could a tidepool be near an area thats not near a coast?